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Yes...i've seen the debate also...the one with Emma Bonino and the other dudes debating on trivial arguments and going around the argument without considering the possible (REAL) solutions that can be put to use in order to solve social problems such as drug abuse.
what they never said, and it bugged me because they didn't even considered saying it, in this debate is that drugs if legal should have intelligent restrictions.
before i go on saying what these could be i'll bring up a lil example:
the use and abuse of alcohol and nicotine has gone up in the past 10 years
and that is:
Misinformation; companies (tobacco expecially) have witheld results to research and findings on health problems related to tobacco (a movie also was made on this argument, i can't remember the title...if anyone knows it please post).
Advertisement; this in my opinion is the cancer that devours society because these products have been advertized (even if with certain restrictions) people had their minds affected by the continuous media bombardment (youngsters in particular have been affected by them because of the easynes their minds pick up messages with) therefore is not just the availability of the drug that causes the abuse of it...it's how society presents it to the public that makes it dangerous...and all this because of profit
so an intelligent restriction in my opinion is eliminating any drug related advertizement (that's right also the Marlboro cowboy from the airports walls)
heavy fines on people using drugs in a public place
allowing unbiased research and studies on the substances and publish outcomes so that they are available to the public
this of course if drugs are made legal
i'm not saying that this is a final solution but if precautions such as the ones i propose were taken
i believe the world would be a much better place
Hi Dantediv86.
I believe the film about the tobacco industry's suppression of facts and the scientist who blew the whole thing apart was called "The Insider"