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Cannabis shows promise as treatment for swine flu

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Psyolopher
  • Date de début Date de début


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
1 632
Here we have some interesting things happening.
Sure hope u can smoke weed when u get infected with this genocide!
Cannabis could alleviate many of the symptoms and harmful effects of the H5N1 bird flu and H1N1 swine flu viruses, according to a report from Cannabis Science, an emerging pharmaceutical cannabis company based in San Francisco. The timing could not be better for New York, which has the largest number of confirmed cases of swine flu in the United States, and where identical medical marijuana bills have been introduced in the Assembly and Senate for the first time.

You can find the whole thing here:
http://www.examiner.com/x-9423-NY-Liber ... -swine-flu :lol:

Never stops does it?
Bah, eventualy they will understand what's obvious.
They already understand. They don't give a fuck.
good!!! if the influenza virus takes over humanity, cannabis will save us!!!!
in cannabis we trust, heheeheh :weedman:
weird, to be honest.

I smoke straight through any cold.
Clears it up within a few days.
"Smoked marijuana will not effectively prevent the excessive inflammatory response, despite delivering the beneficial pharmacological agents, due to the irritating, pro-inflammatory nature of smoke. In fact, I believe it will make things worse and should be avoided by infected individuals"

gonzebo a dit:
"Smoked marijuana will not effectively prevent the excessive inflammatory response, despite delivering the beneficial pharmacological agents, due to the irritating, pro-inflammatory nature of smoke. In fact, I believe it will make things worse and should be avoided by infected individuals"

Good suggestion there!
Well I wonder if that does anything different.
I've always wanted to try it tho....to expensive those damn machines! :P
Synith a dit:

I smoke straight through any cold.
Clears it up within a few days.

I really feel it clears out my nose & head, makes me skip the really snottery phase and go straight to the later occasional coughing phase :)
Psyolopher a dit:
I've always wanted to try it tho....to expensive those damn machines! :P

How much are your lungs worth?
+ you need less for the same effect, so it pays itself in the long term.

I've received my vaporiser a month and a half ago and would never go back to the old method. No more problem with my lungs, better effect, and my parents tolerate that I use it in my room since it doesn't smell like when you smoke it.

On the subject of the thread... since I've started smoking weed regularly, 4 years ago, I had cold only 2-3 times and it wasn't very bad and It got away after 2-3 days. So this article isn't absurd at all, even if to some it may seem so.
My lungs are utterly fucked, in fact i think i got lung cancer....
Fuck yeah i want that vaporizer, over all i wish i could afford eating weed tho that would be better i suppose.
If you smoke the plant shown in that picture, you're gonna get a bad cough!!

This article is quite old, from April. I remember it appearing as a press release right after the swine flue hit the media. Sounded like a premature conclusion at the time, or an advertisement for certain cannabis lozenges.

When you're sick, mucus needs to run, whereas smoking and even vaporizing cannabis gives a cottonmouth and dries up the sinuses. I generally don't enjoy these effects when I'm having a cold. Fortunately I rarely get a cold.
When you're sick, mucus needs to run, whereas smoking and even vaporizing cannabis gives a cottonmouth and dries up the sinuses. I generally don't enjoy these effects when I'm having a cold. Fortunately I rarely get a cold.
Can you explain please, why the mucus needs to run? I also vaporize when I am lying down and feel a river of mucus running down my throat...
When you have a cold, the increase of mucus is your body's way of getting rid of the infection. Hence the runny nose, a symptom that should never be suppressed.

Or as someone else said it at getridofthings.com:

"Mucus is a very natural part of your body. And you don't want to get rid of it, at least not all of it. It protects your moist skin and tissue from damage and infection. In your nose, throat, and lungs, it captures contaminates like dirt, pollen, and bacteria. In your stomach, it protects the tissue from damage caused by stomach acid. In your intestines, mucus helps keep the food moving. In the cervix, it keeps out infection. Mucus is a good thing. So, why do we have extra sometimes? Occasionally, your body ups production of mucus to assist in flushing out contaminates, usually an infection. That's when you get a runny nose, extra boogers, and phlegm. Sometimes there are underlying medical conditions at work, and the extra mucus is just a symptom. If your mucus doesn't seem to want to go away, you should go see a doctor."
I think the usage of Cannabis smears out the symptoms of flu. Right now I am having a cold, and have been smoking as regurlarly as usual, and I barely feel anything from the cold. But it has been present for more than a week now.

It helps alleviating the symptoms that's all if you ask me.
ah ok, thanks CM. Didn't know that...
restin a dit:
I also vaporize when I am lying down and feel a river of mucus running down my throat...
Is it a fluid or a sticky mucus? And does it have other characteristics, like a strong taste?
hmm, difficult to answer. I'd say rather fluid because it ran permanently down the throat but then again, when I stood up and spit it out it is...sorry for that, a load of slime. Just some yellowish stuff, I cannot remember any particular taste, to be honest, why?
Because a chronic discharge of sticky mucus could be the result of a sinus infection.

Yellow is OK. After vaporizing, my tongue always gets covered by a yellow layer, so I can imagine your mucus also turns yellow.