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I don't consider it a psychedelic or entheogen. But this is a semantic issue.
It's a psychoactive substance that can be used and abused.
Loosing the brakes on your thoughts has it's advantages. Not to mention the social aspect.
Underlying mental issues can surface as well when drunk (aggressive behaviour, depressive behaviour, frustration,....)
Have you used it as you would use a psychedelic though? Setting yourself up for a trip and instead using alcohol, it's had interesting results for me. I entered a trance the other day like this. Just to be sure, I didn't mean I considerate a psychedelic, I mean to say that it can be psychedelic :wink:
It may be different for me because I came from cannabis and psychedelics to alcohol, not the other way around like most do. But I a bit of research on it's history and it was and has been used as an entheogen by many ancient cultures, seems it's been demented only recently. Dionysus and his bitches man 8)
Anyone else? I am interested in lots of opinions on this.
Well no actually not, but yes, a lot of old cultures used it to be more susceptible to "spirits" (where the word spirit comes from)
Bacchus (/Dionysus) with a pinecone (referring to the pinealgland)
Have you used it as you would use a psychedelic though? Setting yourself up for a trip and instead using alcohol, it's had interesting results for me. I entered a trance the other day like this. Just to be sure, I didn't mean I considerate a psychedelic, I mean to say that it can be psychedelic :wink:
It's relatively good for opening things up and letting emotions flow, but I think the (slight) psychedelic aspect you can add to it can also be experienced sober; by meditation, or by simply being with yourself in a contemplative state.
And it doesn't FEEL like (classic) psychedelics either.... maybe ketamine... :vom:
Any drug can sometimes have effects that can be considered psychedelic. I had an important revelation that improved my relationship with my parents while I was on........ speed.... But I'd never dare saying speed is psychedelic, it really isn't.
I love alcohol... I rarely enjoy it's psychological benefits aside from social interactions, but yes I agree.
I have been slightly intoxicated 3 of the 5 times I have done DMT, it makes it much easier to overcome that initial push to dive in. Also relaxes the head and allows you to just accept.