Those talking about cyclic time usually refer to the repetition of certain ages. It's exact opposite are the Christian or Muslim views that creation occured a couple of thousand years ago, or the Big Bang theory which also claims it all 'started' a certain number of years ago. Cyclic time means everything has existed always, and will always continue to exist, and the things that happen within existence comes in waves, comes in cycles. The world was not created, it has always been, and within it everything spins in predictable cycles.
Also, not recognizing that there have been ancient civilizations who have been far superior in evolutionary terms than us. There is no such thing as linear evolution. Time is cyclic.
Linear evolution as in: an amino acid becoming a cell, becoming an insect, becoming a mammal, becoming a human being. Since he follows the phrase "linear evolution" with "time is cyclic", I assume he implies that the existence of the modern human body is not the result of evolution on planet Earth, but some other process.
Before anyone speculates on where the human form came from, they should first answer where the complex DNA structure came from.
All we know is that it was there at the basis of the very first simple organism. But DNA itself is far from simple, it's very complex. Such a complex key player at the start of our local evolution reveals that simple structures didn't develop into complex structures (such as the human nervous system), but rather that a very complex structure (DNA) simply developed into a simple structure first.
Perhaps human beings could theoretically evolve from ordinary Darwinian influences (mutation, adaptation etc.), but the question is: did they? Or is the galaxy already populated to such an extent that humans invade a planet long before any monkey will stand up? And that our Earth planet went through times of scientific and technological advancement we have simply forgotten about?
It could very well be that the human form has always existed and always will exist, somewhere. Because it is the nature of existence to include human populations. The appearance and disappearance of human beings, and their technological advancement, comes and goes in cycles. Hence time is cyclic for the human lifeform.