Matrice Périnatale
- Inscrit
- 28/3/16
- Messages
- 18
I'm tryin to extract DMT for two weeks now, I realy keep myself ofrom swearing right now as don't want to get banned. Let alone my on zillion falures in every possible etap of extraction, I think I screw up big time this time. Recently I did amonia was to wash my almost purple spice. I did what I was told to do, I baked the bicarbonate of sodium for over 1,5 I mixed my naphta with spice wits water/carbonate solution, I frost precipitated and the first surprise. My spice looked like white laundry powder and there was a lot of it. I evaporeted what's left and I was left with unsmokeble white-yelow crust with no spice in it. What I suppose is that somehow bicarbonate didn't turn into the carbonate and I mixed a freaking beaking soda with what used to be my sludgy and ugly but neverless spice.
Can I do anything to fix this after I'm done pulling my hairs out or my extracyion adventure is over?
Edit: Can I delete this dumb post of mine somehow?
Can I do anything to fix this after I'm done pulling my hairs out or my extracyion adventure is over?
Edit: Can I delete this dumb post of mine somehow?