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1200 mic dose..

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Matrice Périnatale
im have been thinking about dropping a 1200 mic dose of LSD
i have done lsd 6 times now first 3 at 200 mics and 2 at 400 mics
i have done DMT 40+ times mainly 60 mlg but one heroic trip of 3 doses of 60 mlg
i have Experienced CCC's 2 times

so would i be capable of experiencing the 1200 mic dose?
i think your going about it all wrong if your talking doses, and not what you experienced from it. why are you trying to push it so hard? and why 1200mics?

DONT tell me beacuse of the band ethier. :?
because one of my good friends told me to try 1200 mics and because its a really good trip, i want a trip that will make me think about everything important to me and to come up with ideas and to get more comfortable with my self
You cant define a trip by a dose, what happens to you on 1200, and what happens to him on 1200 can be completly diffrent. And you cant be sure of the actual potency of your acid till you get it lab tested, theres too man factors that decide exact potency. I would just find some lsd thats pretty strong, and gradually build up in doses till you find what your looking for.
it doesn't so much depend on the dose - of course it's a factor - but if you want to come up with ideas (what for?) and get comfortable with yourself you won't be exactly better off by just raising your dose. one of the most important things appears to me, is surrendering, to just observe and feel without judgement. I've had my most profound and lifechanging trip on 200 mics, whereas 500 didn't get me anywhere at all I wanted to go. set and setting!

of course, 1200 mics will probably force you more to surrender, because when you do not things might get really uncomfortable..
--> most, if not all negativity and suffering arise from resistance against WHAT IS <--

the word surrender does have a slight negative feeling to some people, as cowardice or along that, but quite on the contrary, it's real braveness. concerning spirituality it appears as the most important aspect of your journey.
(this also counts for "real life", just as much as for a trip)
in my opinion anything over 4/500mic is a waste. you wont get any higher
i aggree.

but why in the hell would you do dmt 40+ times? your obviously not doing it for the constructiveness.
hell yes. 1200 mics gets my vote as far as music! :mrgreen:
do ayahuasca if you want to do 1200 mics lsd.


i love just saying that to people
so they are talking about mg amounts there? Seriously??
:mrgreen: :ANAL:

i really dont even want to fathom that.

5 hits of some strong shit had me in a bathtub with visuals as far as the eye can see. it was fucking INTENSE.
I always wondered what it would be like if you operated on LSD rather than serotonin or dopamine.

i cant even begin to picture what that would be like, imagine how much of a trip dopamine would be. actually i think comming back to (our) reality after living a life like that wouldnt be cool. it would probably feel like getting sent to hell after allready residing in heaven.

but then again, what makes psychedelics so interesting the fact that we rarly feel how we do on them, and its fun to explore the diffrent states of state of consciousness. so i guess it would be a trip.. but i dont think a pleasnt one.

im thinking of the uncomphortable feeling i get on salvia times 10. lol

but theres only 1 way to know.

...i guess ill nominate my body for the betterment of science and research. who wants to do a little brain tinkering? :lol:

EDIT: that was directed towards what it would be like to come down after living like that btw. the only thing that comes to mind of being run on pure LSD is interdimensional travel into infinity.

who knows, maybe it would wake up some part of the brain that lets us do shit like that. i stand by my opinion that the human brain is capeable of alot of things other than thinking. how else can you explain the malfunctioning of electronics when people are on dxm, and telepathy on lsd, as well as afew other things that have been noted by people? ive personally experienced both of them. and im completly convinced.

now... traveling dimentions physically using the mind.. that may be abit far fetched, but im sure you can understand what im trying to get at.
If you're really sure about your material strength (which I believe is only possible if you can get your hands on a liquid bottle, or you got your dots/blotters tested in a lab) a 500/600 ug trip will be definitely sufficient to take out the colours and journey into a frame-by-frame transparant diamond ocean with silver, gold or just white/transparant patterns.

This is what a 500 ug liquid trip looked like for me with closed eyes...


