I never read or heard anything by Terence McKenna, but I see his name pop up here and other places regularly, next to Dennis McKenna, Albert Hoffman and Aldous Huxley. At some point in my life I just read a really short article/item about a smartshop in a city magazine. The only thing it said about mushrooms was, shopowner: "It's a magical experience. Everyone should at least try it once in his or her life."
Somehow I immediately recognized this would be the next step in my spiritual development, which seems strange now, since I think I didn't know
anything about magic mushrooms and probably had the notion that they would make you go "insane in the membrane" for a while. I
was reading a lot of spiritual books at that time, so I might have read about psychedelic mushrooms in one of these. But they usually say
It's not the same as reaching other levels of consciousness through meditation because you lose all control and just have to see what happens to you. Better don't do it! The authors of most, if not all, of the books I read this in never took psychedelics themselves. It always makes me a bit sad that these spiritual and open minded people say such things
Anyway, that same day I read parts of
Magic mushrooms: our little brothers and some more information and trip reports on the internet. Then I was off to that smartshop and that night I took about 15 grammes--as adviced--of fresh Mexicans, at home--as adviced--, on my own--against all advice. I just
knew I was ready for it, just
knew this was my next stop. Do you know that little voice inside? Sometimes it's more important than anything anyone says 8)
I can imagine having this image of how a trip is 'supposed' to be can negatively influence your trip or your perception of your trip. I remember after my first trip with egoloss and eternal bliss I wanted to reach that state everytime. Which I didn't for a few trips (even after doubling the dose GOD

), which then was disappointing to me. But I started to see that I
was learning the lessons I needed to learn then. Later the trips with egoloss, eternal bliss and feeling like being catapulted outer space came back. These days I don't even need a so called heroic dose to get there. It's all about raising your daily level of awareness (also called base, baseline?) I guess.