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any programmers/ hackers here??

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion spice
  • Date de début Date de début
Its called eclipse.

Yes thats what i also recommended earlier.

Also, be sure to get the UML plugin (one by Omondo for example)

If you want to compare it to chemistry; you can't really do reactions without knowing the elements and some other basics.. I found that a boring textbook period in which you just have to learn it without really knowing what will be next so it seems kinda pointless.
Same with programming, get an object-oriented java textbook to get you trough this.
Soulcatcher - Appreciate the advice....I kind of enjoyed the period of learning chem theory without knowing what came next, but you're right, for this a different approach is probably best.

Deep Turtle- Cool, thanks for the great titles, and advice. I am listening.

Shake- I am downloading the eclipse 3.3.2 right now.....so I'll be back to you soon.
( feeling dumb )
Ok- I used the winrar archiver to open this file ' Eclipse SDK 3.3.2'
is this okay?

There are subfiles like 'platform', 'workbench' etc.... in there, and a lot of other stuff....

If this is good, what now?

PS - Looks like the archiver created a folder on the desktop with 'eclipse 3.3.2' on it... these files are apparently all in that folder. This correct?
doesn't the site where you downloaded it give you instructions...?
PS people great thread

Hey! Joke for the c'puter geeks out there...: "Turbo Pascal"
Spice i know where you are at, it is so hard to get your head around it all at the start.

The truth is, that it is so much easier than it looks. I watch some of these tutorials and think that if i had not been through a software design course 'Java for total beginners' would be a bunch of gibberish.

Way before we even started coding, we looked at and studied flowcharts, algorithms.

I am 100% sure these could be used in chemistry.

It would actually be very useful to have the mdma synthesis in a flowchart form.

Are you familiar with flowcharts and how they can be used in a chem synth? or in a software project?

It is fine if you are not familiar with how they can be used because i will just lay it out for you in a more detailed description which i will probly do anyway.

If someone out there disagrees with where i am going with this then please feel free to correct/improve it.

It would actually be very useful to get some opinions and or corrections as it all helps the learning experience.

Shall i go on?
We are software developers with a small job an a large mdma synth.
Our All important job is to Create a program that Checks the quantitys of the ingredients that go into the srv krv shaker.
The ingredients must not be put in until the correct quantitys of each ingredient have been CHECKED.
Once we have checked our quantitys and they are correct, we set the "ReadyForInput" variable to True

(pretend) There is a program called "Input&Shake", This program is not our concern
its job is to put the ingredients in, put the lid on, and shake.
"Input&shake" Will not start until the variable "ReadyForInput" is set to true

Int SafroleAmount = 100 ***** Declare "SafroleAmount" as integer Variable and assign it a value
Int Pdcl2 = 1 *****Declare "Pdcl2" as integer Variable and assign it a value
Int Cop2chloride = 4 *****Declare "Cop2chloride" as integer variable and assign it a value
Boolean OxygenTank = False *****Declare "OxygenTank" as True or False type variable and assign it a value
Boolean ReadyForInput = False *****Declare "ReadyForInput" as True or False type variable and assign it a value

The above code has just told our program that we will be using 5 variables.
Three Integer variables and 2 boolean variables.

Public class SRV/KRVcontents {

\\*NOTE This line states that our program is called SRV/KRVcontents. The Curly bracket indacates the begining of the code. We must use a closing bracket after we have finished writing the code for this class. Whenever SRV/KRVcontents is mentioned throughout the program, the program will restart back to the start of this class.

Display "input Safrole amount"

IF the amount the user has input is equal to our variable "SafroleAmount" THEN

Display "Input Palladium Chloride amount" (Check the next amount and continue)

OTHERWISE SRV/KRVcontents (this means go back to the start of the program)

IF the amount the user has input is equal to our variable "Pdcl2" THEN

Display "Input Copper 2 Chloride" (Check the next amount and continue)

OTHERWISE SRV/KRVcontents (this means go back to the start of the program)

IF the amount the user has input is equal to our variable "Cop2chloride" THEN

Display "You Have an oxygen tank? T/F"


IF the value the user has input is TRUE THEN

set our boolean variable "OxygenTank" to true.

AND SET OUR "ReadyForInput" Variable to TRUE


OTHERWISE SRV/KRVcontents (this means go back to the start of the program if there is no tank)


Note the way that the program asks for input, compares it to our variables, and continues on if the amount is correct.

If the amount is not correct, it goes to back to the start "OTHERWISE SRVKRVcontents"

So it will only activate the "Input&Shake" program if all of our amounts are there.

If this were a real program it would suck, and the same thing can be done much easier. The idea is to hopefully show you a bit about how a program and its variables work. For example each amount need not be a variable because it doesnt really vary. Unless upscaling. I will put this in flowchart form if you want, which is usually helpful.

Hopefully by combining a Chem synth and programming i have given the topic a little more...... Spice? haha

While surfing through the millions of java tutorials i have found some that i think are the best.

They are video tutorials.
He starts off with the basics (code with notepad) and progresses to eclipse.
He recommends downloading notepad++ And using that for coding. Its a pretty good program. You can refer what you learn there to some of the stuff in the SRV/KRVcontents program

Im pretty sure that is enough information to keep you going for a while.

OK- Issues cleared up for now, anyway.....

Apparently, I managed to botch the unpacking of the 'Eclipse 3.3.2
SDK' and will start over.

Yes, I get the 'either/or' aspects of the flow charts....it's basically a logic diagram, reminiscent of troubleshooting tables.

Thanks for using examples that aren't as abstract, Shake....it's always easier to learn something by relating it to something one already knows. Good call.

I have a couple of questions and comments;

Where you illustrate the concept of 'Integer Variables' using the SRV
contents, I grasp the part about assigning each component of the 'reaction' a variable.

( Wondering WTF a Boolean Variable is )

It is not clear to me from your example what the significance of the Boolean Variable assignment is, can you elaborate?

Why is it treated differently than the Integer Variables? Because it is not a finite amount that can be measured easily and assigned a precise Integer Variable?

So, looking at it in one way, a 'program' is just a sequence of instructions that carry out a specific task.....when you string multiple programs together, it makes.....a synthesis.


I am going to check out some links and do some reading....I'll be back.


well a boolean variable is a value thatcan be either 0 or 1 ... in other words its either true or false .. and only that ... because machines can only understand unambigious descriptions of their actions thats why theres only 0 and 1. if you see the lowest plane it's just electric impulses... in a boolean function 0 stands for no electricity flowing and 1 for electricity flowing.
so if you use boolean variables you have to use them in this way ... for example for comparisons like maybe x > 4 or a < b or whatever... basically its a way of connecting functions or variables or whatever :P well the 0s and 1s are more used in the technical context ... for example numbers are saved in binary system 0 and 1 ... so a 8 bit number consists of 8 0s or/and 1s and represents the potence of 2 of the numbers so see for example 00000001 = 1 cuz its 0*2^7 + 0*2^6 + 0*2^5 + 0*2^4....+ 0*2^1 + 1*2^0 ... well you can imagine how it goes with 32 or 64 bit and you probably know how fast comps can juggle these insane long sequences of numbers...

hehe good luck to you with the 0 and 1s ;) i am studying informatics right now, so maybe i can help but well my lack of motivation held me back from learning too much ... but still... i suppose i DID learn something :P

Braineater - that answer was confusing even for me.
You said it all in your first line. "a boolean variable is a value that can be either 0 or 1 ... in other words its either true or false .. and only that"

An integer variable - uses a certain amount of memory,
Once you declare it in your coding -

SET "MyDogsAge" as integer variable

That means the number we will be storing under this name "MyDogsAge" is a whole number, and so the computer allocates only a small amount of memory to it.
A Boolean Variable is even smaller. It can only store 2 values. True or False.

We will do another smaller program about my dog. Here it is.
It is important to understand our programs job. In this case our job is again small. We are merely a sub-program an a much larger "synth"
Our job is to:

1. Record the dogs age each year
2. Run the BURYDOG program if it is dead
3. Run the CHECKDOGSPULSE program each year to see if its dead
4. Run the sub program called AYEARPASSED every time our class is called.

We declare our variables outside of the class (in this case)

DECLARE "MyDogsAge" as integer variable
DECLARE "DeadDog" as boolean variable

PUBLIC CLASS "AnotherYear"-------- NOTE* this is the beginning of our program (class) and its name is "AnotherYear"

AYEARPASSED NOTE** the data-flow goes into this sub-program whos job it is to remain idle until the clock ticks over and a year passes

"MyDogsAge" = "MyDogsAge" + 1 ............... THIS LINE SHOWS WHY VARIABLES MUST VARIE

CHECKDOGSPULSE (NOTE** This is a sub program that checks the dogs pulse. If it is dead, then it sets the boolean variable "DeadDog" to TRUE)

IF "DeadDog" = TRUE THEN

Print "MyDogsAge"



"Anotheryear" (This sends the data-flow back up to the beginning of the class if "DeadDog" was false)



NOTE** that IF THEN and OTHERWISE statements are connected And similar statements are used in most code.

This program will continue until the Boolean variable "DeadDog" is set to true
And it will print the dogs age of death (within a years accuracy)


DECLARE "MyDogsAge" as integer variable
DECLARE "DeadDog" as boolean variable

PUBLIC CLASS "AnotherYear"
"MyDogsAge" = "MyDogsAge" + 1
IF "DeadDog" = TRUE THEN
Print "MyDogsAge"

If i had not explained this to you in the above post. Imagine how confused u would be if you only read this version. (This forum doesnt like indentation which is very important when coding.)

Sorry to hammer you with a heap of info at once.
Take your time and go through it until you understand it. And the more questions you have the better.
Great help. This does clear some things up already. I'll read and try to wrap my head around it some more, and be back with questions.
Spice , Thanks , i realy like this thread !!!! Finaly people are explaining things . On the one hand the thought of learning to be a programer , hacker and cracker is a bit daunting , but on the other hand i think its like someone said before - at some point everything sinks in and everything falls into place .

If you need any software for hacking , cracking and ??? please let me know and i might be able to tell you where to get it .......

I`m also having a real good laugh at some of the questions you are asking....."( Wondering WTF a Boolean Variable is ) " because you seem to me to be at exactly the same place i am ....................... right at the begining scratching my head .

Shake , DeepTurtle , Brain , thanks for the lessons , i`m realy interested . Maybe i`ll ask some very simple questions soon , please try to answer in words with as few letters in as possible ?????

We are talking about diferent representations of information . A list of actions . Represented as either 1s and 0s , in hexadecimal , .as a list of instructions like you can write with notepad to make .bat , .cmd , .inf , .reg or .vbs files . So where do the computer languages that have been mentioned fit in ???

I can take a file and open it with a hex editor , and it can represent the info in ??? diferent ways..... are those computer languages ???

Is it that my computer operates with diferent languages on diferent levels at the same time ??? Basicaly on the bottom level with 1s and 0s , then one layer up hexadecimal , then notepad / keyboard comands ????

I have to aproach things from my own personal direction , maybe what i am asking is crap . I`m just trying to find a piece of level ground to have a basis to build on . I`ve got as far as opening things and adding / cutting and changeing lines / strings , but only as far as i`ve been told what to do . But not as far as finding individual instructions and doctoring them without fucking the software . I want to know how to take a piece of software apart , short circit it and be able to see if / what security measures have been added to stop me .

