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Bad acid experience + Chirality/Mirrors/Everything inverted

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Danielise
  • Date de début Date de début


I took my fourth and perhaps final acid trip yesterday. The trip was characterized by what felt like schizophrenic paranoia, awkward social settings (as if they weren't awkward already), feeling autistic and trapped in a plastic box, unable to communicate with the world consciously but feeling as if my subconscious were leaking as if there were an oil spill of thoughts (which made it even more frustrating when I found out i was not saying anything), a feeling that i was blindfolded whenever led anywhere and that i was perpetually waking up from a dream, complete lack of safety, getting stuck in loops and unsure of what was reality and what was fiction, etc.

One curious thing that happened was what seemed like an inversion of reality. As mentioned, my conscious felt like my subconscious and my subconscious like my conscious. But also on a more physical level, right and left seemed switched. For example, when I'd try to open a door, I'd expect it to open from the right but instead the door would swing left. It felt like the world were a mirrored reflection. Anyone else have this experience? I'm curious if it has anything to do with left brain vs. right brain thinking.
This actually sounds like the first time I got very very high off marijuana.

I had that feeling that I kept "waking up" over and over and over. I felt like I was dreaming, I was lucid - then whoa. No. I'm definitely awake. The whole time. Then I would slowly drift back into sleep... Very odd sensation.

The same also happened with left vrs right - I got lost in my town's mall parking lot. When I walked forward I would somtimes think I was falling, because I would move so fast. When things moved they seemed opposite of what they were suppose to be. People seemed to move like fluids, rather than boney people.

Its odd this is your 4th time and you're feeling this now. . . I would assume you would really only feel it the first time. Were the first 3 much milder?
I took a larger dosage than I have in the past, but I don't think that was the reason. For my first 3 trips, I was in a safe and familiar setting, away from the public for the most part, at least during peak. For my most productive two trips (2nd and 3rd), I had chosen to trip alone. For this one, two other people ingested acid with me and two others drank. I wanted to experience something new so I agreed to go to a nature preserve/a relatively secluded beach. Two people from my school ended up showing up at the beach which started this whole feeling of uncomfortability and perpetuated already extant social paranoia. I didn't want outsiders to know that I was on acid, and I kept feeling like people were mocking "this girl on acid," hearing imaginary snickering constantly but also feeling like I was treated as a god which I didn't want either. I'm pretty socially awkward/paranoid in social situations to begin with...there was also just general insensitivity to the fact that I was on acid. I was with 4 guys and had some weird feeling (which was totally off, I'm sure), that I was going to be raped and I would have no say in it at all for I had no control over reality. Yeah...social settings...not fun, especially on acid.
you finally took a decent dose. sorry to hear it was in such a bad situation though, really. i've done this myself before, it's not fun... however, im sure that you learned a lot from that experience. it may take a while to fully integrate everything, but in the long run i think it's a "good" thing to experience.
Quant a dit:
Wrong people.

agreed every trip expirence gone wrong depends on the people the setting and your sence of security. i've seen so many people have bad trips just cause they dont feel safe and its actually pretty simple. next time just make sure theres no chance of unwanted visitors regardless of where u are you
Danielise it sounds like you had a pretty difficult experience which scared the hell out of you. I suggest to take some time and think really careful about all the things you experience during that acid trip. Like the others already told you, in the end when the experience is integrated you will feel completely different about what happened and you will even be able to laugh about it.

I took my fourth and perhaps final acid trip yesterday. The trip was characterized by what felt like schizophrenic paranoia, awkward social settings (as if they weren't awkward already), feeling autistic and trapped in a plastic box, unable to communicate with the world consciously but feeling as if my subconscious were leaking as if there were an oil spill of thoughts (which made it even more frustrating when I found out i was not saying anything), a feeling that i was blindfolded whenever led anywhere and that i was perpetually waking up from a dream, complete lack of safety, getting stuck in loops and unsure of what was reality and what was fiction, etc.

The things that you describe here are completely normal. When the effect really kick in and the dosage is high enough, it does feel like if you are schizofrenic. And since the effects cause a loss of self-control, its very common or let say normal, that it is very difficult to communicate with the outer world. Since you lose all self-control its also normal to feel insecure, at least if the set & setting are not right.

The trick is, you should never and never, especially if your not experienced enough, trip in a environment in which you feel insecure or where there are people which you don't really know good enough or feel insecure with. You should really choose for an environment like your own home or a friends place where you feel completely safe and secure, and ofcourse there may be NO risk at all for sudden surprises like mom and dad coming home. Unless your mom and dad don't mind whether you are on acid or not, but i don't think that will be the case for you.

Ones the effects start to kick in, you should clear your mind and stop thinking. Forget about the surroundings, the feelings, thoughts etc where you are used to. Acid or other psychedelics will instantly end all these trusted things your used to. Listen to some music, follow the music, let the music drift yourself away. Try also to find someone who is sober and who you fully trust, so this person can take care of you, so that if everything goes wrong and you feel not save, this person can remember you that you are save. If thoughts are getting in your way, clear your mind again. Ones you have forgotten yourself and you have cleared your mind, then that is where the magic starts to kick in. But as long as you keep try to control the trip, you will get intense fights with yourself, which can scare the hell out of you.

I think another important thing is, that for a good trip you need to be in peace of yourself. If you feel like your doing something which isn't allowed by for example your parrents your boy/girlfriend, and you feel conscious or unconscious guilty about the fact your not are honest to them. Then don't be surprised if during a trip, feelings of guilt etc suddenly do popup. If you are afraid of getting schizofrenic, then you can expect these thoughts to suddenly popup in a a trip.

So be more careful if you ever are deciding to take another yourney on acid or whatever other psychedelics that do get in your hands. They not just toys, it are really powerfull things. And if your not taking responsibility for own actions, then not be surprised that the psychedelics or going to teach you a lesson like what you have been going trough on your acid trip.

Good luck with intergrating your experienced, and remember be more careful! ;)

Allusion a dit:
good to see you are still around hermes! :D

i think that's solid advice.

Jups, i am still alive and most of the time lurking at the background ;)