Quoi de neuf ?

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Sorry, I thought I made that clear. I have difficulty putting my thoughts into words sometimes (read: usually). I would like to be able to grow something to roll with. I have used both tobacco and cannabis leaves with great success. I believe you said the skin on maize, I will try that next time I am able to.
OK , i wasnt thinking starigh and didnt remember .

Personaly i think if you can smoke anything rolled in cannabis leaves that you could smoke anything in anything . To me cannabis leaves big enoug to roll joints in taste like cardboard .

A glass pure pipe or a vaporiser are as neutral as things get .
It's possible that I just didn't notice the taste of the outer leaf, the total weight of the thing was 6.3 grams (edit: I may be thinking of another joint that I rolled).
nice link.....

I love glass to smoke out of, but the gestapo here are so bad that we don't carry glass around with us out of a dislike for going to jail.

But I bookmarked the site, thanks....
Roll them ''binnenstebuiten'' inside out
so the gum goes under the paper, lick it good and tear off the paper you don't need.

owh shit thats already posted ooooops :lol:
o well now you know the dutch word for inside out :lol: