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(anti)G8 @ germany in june

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Ilian
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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
1 028
G8 is going to have their next annual meeting in germany this year. some of the worlds richest people are going to decide the faith of all of us, and thus those meetings nearly always result in violent clashes of activists vs riot police.

the meeting will be in june, in the north-east of germany (heilingdamm). there is already a huge 18km fence being build and theres at least 18.000 cops and military police being prepared for this years war.

i was just wondering if anyone is going there :) theres a small chance that im going there, but i cant be sure :( id love to be there however. thoughts? opinions?

ps if you dont know whats it about, try searching for 'g8 protest' or something similar on youtube.

that ones pretty nice if u watch it til the end
against the g8 of course..

edit: actually its against commercialism, capitalism, globalisation, etc.
Getaphix a dit:
i dougnt you have much luck againt bono and the lights..... Pifffffft!!!! HAHAHAHAHA lol

could anyone translate this?
this is a tough one...i guess he is talking about bono from u2 ? i guess the "light" is just the MJ talking :lol:
well, i dont think bono is invited at the g8 meeting.

thx anyway for your reactions.. :roll:
i'm not going, but i'm happy that a lot of people went before and hopefully will go again this year.
it's such a stupid world we're leaving in, and it has always been... hope it changes soon, too.

I'd like to know more about it... also about how effective this kind of protesting really is. It connects people that's one thing...

Pretty sure they won't get that big as the Seattle protests :( Unfortunately, because I think we should all go and start a revolution :finga:
In my opinion it was ridiculous. At least for sure the concert from Grönemeyer...I only saw some minutes in TV but he was singing like: "America keep your promise, China keep your promise...., etc....."
The G8 has always seemed like the perfect place for cannabis/hemp activists to have an old fashioned smoke-out.

If, every time the G8 showed its face anywhere in the world, about 100,000 people showed up for a nice, peaceful smokeout, the way they used to do it, it would re-introduce people to the concept of 'civil disobiedience' and the things that it can accomplish.

The problem is, civil disobiedience only works when people aren't afraid of some sacrifice....

....which ultimately translates to:

Until we can't get a loaf of bread, until there's no gas, until there's a fucking camera everywhere, wirelessly transmitting feeds to big/brother/ Agent Smith, everyone's gonna allow those greedy warmongers to run things.

Before anyone points out the obvious, ( that it would hardly be a peaceful smokeout) let me state that THIS is exactly why the premise of a smoke-out has tactical advantage.

Make no mistake- Tactics is what win wars.

As it stands, every time a G8 announcement is made, TV shows
riot police, rioters, tear gas, and ass-kicking. This is part of the media 'programming' people to react this way.

Everyone knows how to deal with violent protest, an eye for an eye.
This plays to them, and makes it very easy to direct public sentiment to the exact place which deserves ZERO sympathy; a bunch of earthrapers, posing as leaders, acting wronged, because a bunch of illiterate yahoos DARED protest their august leadership.

Gandhi laid out a plan for maiking them act right, but people HAVE to be on the same page for it to work,,, which means, essentially, that it hasn't gotten bad enough yet.
We could fly the Spruce Moose in and bomb them with mushrooms or something; or maybe hijack a sky crane built for fighting fires and fill the central tank with liquid LSD; that would be bound to get some profound results :)

Protest to gross commercial corruption has got us nowhere but on the first article in a seedy media rally; cannon fodder for the riot police to try their new 'less lethal' weaponry on.
A mass smoke out with a 20 foot high hookah containing ounce upon ounce of bud and with at least 200 pipes so we could all get a lungful of truth and reconciliation.
That’s the best manner of protest; all get incredibly high and just laugh at the police who mindlessly enforce inquisition like tyranny.

I agree wholeheartedly with Spice, protest is a paradox. We cant really do anything without having some negatively fabricated backlash. IMO, we should all just stop 'working' altogether; where will their commodities and riches spawn from then?
yeah mate!! that's it!!! but i already have a better plan!! :)

just get someone to make us like some loads of LSD ...maybe 100 g or less and we put it in the water depots of the capital cities of the world.!!!

As i heard LSD does have effects in so small concentration that the "polluting" of the water supply of a city would for sure make everybody trip!!! :lol:

Or just pretend being hippies and give free juice with LSD in it to everyone. :)

I like the idea with the bombing mushrooms and the fire fighter thing to shoot around with LSD too though :D
maybe a nice phenethylamine GAS, deployed upon the riot police the way they designed these substances to be used on protestors....

I think it would be the ultimate in irony to watch those goliath egos groveling in the dust, trying to smell the sunshine.

They don't understand that they're creating some formidable adversaries, and that they may actually one day be called to answer for their actions.

LSD in the water would be great if it were possible. Leary and the boys considered it back in the day, but water degrades the LSD molecule.
If not, surely some enterprising fellow would have already did it in some cultural wasteland like the one I live in.