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Le forum des amateur·ices de drogues et de l'exploration de l'esprit

Résultats de la recherche

  1. H

    Hoe dit forum weer actief te krijgen!

    Btw, leuk om te zien dat jou oorspronkelijke account weer leeft :D
  2. H

    Hoe dit forum weer actief te krijgen!

    Geweldig! Ik ben helemaal van de partij om mee te helpen dit forum weer een tweede leven te gaan geven. Een boerderij nog wel :D Binnenkort dan maar een bakkie koffie doen? :P
  3. H

    Evidence of Psilocybin “Magic Mushrooms” Growing New Brain Cells

    Very interesting!Evidence of Psilocybin
  4. H

    Hoe dit forum weer actief te krijgen!

    Hoi mensen, In het verleden was psychonaut een zeer druk bezocht forum voor psychonauten. Ook het Nederlandse werd druk bezocht. Echter, momenteel lijkt het forum te zijn uitgestorven. Ik heb een topic geopend in het engelse deel, om te kijken of er nog animo is onder de enkele bezoekers die...
  5. H

    let me leave

    Well i don't think you really have to explain, because one way or the other, many of us are in the situation you are in. Perhaps, you didn't meet the right people and its time for you to go on an adventure! The frustration/anger you feel needs to get released, because if you swallow and...
  6. H

    hello, hii

    Welcome :)
  7. H

    Romania Legalizes Medical Marijuana, Becomes 10th EU Country To Permit Theraputic Use

    Authorized medical patients in Romania may now use marijuana to allay their pain under new provisions in two of the country's narcotic laws. Romania legalized medical marijuana this week, becoming the 10th member of the European Union to do so, according to local reports.Romania Legalizes...
  8. H

    The CIA, mind control and psychedelics

    When i where still younger we had some lessons in communication(dam i hated it), but i still remember one practice during one of those lessons which i kind of liked. We all had to sit in a circle, the teacher wispered a word in the ear of a student that was sitting next to him, this student had...
  9. H

    .R.I.P. Bastiaan

    I`m an astrologer, and i would suggest to read about mythology of neptune. Yes, it shows the innerworld and its an important force within someones personality. But neptune also has everything to do with delusions, frauds, self deceptions and its no wonder that Psychedelics belong to neptune's...
  10. H

    .R.I.P. Bastiaan

    Hi God, I`m a bit of surprised to see you're active again, but in a good way ;) Ah man, i remember those days very very well. And altough i couldn't handle you're direct way of putting things in words, i'll now do believe you where so right about a lot of things. And i also realise how...
  11. H

    .R.I.P. Bastiaan

    Its really scarry to see someone in such a state of mind, if there is at that time, any working mind at all. I don;t think the hospital would be a solution for anyone in such a state of beeing. I think Bastiaan was just a another victim of a society that asks a way to much off ppl, which made...
  12. H

    .R.I.P. Bastiaan

    I`m not sure if i had to share this story here, but i need to get rid of some thoughts to find peace with some bad news that i heard yesterday. This is a long story that started years ago, my username was in those days Mysticwarrior. Maybe some do remember still remember me. In those days i...
  13. H

    Nederlander in duitsland opgepakt voor qat

    BREMEN - De Duitse politie heeft in de nacht van donderdag op vrijdag een 41-jarige Nederlander opgepakt, die in een bestelbus 1340 kilo qat vervoerde. Duitse politie pakt Nederlander met ton qat | nu.nl/binnenland | Het laatste nieuws het eerst op nu.nl
  14. H

    police interrogation psychology

    As i where a activist in the past, i have been jailed multiple time for nonses reason. But interrogation was always a part, since i where a activist they always tried to find out as much as possible. But i must admit, the most cops suck at this psychology of interrogation. I would talk about...
  15. H

    Goodbye Facebook

    Its not only facebook, it is internet itself which can be totally filtered down so company's/governments can find out stuff and can observe behavior....
  16. H

    Holland banning tourists from buying cannabis from the cafes

    Dutch Wietpas: Cannabis Cafe's "weed pass" proposed tourist ban - YouTube <-- Things turning from bad to evil over here in Holland. The last 10 years, we have seemed to have a politic crisis which is heavily polarized as time is passing on.. Politicians try to do anything to gain votes for there...
  17. H


    Thanks Heartcore, i am going to dive in it. Your words word do sound very promising.
  18. H

    Op zoek naar een Sjamaan voor ayahuasca

    Ik sta op een mailing list van Askawan, toevallig kreeg ik afgelopen week een mail dat ze 19 mei weer een ceremonie organiseren. Mocht je interesse hebben, stuur me dan even een privé adresje.
  19. H

    'Farmer's Market' International Online Drug Ring Busted....

    What surprised me, is that they also arrested a couple of guys from other country's, who will be hand over to the US, where they will risk a live long sentence. Its weird and scary to see how much power the DEA seem to have and how hard the punishments are over there. Great change they that...
  20. H

    'Farmer's Market' International Online Drug Ring Busted....

    LOS ANGELES -- A sophisticated online drug marketplace that sold everything from marijuana to mescaline to some 3,000 people around the world has been cracked with the arrests of 15 people in several countries, U.S. authorities announced Monday. An indictment unsealed in federal court in Los...
  21. H

    Overheid heeft de exportcijfers van wiet sterk overdreven!

    AMSTERDAM - De overheid heeft de Nederlandse exportcijfers van wiet sterk overdreven. In een onderzoek van het Korps Landelijke Politiediensten (KLPD) wordt het ongeloofwaardig genoemd dat jaarlijks tachtig procent van de totale Nederlandse cannabisproductie bestemd is voor het buitenland, meldt...
  22. H

    Synthetica in een recessie

    Als je er een beetje moeite voor doet, valt er nog steeds net zoveel te krijgen. Laatst heb ik eventjes gezocht omdat ik opzoek was naar Acid en binnen no-time had ik al wat gevonden... :)
  23. H

    Health is Wealth

    Ik heb sindskort samen met mijn vriendin een moestuintje, dus wat betreft die verse groentes gaat het denk ik wel goed komen 8)
  24. H

    Green Tea

    Dan maar aan de groene thee!
  25. H


    Nice, really fantastic!
  26. H

    Dmt Try-out

    Helemaal mee eens! Ben wel benieuwd naar de kristalletjes.... :)
  27. H

    Lucid Dreaming, is it possible?

    Can this also be used with mushrooms for the same purpose?
  28. H

    A new way of life.

    Since 24 Januari ;) It does have international attention. I know that there are in Europe, severall earthships that have been build over the course of the last 10 years or so, a couple in England and also a couple in southern france and severall in Holland. I'll live in Holland and not far...
  29. H

    10 maart 1966

    . Zeg dat wel, wat is er wat dat betreft een hoop veranderd. Zo'n tijd is nu echt ondenkbaar zijn geworden... :( Die paarden met rust laten, dat absoluut. Gewoon direct aanpakken zulke mensen. Maar ik geloof niet dat LSD zomaar verboden is geworden is door enkel een aantal incidenten. Hier...
  30. H


    Mooi gezegd :) Ik kan ook wel is terug denken en dan 'Oeps!'.
  31. H

    Dmt Try-out

    Hey mauneken, Tof dat het je gelukt is ;) Heb je er veel uit kunnen halen? Je hebt gelijk wat de reacties betreft, het Nederlandse deel is een tijdje geleden bijna voorledig uitgestorven. Misschien word het eens tijd om er opnieuw leven in te blazen... 8) Gr, Hermes.
  32. H

    Hi !

    Hey mauneken, welcome on board! :D It's good to see some other dutch people lurking on psychonaut.com ;)
  33. H

    the psychology or so of colors

    I onces read a book which was written by scientist, who was researching NDE's. He worked for years hospital, and everytime they saved a life, he heard story's and rumours from people who had NDE's. He created a whole research about it, and has listened to many many people, and among those...
  34. H

    Government internet control - SOPA and PIPA

    Any address or email so i can undertake some take action? In that case i do whatever i can.... I'll already have filled in many petitions, but if there is anything more what i can do, i will do it.
  35. H

    A new way of life.

    Bastiaan sended me a pb about a docu, called the garbagewarrior, maybe you should take a look at it.... YrMJwIedrWU Damn man, what about mushrooms, cacti, sally. What? There should be build a earthship for all the psychedelic needs :P :D
  36. H

    Government internet control - SOPA and PIPA

    To bad i don't live in the states, else i would have done the same ;)
  37. H

    Advice, planning, and help if you're feeling down.

    I am 28 years old, and last week i got a little drunk for the first time in my whole life. I never liked the taste, and where never interested in getting drunk, so that's why i normally would never drink any alcohol. Most of my friends and people i know did, and since i had experimented with...
  38. H

    Old weed vs nowadays weed

    That's one the reason why they haven't forbid it yet.... I guess there just to many people who smoke MJ, among them are even lawyers and people on high places etc, so that's probably why the government slowly tries to heat up the pressure. At least, that's my interpretation. But the right wing...
  39. H

    Government internet control - SOPA and PIPA

    Well not if they put down the server, like they did with megaupload. The dutchgovernment gave the US an helping hand... :? If they only block a website, in that case you can make use of the TOR network which is pretty effective since it will use muliple servers trough different country, so...
  40. H

    Ketamine vraag.

    Ik heb laatst nog ergens wat ketamine kunnen scoren en ik moet bekennen dat dit zeker wel hallucinaties opriep :)
  41. H


    I ones extracted some DMT, and from what i remember you don't need to put the dmt back into the naptha. Of course you can, but this is(if i remembered it right) to create bigger crystals.
  42. H

    A new way of life.

    What about earth ships..: L9jdIm7grCY
  43. H

    Old weed vs nowadays weed

    I used google translator, but here is an example of one the newsarticles from a dutch newspaper that we see regularly: There was great concern about the THC in Dutch marijuana because between 2000 and 2004 the average percentage of THC doubled from 9 percent to 20 percent. Experts questioned...
  44. H

    Old weed vs nowadays weed

    Over here in Holland the weed get's stronger and stronger every year. There is even found weed, with a potency of 39% thc... :shock: The dutch government is working on a new law, so that weed may not contain a higher thc potency of 15%, if it is higher then you can find yourself in trouble...
  45. H

    Mind-Space, tripping without drugs

    I'll thought about this several times, but is science not objective and subjective at the same time? I mean, if we take the time where we live in right at this moment, then there are many laws that are/seem to be scientific, atleast all the scientists have no doubts about many laws of nature...
  46. H

    lsd and schizophrenia-like psychosis

    IJesusChrist, don't you think you have helped your self just because you got fascinated by psychology/spirituality/science etc, and are in general someone who constantly try's to change his perspective on all kind of subjects? Of course psychedelics etc seem to have helped you, me and plenty of...
  47. H

    Armed Revolution

    Lol :lol:
  48. H

    Armed Revolution

    And indeed i fully agree with what your saying here ;) 8)
  49. H

    Armed Revolution

    I'll think you shoudn't take everything to serious... :rolleyes:
  50. H


    You probably have the wikileaks document, but you can't read it yet! ;) The file is encrypted with aescrypt(Advanced Encryption Standard) if the us is going to prosecute Julian they are going to release the encryption key, so anyone can open the file with aescrypt...
  51. H

    The Height of Consciousness...Valhalla

    Welcome! :D May i ask what substance you have used?
  52. H

    lsd and schizophrenia-like psychosis

    I think he's reffering to my post....
  53. H

    lsd and schizophrenia-like psychosis

    I have said it before, i knew 3 people who had schizofrenia. Especially one of those guys did acid regular. I warned him a couple of times, but he never listened to me. One day i got a call from a friend, he told me that the guy was hospitalized. He has been in a hospital for 1 year! I have...
  54. H

    Feds To Grant Exclusive Cannabinoid License To Pharma Firm

    Try google, or maybe this article says it all: http://jn.nutrition.org/content/134/11/3201S.full or http://literature.cannabisreeducationte ... 202000.pdf
  55. H

    How do you smoke your cannabis?

