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i have in fact eaten (regular ) mushrooms that have gone a bit brown mushy spotted, you know, in salad or what have you. i do not quite know the name of these, but do know they are like any i have had before; long skinny with slightly orangish caps, bluish in places....
if the mold is white it is quite possible that it is mold from the mushroom itself.
Hmmm......white fungal mould on your shrooms, ey...? That happened to mine a few times when I first started gethering them. As Mr Smith said, "if in doubt, throw them out." I've gotta agree. It's the same saying I've used for many-a-year. One time, many years back, I ended up having to throw nearly 30,000 of them away because of my own stupidity and lack of care and attention. I was furious with myself and haven't repeated that stupid act since!

But like Mr Smith's says - if in doubt, throw them out.
skoeip a dit:
if the mold is white it is quite possible that it is mold from the mushroom itself.

That is what I just wanted to say. The shrooms prduce mycelium themselves when they are kept dark and moist. Like in a grow-box when there's a mushroom growing inside the box that you can't harvest, it will eventually turn itself into some kind of mycelium again.

As long as it is not either green or brown, or smells really bad, I think you can still eat it. However I wouldn't bet on it, it's on your own risk!
I have a grow box of cubensis amazonian for 13 days now. From day 7 or 8 I could see a fee little mushrooms. But they are still very short and don't grow as i want them to grow (6 days and about 2 or 3 cm). the temperature is fine (22 and 22.5), enough light ( not direct sunshine offcourse).
everything looks fine. But the mushroom dosent grow.
Today I saw some little gray/green stains? on some mushrooms (sie picture please). The mushrooms smells good (very good) and the mycelium looks healthy and white (not greenish or other bad colors). Whay dosent mushrooms grow? I have an ezgrow kit from Amsterdam (i am from holland).
I spray de kit slighty every other day with water. (as the instruction says).
Please, Can Somebody Help Me?
Looks like you have the same problem I got once. The shrooms die before the can reach their final height. Do they have enough air? You say you open the box every other day to spray them with water. I think you should open it at least once a day and give them a lot fresh air.

According to your box, I would suggest that you remove all the ugly mushrroms with those white stuff on the hats. They will die anyway. If there are also healthy shrooms in it, let them to finish growing. if not, put the box under water again and start from new. I am very sure you will have further flushes! Healthy flushes!

Hopefully ;)

Have fun!
What is your humidity like? Also as notes above, they need air.
Stop spraying them and give them more fresh air.
If you have them covered then leave the cover open just a crack.

All those kits advise you to give way too much water and humidity than is actually necessary. That's what causes all the green molds and nasty parasites that ruin batches of tasty fungi.
i have a few jars which are nearly or a bit more than halfway covered with mycelium. In one jar, all of the mycelium is perfectly white except for at 2 points right beside each other where the mycelium comes in physical contact with the side of the jar, and it's a little bit yellowed this

is this a matter of concern or is it normal?
i just wanna know so i can remove that jar asap
It is most likely excess water and not contamination. You should be fine. A picture would help, but odds are its excess water.

peace & love
Hi, my mushrooms that i dried yesterday seem to be very blue by now, they weigh only 3 gr. band they came from 30 gr.
I guess this is normal, but does it also mean they lost some potency?
the blue color is the psilocibin. as far as i know, that and the weight in a dried state doesn't mean they lost any potency. :)
Hey, thanks Brain Eater!
I learned something new today. I can't believe I didn't realize that shit for as much as I trip. Guess its because I don't see them as often as my pot and usually eat them right after I buy them.
Yea, wtf huh?
What's that all about?

(Ok, i actually clicked on the second link, the girl in the 3d pic and the girl in the last (the same girl) are cuties though.)
BrainEater a dit:
the blue color is the psilocibin

Well it's not totally right. yes it seems psilocybin turns blue while transforming in psilocyn but i also read that, in psilocybe family, it is because of a simple enzyme, not because of the psychoactive molecule.

A lot of mushrooms turn blue where they are hurt and you can't conclude of the presence of psychoactive stuff. It is just because of an oxydation.

So the : " more blue equal stronger " is a legend.

The blue color can only allow to identificate some schrooms in some conditions.
plenty of sources say cobweb should be combated with lowering humidity + some h202.

if both were done, and cob web goes away, but mycelium seems dormant?


Currently, the situation that is in question would be of a mycobag inside a terrarium with water, that has an under-pad heater. (it stays relatively warm ~85°) and is extremely humid... perhaps too humid?
Lower humidity will stall growth. But H2O2 will kill Cobweb. If it's in a bag and sealed, the humidity should remain high. You can also prevent cobweb with more FAE. Looks like you're going to have to open the bag and spray with peroxide. The myc will recover from the peroxide.
way ahead of you, in thought.

but uh, FAE? what is this?