... but the transpersonal psychology and the open eye distortions are the heaviest part. Make sure you're well prepared, do not believe you can take music all the time, it really pushes your brain to the edge of its capability to adapt. Cars heard outside did trigger a feeling on my skin, like a tangible squall passed, and certain tones or noises were displayed to me as specific imagined objects. Sitting tired me out in the back, I had to lay down for comfort.

LSD is kinda weird in a high dose, you'll definitely hallucinate for real with open eyes to a certain extend, but you can still make make a distinction between what's real and what's not. Also, I became much more aware of LSD being a synthesized chemical at such a high dose, definitely a lack of that ''deep'' energy stimulation which I get from Mushrooms or San Pedro. Though you'll feel very stimulated, but in a more artificial way.
trick a dit:
now... traveling dimentions physically using the mind.. that may be abit far fetched, but im sure you can understand what im trying to get at.

Syd Barrett :wink:
yeah on that kind of dose i would recommend having the whole trip thought out one sitter who could subdue you if needed, maybe a packet of valium handy i would also recommend doing it at your own home.
Albert Hoffman would take 1000 mics of pure 25 and sit at home in his room in his rocking chair facing the window, and his wife would make sure he was Un-interupted.
but for years he took daily doses of lsd at minimum threshold doses like 20-50 mics, so his mind was working on lsd but he felt no residual effects. till one day he said he was cured and never had to take it again....

i reckon you could blow up if you stood on a crack at a dose of 1200mics. they say at these doses the trip is different- like plane propellers when they reach speed they seem to be slowing down and reversing.
ive been apart of the Psychedelic community for a long time now, and with lsd ive found real good acid can be better than a real high dose of less quality stuff talking of micro-grams here.
i have a star micro dot waiting for summer bush doof hippy festival :) big crystal meant to be 800mics.
Always can take heaps more at a bush doof i put it down to ya have to rise past the already awesome Vibration.

i have heard, but not sure, that 1200mics of LSD is the limit to what the human body can process, and that anything over this will just prolong the effects.?

most ive had in one dose would be about 850-900 mics, i get my stuff liquid or crystal off of israelis they have the best LSD.
but i have had better trips off a single dose of LSD 25. its different like the lsd is in every cell sweating out of ya pores. like an extra layer of trip very thick buzz.
to date though my best dose is 2 good tabs and when thats reaching peak down a good dose of 2ce, my eyes where spraying food dye out onto the crowd and i heard every instrument known to man, at least thats what the trip was.

i have also had a bunch of bad trips terrifying, ive died and been caught in an alternate reality..Test., been chased by swamp creatures and phantoms, had demon shadows swinging thru trees after me, thought people could hear my screaming thoughts
Just couldnt switch off when the trip came on, and brain kept trying to rationalise the trip - impossible.

good advise if you can. When in doubt, relax, Turn oFF and FloaT DoWn Stream

but ive had soo so many more beautiful loving awesome trips gotta take the bad with the good averyone faces their demons at some stage in some way psychedelics just push the fact to the surface, its all stuff from inside - we need to get out

-Just remember that its all in your HEAD
The most LSD i did w&as 1mg or 1000mics, it was an epic solo trip with lots of deap thought and reminiscing... it was surprisingly easy to handle, but this may have been partly coz i tripped in my house so i was in a safe surrou nding which allways helps...

so i say, yeah go for it, just make sure you're in a stable state of mind when you do it
Ive dropped 1200mic doses of liquid. If open eye visuals of melting colors, rotating patterns, and transforming objects sound good to you then I recommend trying it. As long as you can accept the fact that you just dropped a bunch of acid and you are about to see and feel some things that can't quite be explained, you will be fine. Be somewhere that feels safe and comfortable to you and have good friend there with you to watch you. I also recommend doing it with another friend, even if they don't drop as much, that way you have somebody else more on your level to talk to too. Ive done dmt as well, and if your fine with blasting off to another dimension like that then the visuals of that large of a dose of acid should be fine to you because although your seeing this all this stuff, you can (unless you lose yourself for a bit) always see some aspect the real world as well.
Happy tripping