    Lol, i'll suddenly remember my first hit of bong. I thought that the train where i was in, was driving the wrong way.... :P
  56. H

    lsd and schizophrenia-like psychosis

    And three times... Well said braineater! ;)
  57. H

    How do you smoke your cannabis?

    Making a space cake, can make a Cannabis experience pretty psychedelic. Of course there no visuals, but it can be a some sort of intense mind trip, which can be fascinating to...
  58. H

    How do you smoke your cannabis?

    Although i quited smoking weed for something like 6 month's, i myself have smoked cannabis for years... And i never felt a difference after my first or second and either my 6 hit of acid.
  59. H

    lsd and schizophrenia-like psychosis

    This doesn't sound like a good idea at all... There is nothing to stop the trip, and if Swim is not careful he can bring his next visit for a treatment in a hospital.... And if he has moodswings, who knows what he is going to do when he feels depressed? I would advice Swim to not use any...
  60. H

    Ayahuasca waar?

    Caduceus is al een tijdje niet meer actief, dus ik verwacht niet dat je van hem antwoord zult krijgen. Ik kan je eventueel wel een emailadres van hem geven.....
  61. H

    Truffles/Philosopher stones

    Damn, the free truffles are for people who had already ordered a portion before.... :(
  62. H


    IJesusChrist did you recently stopped with smoking Marijuana? Or have you smoked a lot in a short time and then stopped? I remember we had discussion on the dutch site of the forum, many people did agree that whenever they quit after a intense period of smoking MJ, they had very intense and...
  63. H


    Welcome Daniel! Do you have a lot of experience with psychedelics?
  64. H

    5 Bicycle Day Blotters

    Let us know your experience, you made me curious... ;)
  65. H

    Feds To Grant Exclusive Cannabinoid License To Pharma Firm

    Well europe isn't that tolerant either. Except for some places, like Holland. But even in Holland the times seems slowly to change.... The last 8 years, they keep coming up with new rules and methods to fight against drugs. But i guess the punishments in europe is less dramatic then in many...
  66. H

    cognititve dissonance

    Lol, well no worry mate we all suffer from a lot of cognitive dissonance.... :D Btw welcome :)
  67. H

    Truffles/Philosopher stones

    You can keep them for much longer and the mushrooms seems to become more potent. I remember that years ago, when all the mushrooms where still legal, that the first thing they did when they wanted te get a hold on the mushrooms, was forbidding smartshops to not sell dryed mushrooms for any...
  68. H

    Truffles/Philosopher stones

    What fascinates me about this line is that truffles are practically legal in other country's. Since i live in Holland, i know they did ban the mushroom itself but forget to put the truffles on the list of illegal products. But i never expected that in other country's they also made the same...
  69. H


    I am to high of the mdma at the moment, since i can't really see what i am doing on my screen. My pupils are a bit to wide to able to really focus on what i amiwriting..... But i am readinga poem at the moment, (its hard to read atm,, but i thinkn all of you psychonauts should atleast have read...
  70. H

    Hello Community!

    Welcome on board! ;)
  71. H

    cognititve dissonance

    Short video, but man it's so true ;)
  72. H


    Living in peace with the ratrace doesn't has to mean that you need to join it. I escaped a long time ago from the ratrace, atleast to certain degree so that i can do what i wanted to do. And yeah i needed to go trough a lot of hate, pain and suffering. But it was worth it..... And right now, i...
  73. H


    +1000 :)
  74. H


    I guess your right... :)
  75. H


    I guess your right here, in the end the coin will flip around.... No, i don't think your a cynic, and spice isn't either. You guys just see the things as they are in your own way. Neither does the bad guy... I know it is a paradox, but ones you chose, i am afraid you already have lost...
  76. H


    As long as your perspective is not to much focussed on one side of the coin, then there is nothing wrong with some healthy anger, but ones you see to much of one side of the coin.. then it will be better to change your perspective before you lose yourself to much in anger and confusion or on the...
  77. H

    Psychotria Viridis and Peganum Harmala

    Probably this recipe will do the trick ;) Not that a diet is needed, only avoiding food products that contain MAO is enough. But i heard that light food products like rice etc can also be of a great help... Good luck on your next try, hopefully this time you have some more success ;) gr hermes.
  78. H

