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1200 mic dose..

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion RussianSEX
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iv had two experiences where i was given way to much of way to strong L... one time it was some owsly that a deadhead i kno had burried underground, but it evaporated down and was way to strong, and i had a fucked up salvia flashback and blacked out for ahwile (i smoke 80X salvia for first time previous weekend)a friend had a similiar experience same night, he smoked the 80Xtoo... later on same deadhead, he used to tour with them and has done insane things.... back on dead tour theyd dose up every show to the point there tolerence made eating it useless and they did bumps :O now there all crazy and thats retarded, but it shows how hard they went... anyways i got puddled one night, from someone already really fucked up who had i high tolerance, i then waatched him take 2 more puddles to himself... now this was a special batch madefor him and his friends,extra strong shit.. and i had no tolerance at that point.... anyways the experience was way to strong, but would of been grate if i hadnt ended up on my own and everyone else went to sleep or laid down fry'n nutz in there tents. once the music stopped and the fire died i was fucked, i ended up completely out of my body and blacked out again... im alot more careful now and try to branch out from this superstrong intense L becouse iv found its more intense and less mellow like some clean L can be
I wish I could find any L... whether it be strong, weak or somewhere in between. I haven't been able to find that in my neck of the woods for about 19 years now. It used to be so in demand that there would be a guy hanging out in the park of my neighborhood always ready to sell you some for just 5 bucks. It was almost as common as pot. You'd get it just about anytime, spur of the moment. That and m..ca...e we (me and my friends) would do just about every weekend for 2 years. I never did more than the regular amount (just 1 dose). What you're talking about would be about 25 times more than I was used to. Amazing!! Also, you had access to owsley?? Once in a while, I ponder what it would be like to have been a young "experimentalist" in the era of free love. The first thing that always comes to mind is that I would somehow make my way out west and find some owsley. I heard so many stories about it.