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Can you die from smelling yellow (moisture) mold?Everybody!!

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion cosmicdeep
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Glandeuse Pinéale
My fully colonised cake aperantly was HEAVY molded (yellow mold). I was a big idiot smelling the cake twice!!!! i am afraid to go to sleep!!! Smelly as hell, i just took the folium lid off and smelled it twice. What can happen to me??????????????
:shock: :x :x :x :x Help
You are going to die in extreme pain .
You're in a great danger, man. Now ,the mold will spread into your nasal passages and form some sclerotia over there. It can affect your lungs, too. Make sure your repiratory tracts aren't contaminated yet. If so, call the ambulance IMMEDIATELY
Really? great... Now serious. This fucking mold is being spreading for a month. When i smelled it, it smelled fucking horroble. Some yellow molds can cause respitorial,cancerogenius deseases. When spores multiply in your longs and you dont know it? D ont give me those black humor ones, please
Ok, the bottom line is that if you do not have AIDS and don't take immunodepressants, you'll be absolutely fine. Rinse your nose with some salted water and go ot bed.
Theoreticaly there is a small chance that you could get some damage if you got a nose full of spores . But its to late now to do anything exept try to wash your nose , throat and lungs out with water ........... and pray . Can you please film what happens so we can all learn from it ..... and have a good laugh .
Fuck you, you funny sily bastards. I still got a week to fullfill my life!!! HAAAAAAAA!!
Its probably not mold if it stinks so bad , its probably bacteria . As far as i`m concerned i would always recomend anyone to throw the whole culture away as soon as they see any contamination . From bacteria the chance of a very painfull , long death with lots of swetting and BAD nightmares is very big , if that doesnt happen you should check between your toes for webs forming and look in a mirror everty 5 minuter to see if you get chlorakne , carbunkles and fistules . Have a nice night , we will always remember you with a tear in our eyes..................from laughing so much .
At least we don't ruin the economics of our countries by illegally growing big amounts of yellow mold in our noses!
Ok, so i havent heard enyone die from mold since the finding of Tutancamon but you never know wright?
You maestros speak as you never read about molds. Please,if you have experience, be sencere.
mold is fungi. And people DO die from fungous dieases, especially if ones immune system is suppressed.
I remembered that about old Tut but i was being diplomatic . ALL of the people who entered the tomb with him died , some of them 30 years later . We are all counting 30 years backwards from now . If i forget , it was nice knowing you , GOODBYE .

There is noithing that you can do now exept wash your nose and throat out with water and wait .

Has the pain started yet , are you swetting ???? If so expect the worst . And tell us !!!!!
I know that. A would like to know if you know anyone who had phisical problems with it just by smelling it nicely (yellow one,twice). Do you have any experience with the yellow mold spread over the cake?
No . But maybe because all the people who smeled it are .......DEAD .
No sweating, temperature or bad feeling yet...
Im not fucking kidding around,you dont Know what can evolve from those Azarius spores
OH SHIT !! Thats the worst possible sign . Go and look in the mirror quick and see if the boils are starting to grow . You should get a thermometer and put it up your arse and if it says your tempoerature is 38c or above the pains are going to start soon and within 3 days of pure agony you are going to DIE .
Oh my god there are some shrooms growing from my ass!!!! Oh yeah!!!!!
I have a question. Im gonna make a poor mans terrarium and i plan to use paper towels or clay balls. any experience?