    Mhrb shop voor Mimosa Hostilis

    Geen ervaring mee, maar het kvk nummer is wel o.a geregistreerd onder mhrb shop.
  79. H

    Psychotria Viridis and Peganum Harmala

    I think in the end it doesn't matter that much if you wait 30-45 minutes or drink them on after the others, because it seems that people had profound experiences on both ways of taking ayahuasca.
  80. H

    Psychotria Viridis and Peganum Harmala

    Hmmm weird recipe, because as far as i know you should boil the psychotria viridis for atleast a couple of hours and not a couple of minutes. And from everything i read they also cook everything for hours in the amazone, so i don't understand how this can be a traditional recipe.... To bad...
  81. H

    Hi fellas

    Welcome fella! :D
  82. H

    Psychotria Viridis and Peganum Harmala

    I think this website should contain all the information you need. http://www.ayahuasca-info.com/uk/index/ I myself took first the peganum and after that i waited 30 minutes before i took the psychotria viridis. I don;t know what's the best thing to do, maybe it just a matter of experience...
  83. H

    Psilocybe Hollandia Truffle Trip

    :rolleyes: lol :prayer: Have a great time! :D
  84. H

    Psilocybe Hollandia Truffle Trip

    There for sure one of those entheogens which should be tried by everyone who likes to have a real psychonatic journey.. :)
  85. H

    Psilocybe Hollandia Truffle Trip

    Sounds like you had a great time and did everything whats needed for a real journey trough your own mind. I always trip alone, and most of the time in complete darkness with eyes closed, especially because this is where the real magic happens. I am getting to much afraid with others around me...
  86. H

    its been 2 months am i ready?

    Hmmmm, beware mate. Don't let the mistakes of others be your own mistakes... If you don't like Coke, then just don't do it and let here do what she wants...
  87. H


    Vomiting? Man how much caffeine did you use on a daily basis? I am also a caffeine addict, and when i quit using it i do have some mild headaches, but vomiting that sounds way to extreme.... Gr, Hermes.
  88. H

    What does everyone on here... DO?

    Go for it! When i still lived on the streets, i had no money. So i created a sport from living with as less money as possible. I'll squated houses etc, and lived among others who had similar problems. Although i am not such a community guy, there where many others who actually where realizing...
  89. H

    What does everyone on here... DO?

    Well, that's a long story. But to keep it short, when i where around the age of 18 I'll heavily rebelled against the idea of me joining the rat race. Actually i rebelled against everything i could rebel against :P Especially because i didn't had the changes to do what i liked to do and of course...
  90. H

    What does everyone on here... DO?

    Well, i did escape from the rat race(a job...) a long time ago and didn't had a job in 10 years time. Most of the time i spend on programming webapplications(a hobby). I am already working 2 years on a astrology webapplication, which is able to draw birth charts aswell as transit en...
  91. H

    Cannabis: What's it good for?

    And another one. :D
  92. H

    I'm homeless! WEE!

    I where reading this thread with some great attention, because in the past i also did steal a lot from other people, not just because i needed or wanted something, but because i needed it to survive. Around my 18 birth year, i'll also ended up on the streets like Spencer did. I got a bill from a...
  93. H

    bad trip i think im crazy now 2ci 1st time tripping

    Well said IJesusChrist, It's exactly like this!
  94. H

    Legalization Consequences

    Well the other country's in Europe are getting more and more positive about legalizing, things in the Netherlands are rapidly changing. It even looks like they are started with a crusade against marijuana. Now they have made rules which prohibit coffeeshops to sell marijuana that has more then...
  95. H

    Armed Revolution

    Hehehe yeah in the past we had some fascinating fantasy's about this... I am still thinking about sprinkling the wafer's which they give in the christian church, with some acid... :)
  96. H

    Hi everybody/Salut à tous/Buenas Tardes

    Welcome :) Yeah i know all about it, it's just to complicated to get rid of the psychonaut syndrom.... :P
  97. H

    Bad acid experience + Chirality/Mirrors/Everything inverted

    Jups, i am still alive and most of the time lurking at the background ;)