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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
I don't know if you understand the concept of half life. :D
half life is how long it takes for half of a (radioactive) substance to degrade. the thing about radioactivity, is that, it doesn't decrease by a linear rate, it works more with the principal of a reverse exponential rate. i dont know the technical terms for that but it means, if you have 100 particles (with an 8 day half life) then at day 8, you have 50 particles, but at day 16, you dont have 0 particles, you have 25. at day 24, about 12. at day 32, about 6. day 40, 3 particles, and so on into the wild blue yonder. hope that helps
No problem. Slap some maths on that bad boy!

Don't worry about radiation - the amount from that plant that is going to get to you is null. And from what little I understand about nuclear physics, radioactive iodine isn't very scary.

In fact, lets take a look at the math:

30 x the "safe" limit combined with the short half life of (example 8 days) of iodine: 15 times the safe limit in 1 week, 7.5 times the safe limit in 2 weeks, etc... P.S. the "inverse of an exponential function" is called a logarithmic function.

actually that still sounds scary :) hope that totally calmed your fears.
This may actually be a real pandemic. Due to Japan's covering up of the extremity of the melt down - the coast may in fact be in some high dosage areas. I wonder who exactly said "Don't worry it's just Iodine" cause it probably isn't at this point. The seawater became radioactive, and there are plenty of metals and elements in seawater that can carry radioactivity for very long times.

And even so, iodine being radioactive, its still radioactive and at levels 30 to 40 times the safe level there should be some kind of "holy fucking shit get the fuck out of there now!"


wait who's our pres now? (emile you're picture posting is contagious)
I like all the pictures you post, Aemilius, it says more than a 1000 words. Ok, maybe not a thousand, but at least 128.


:lol: Put some arrows on a map and that's that. Well done, mr. Media.

There is a documentary about the life around the Chernobyl reactor in the no go zone. Wonderful wildlife coming up again, lots of green.