We all have computers ,,,,,,,,,, maybe it would be good to have a computer section with diferent computer threads in it ????????? What do you all think ????
From a bit over a decade in the software industry I have this to offer:

1) the language is not important
2) Learn to think in common concepts and to see them in any given problem
3) remember that a programming language is just a tool. There are cases for every language around. Learn conceptual thinking and be familiar with the strengths of each common language.
4) Avoid getting stuck with a given language or programming paradigm. Objects are not always the best, Java is sometimes totally wrong.
5) And most importantly, define your projects in terms that are not asociated with any language or technology. Languages can be learned easily, so can technologies. But if your specs are hazy you are still screwed.

Regarding languages I suggest you learn 3.
Any procedural language (C or Pascal)
Any Object language (C++ or Java or similar)
Any Declarative language (Lisp, Prolog, Scheme...)

For industry benefit learn an object language well.
Thanks for the 'big picture' opinion, mucho appreciated.....

I have a few Java questions for anyone patient enough-

I downloaded a j2sdk and noticed that there is a runtime environment that comes with it.....which they call a private runtime environment.....it loads WITH the sdk,

Then there is the 'other' RE, the public.......what are the purposes of these two, how are they used and set up?

Also, I have never been successful getting the computer to verify that it is detecting the java compiler....when I type javac -version, it always tells me 'bad command, blah'

Is this because the compiler is in the runtime environment, and I don't have a path for it?

Someone, please make this shit logical.

THX in advance, more quiestions if I can get these answered.
Well, the answer was embarassingly simple.....and I found the answers to my other questions too.

I am off to play with it, hope it goes smoother than the setup did.

Thanks again everyone.
Well , how surprising , theres no one here who can put the diferent computer / software programing languages / binary and the way a hex editor depicts programs into picture for me !!!!!

It seems to me that its time that someone put their head out of the window and said something . So........

If you are seriously interested in hacking the first thing to do is get a GOOD , CLEAN laptop and a mac changer . It should never be used for anything else than hacking and have no information on it that can identify you . The second is NEVER use it from your acess point or any IP adress / acess point that can be traced back to you = you ONLY go in big web cafes ( one without cameras every where ), or use internet acsess points in public buildings , or the best is , crack someones wirless lan acess point . You can never use your IP acess point for anything at all conected with hacking from now on because it is registered , and they are looking for idiots that make publicity . You should cut your web time to an absolute minimum and NEVER use the same acess point twice . If you dont already know , find out what a honey pot is and think about how evil and twisted big brother is . You should also check out the penaltys , again from a clean acess point , that they can give you ...... and think about landing in hell again with 30 man to a room in a resession and you having a nice , soft , pink arse .

There is no real point in cracking programs , other than out of curiosity , because every program has allready been cracked and is freely available somewhere in the net . If you need web adresses where you can get software PM me and i might be able to point you at some .

If you can understand German i can tell you where you can get something called "Steganos hacking tools" , wich is a good introduction to cracking Wifi acess points and web sites . The descriptions and explenations are in German but the programs are in English , so are the help files in the programs . BUT , first you will need to try the software in a closed , private network . You cant just go off and try to hack things because FIRST you have to know EXACTLY what you are doing OR YOU WILL BE CAUGHT . There are programs that can detect many sorts of intrusion atempts . "Steganos hacking tools" is also available in English .

If you want info about computer languages , software and hacking you can click this adress and put key words in the search option and it spews out sources :- http://softarchive.net/

If you look here :- http://www.remote-exploit.org/backtrack.html
you will find EVERYTHING that a computer security analyst needs to check if he can be hacked........!!!! ( = to hack other people !!!! ) You should download this :- "BackTrack 3 Beta - 14-12-2007" , either as a CD image or the USB version . Its a linux based boot CD wich you can also put on your laptops HDD and use it as its operating system . If you read all the web site it will give you links to their forum and other sites where you can inform yourself how to use the more than 300 programs that are on the CD .

If you want cracking programs or books send me a PM with the names and i might be able to point you at them . Pleas ask me questions if you want to know anything at all or if you dont understand anything . But if they are hot questions send me a PM please .
