Cannabis shows promise as treatment for swine flu

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Psyolopher
  • Date de début Date de début
ah okay, thanks. Happily, it is not chronic, but rather when I have a cold/flu, so I am not expecting a sinus infection...well, it is yellow without relevance of vaporization I think, not?
During the flu mucus may take on any color: yellow, green...
Although I've never looked it up it seems intuitively correct that Marijuana would have anti-inflammatory properties. I've found its excellent for skin irritation for instance.

Wouldn't touch that Tamiflu stuff. Not when I've got Sambucus Nigra instead.
Caduceus Mercurius a dit:
During the flu mucus may take on any color: yellow, green...
purple, blue.....

i generally smoke thru my colds...mostly out of being stubborn rather than thinking it will help
my mate swears by it, i cant tell personally if it helps me or not