CaduceusMercurius a dit:
The message doesn't show he edited anything, so if he did, he must have done so before GOD posted his first reply 15 minutes later.
Yes, that's exactly the case. And IF Ahuaeynjxs had edited his post, he must have done it within the first 15 minutes. So Ahuaeynjxs never could have edited his post again! It's just that simple.
I have talked to you about the my thoughts on the subject in private . I told you a while ago i was concerned that i thought that something fishy was going on and asked if it were posible that someone had got hold of a password or if we could have been hacked . This would answer many questions that have been raised lately by many members ......not just me . It would explain how a post could be edited and things changed with no trail . It might also explain how a post could be manipulated and the edited on / by message could be edited out .
I remember something about it, BUT to be honest, even if i had the password of an admin account, we all could have seen that the post had been edited and we could even see by what account it has edited. So there isn't a secret person who is able to edit posts.
Since i have programmed a lot, i also where interested in hacking. And as an programmer, you even have to have knowledge about hacking, to make the software as save as possible. So i know a little about how hacking works, and what kind of techniques there are to getting this done. But all these techniques are amazing difficult to understand, and you have to be a real GEEK. And only those people know how to code programs(exploits) that are able to cause buffer overflows and other techniques. I can't and never will be able to understand how to do it myself.
Well, let's get this straight. I am for 99,9999% sure, that there is no hacker on this forum, that edits the posts. I have done a little research, and i can't find bugs that say there is something wrong with the edit function.
PhpBB is build by an massive community, and the main programmers do have good professional skills. And yes there are sucurity issues with this version of phpbb, but not one that made it possible to gain entrance to the forum and then also made it possible to edit a post, without the topic shows that it has been edited. The edit part, wouldn't even be possible.
If it was possible, i would definably have found it, since PhpBB is one of the most used forums on the internet, and MANY people would have complained by that. So if there was such an issue, it really wouldn't take long to find such an security issue on google or the phpbb community it self.
Ahuaeynjxs a dit:
Would that explain why I'm getting messages deleted from my account ?
If that was possible, that "someone" would display extraordinary hacking abilities, and also hypnosis techniques, because I'm not likely not to remember writting 4 pages, I have extremely vivid memory.
That's what i call an strange thing! But still i am quit sure, that it isn't caused by an hacker. So to find out, i need to have more details about what you exactly did and what you where doing on the computer beside using an web browser. Because you also said that your computer got an blue screen. This is not an error that would normally be caused because you use an web browser. These are problems are two different things, and there can be many reasons why it could have occur.