Quoi de neuf ?

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  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Forkbender
  • Date de début Date de début
Just wait and enjoy it and then tell us how long it took to get back to "normal" .

Last time i stoped it took a month.....

But it is worth it . The brain gets clearer and the dreams get better , at least it is like that for me .
It's been five weeks and before I started smoking I also had trouble sleeping, so I guess I'm at baseline (more or less). I don't feel the effects of the cannabis anymore, but there might be some traces left.
The first time i stoped i took 6 weeks of swimming in bed to get back to "normal" .
Would it matter at what frequency you smoked just before you stopped?
I had smoked for 36 years every day .
I had smoked 3 to 5 times a week (most days just a few pipes, sometimes all through the day) for a year and a half.

But I must add I find it hard to recall what baseline felt like.
A great man said that you must recall 10 things you achieved that day when lying in bed to have a good sleep.
Will try to see if it works or not. I did sometimes go over my day when in bed before sleeping, but not recently. It might work, so why not try.
fork, i have experienced exactly the same as what you said about cannabis and sleeping in the first post. i've found that it helps to set your mind in "sleepy mode" some time before actually sleeping, like and hour or maybe more, so as to get yourself drowsy beforehand. if you have music on, turn it down, or better, change it to ambient. stop thinking/reading/doing stuff that makes you "think too much" about the past/future. you can even stop doing anything for like 15 minutes; lay down somewhere (not your bed) and purposely think about all you might want to think about (going over the day, as you said) so your head gets cleared.
???????? a dit:
fork, i have experienced exactly the same as what you said about cannabis and sleeping in the first post. i've found that it helps to set your mind in "sleepy mode" some time before actually sleeping, like and hour or maybe more, so as to get yourself drowsy beforehand. if you have music on, turn it down, or better, change it to ambient. stop thinking/reading/doing stuff that makes you "think too much" about the past/future. you can even stop doing anything for like 15 minutes; lay down somewhere (not your bed) and purposely think about all you might want to think about (going over the day, as you said) so your head gets cleared.
Taking a walk just thinking over the day might help too. It's helped me before when I felt stressed out.
Try reading a book. They always put me to sleep before bed, along with some calm music. I have no problems sleeping then.
I had similar problems with pot 'abuse' earlier. It made me turn into a lazy person with moodswings. One of my LSD trips helped me realize this.

I stopped abusing around 7-8 months back. Ever since then i smoke pot only 2-3 times a week that too only at night when i have finished all my studies / work.

I have also started exercising 3 days a week. This has helped me with my sleeping habits. Reading books is another thing that will help you cope up with your sleep problems. Another thing is even if you get sleep very late, wake up early... that will automatically get you tired by night.

After two months i'll graduate, soon work will begin and i will only smoke on friday & saturday nights

On my exam days (study days) i consume very little amounts of hash which helps me concentrate.... i've done well in most exams this way (theory papers)

Do whatever suits you. Staying in the middle is the key and that is the challenge.
I have the opposite problem: weed tends to keep me awake until deep in the night. If I don't smoke/vaporize, the Internet appears boring and music is dull, so I go to sleep on time. It's not that black and white perhaps, but being high doesn't help me fall asleep at all.
Caduceus, same thing happens to me if i smoke weed and not hash :) Once the high starts fading i feel sleepy. Maybe it depends on the type of weed / hash a person smokes.
Forkbender a dit:
Sleeplessness is a big problem

You could try this 'Kava' that I have used before.

I've found that it helps for the sleeplessness and relieves some stress, but you won't abuse it. A cup or two before you go to bed when you really can't sleep, and you will find it easy to doze off.

The most common form I can find is in tea, just mix with cinnamon and it tastes divine.

I don't have problems falling asleep anymore. Thanks for all the tips, though, some helped a bit. I tasted the magic herb once since the beginning of this year at the psychonaut gathering at CM's in february and didn't experience relapse. I will try some (actually a lot on a single occasion) again somewhere this month when I got a little time.
it really depends on the person.. some can smoke daily and be productive, sociable and fun to be around... i can't.... thats why i only smoke rarely now, once a week on average, but will sometimes go months without smoking.... don't get me wrong, i'm sociable when i'm high i jus can't be high 24/7 and get away with it, my brain does not allow
Well after seeing a really clear Fork at CM's meeting I finally decided to do the same thing.
It has been 27 hours so far :P
But I'm really serious about it.
At the meeting I wasn't feeling quite myself, had a good time nonetheless, but I think people could've experienced more Space if I had been more clear.
Kind of had the feeling that Fork knew, but that might just be my paranoia and his intriguing look :mrgreen:
Hehe I was in the afterglow of a mushroom trip at the meeting, so it could've been that, but I did see something about you. But I was just sad I had to leave so soon because of the trains and we weren't really able to catch up much.

27 hours is a good start. I'm sure you'll be able to limit yourself.
2,3 times a week tops is good for me and i often take breaks when i'm busy. at that rate it keeps the psychedelic edge and gets me going and working on creative stuff. any more frequently, it quickly becomes a hindrance instead of a help. when you associate weed with lazing around instead of intellectual/psychonaut stimulation, it's time to take a break

i've had a massive creative block for the past couple weeks, yesterday i fried up a bit of bud and later had a toke and i ended up working like a horse all night, totally got me going again. today i'm still on track and haven't needed a toke at all. that's what i like weed to be for me :D