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Holland banning tourists from buying cannabis from the cafes

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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
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In our mainstream news yesterday there was a little article about how the Holland government is going to ban tourists from buying cannabis from cafes. This is a follow on from their banning of the selling of magic mushrooms.

It doesn't bother me because I have given up smoking altogether, and cannabis, but I just find this regression fitting in with the growing fascism where other adults tell other adults what they can and cannot ingest. What a sorry fucking game it all is,
hmm that's sad but yeah it only shows how they want to show to each other how supposedly adult they all are etc etc...
i really think it's kindergarden shit but on a whole other level. how fear and not intelligence controls so many people.
i dunno lol... for some it's like apocalyptic thinking in some way, where at some or the other point they just seem to give up.
but of course many don't want to show that. i think it can be seen as an indicator and also holland is probably a test nation
for how steps towards legalisation of drugs effect the population as a whole etc etc... hmm something like that... :) :|
and to me it's relatively obvious how tourists not only in holland, but in the whole world can have negative effects to the culture and the people etc etc.... :x :?

Dutch Wietpas: Cannabis Cafe's "weed pass" proposed tourist ban - YouTube <-- Things turning from bad to evil over here in Holland. The last 10 years, we have seemed to have a politic crisis which is heavily polarized as time is passing on.. Politicians try to do anything to gain votes for there politic party's. Especially since the politician Geert Wilders started to get populair, all the politicians go mad and do anything to bring up attention to there politic party's. Its just one fucking mass, and it turns out to get more and more worse almost everyday..... If you ask me, it has a lot to do with populism.
I know from experience what buying from the street is like!! I had to resort to buying my cannabis from inner city places. There could be danger, and the places I had to frequent I could easily have got into trouble. Now, UNLESS you got a dealer you could trust you would all kinds of polluted shit, just like they are warning in this video. Here's some examples, weed with god knows what in it--foul tasting other herbs. But the WORST--cause I loved hashish--was what the Jamaicans called 'formula'. it was a disgusting thing that LOOKED like black, but actually set on fire when you tried to roast it, and smelled like michelin tyres/rubber burning

Now the tragedy is that in those days--this is going way back--I was going through a lot, was in hellish job, and when i parted with my money for what I thought was draw and was So disappointed to find I had been done, I would often still try and smoke the evil crap to try and get SOME buzz out of it.
This happens to all people who use drugs. Including alcohol, which when prohibited people resorted to hooch which is very destructive. Also heroin users. This great documentary about it showed that most of the degradation, and harm happening to users, etvc is NOT due to using heroin as such, but to the fact that they get stuff polluted which then they inject into their system. Again the same thing---you BAN, force it onto the black market where it cannot be regulated and the criminals pushing it pollute it with all sorts of toxic shit to make more profits.

Anyone here find me an address to write to one of the people promoting this fascism and I will write them and tell them what i fucking think!
Plateau 3 authentique. Pas de doute.
Mec c'est trop émouvant ce que tu racontes de ton père, de sa sœur, et de ta femme! :cry: Limite j'ai chialé, ouah, quoi, c'est du lourd!


Gafas Ray Ban