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Your thoughts on DOB..

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion ochho
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Well, let's say he's a crazy but engaging chap. Very talkactive. ;) The guy is a bit of a carefree laboratory animal with his range of RC's, also doing things like 600 mics of acid three times a month.

The bathes are 1000 mics each according him, but he got to know this through the source he bought it from. No lab test or whatever.
Yes I have had what was described as 'liquid acid' or 'squirts on paper' something like that and they were huge white card squares and I had them around 3-4 times each only a half because every time they lasted 12hrs+ and could feel it for 24hrs. No peak, just ups and downs of amazing visuals, melting walls, clouds forming into wonderful shapes etc. Weird but fun. Too long wouldn't want to do again any time soon.

This time it was a hoffman blotter, very bitter taste, as soon when i noticed the extreme bitter taste i spitted it out.

Have had really light to almost no viuals, again could not concentrate good anymore and a terrible pain in the neck, a lot of tension between the teeth and could not sleep all the night.

The most strange thing is that all the providers said they sold it to lots of people and no one complained.

What is going on here?

third time in a row

where is the real deal?
Perhaps it's your individual response to acid (as well as the suspicious approach and mindset) as it is quite unlikely that blotters over here are sprayed with anything else than LSD. Not that it doesn't happen but since you said many didn't complain about the same source and third time in a row...

There's usually a noticeable difference between LSD and RCs, DO's or Dragonfly is not something people go through unnoticed with the belief it's acid.
I understand exactly your point and normally i would agree
thats what i was thinking too, but the acid i have had in in italy (2x)was way different. Just exactly as anyone would describe an acid trip. To be shure i brought some to a test center so i'll keep it updated when i hear something.

the onset of at least 3 hours and the negative body load really is strange i think.

And it shouldn't taste like metallic chemical shit either.

I cannot do anything then guessing untill i get the results and I really hope your right and people can tell the difference, but to be honest i dont think it is the case.
A lot of people seem to be simply unawares of what can or can't go on blotter..

Eg my bromo dragonfly blotter. I know that more than a few people have gotten that blotter and tried it in this area. As far as I know I'm the only one who bothered to do 5 minutes of googling..

But they might still intuitively notice the difference, eg: "I don't like that batch of acid" or "that acid takes a long time to kick in"
Can someone explain me the difference between bromo dragonfly and dob? I have read on erowid-pikhal but i´m curious for other information.
It's a completely different chemical that is active on blotter. AFAIK it was discovered in the late 90's. (DOB was floating around back in the 70's, also known as Serenity Tranquility Peace). 6 hour comeup, 24+ hour trip (the higher you dose the longer the trip). I also understand it is related to but distinct from phenylethylamines (of which DOB is one, alongside other RC's like the 2Cx's), more or less a new class of psychedelic..
Jeniger a dit:
the onset of at least 3 hours and the negative body load really is strange i think.

And it shouldn't taste like metallic chemical shit either.

Yeah, definitely not acid if you ask me. I don't think the onset of LSD should exceed 2 hours under any circumstances or dose.

And the taste.. as far as I'm concerned, there is no taste when it's the real deal.

What's bad though is that in alot of parts of the world, you see DOB/DOX/other being sold as acid, mainly because it's easier to make.. and then you get told from dealers it's acid..either because they themselves don't know or because people are more prone to buy it if they think it's "acid" than if they were told it's another potent hallucinogen.
And, this is also dangerous..because what if someone decides to drop 2 or 3 hits.. to "push his limits" so to say thinking it's acid and is let's say actually DOB.. you might end up in the overdose area (depending on the strength of the blotter) with very dangerous physical consequences such as gangrene resulting from vasoconstriction (I think there is a few documented cases of this)

Look at the dosage for DOB... it's scary, I think one can easily get to the overdose.

Oral DOB Dosages
Threshold 0.2 mg
Light 0.2 - 0.75 mg
Common 0.75 - 1.75 mg
Strong 1.75 - 2.5 mg
Heavy 2.5 - 3.5 mg
Overdose 3.5 + mg

Mainly one of the reasons I will never take DOB again (knowingly that is)
ochho a dit:
And, this is also dangerous..because what if someone decides to drop 2 or 3 hits.. to "push his limits" so to say thinking it's acid and is let's say actually DOB.. you might end up in the overdose area

Or what if you take a hit and don't feel a lot after an hour and decide to take the other three hits you bought? :roll:
Yes, its devastating for the reputation of lsd also, i can imagine that someone would not be interested to explore more psychedelics when thinking it was real lsd.

Being unaware of the possibility of anything else then lsd on blotters i overdosed this stuff the first time i tried it, creating a neck pain lasting for days. Really dangerous indeed.

I have gotten from 3 different sources all really claiming it was the real deal also informed them my previous blotters were not real. I am not aware if they were just straight drugdealers or `psychonauts´ because i have not met them in person.

This stuff really has to be stopped, now i have another blotter here but i am almost to scared to try it, i dont want a fourth unwanted dob-strange rc experience :cry:

thinking now about it, it already demotivated me a lot to search for more sources
Oh c'mon people, it's definitely not like you have to fear for every unknown blotter you take. It are still mostly assumptions and IMO's speculation is no valid fact to conclude anything about the acid market.

Only a lab test can tell for sure. The RC's mentioned in this topic are rare and unique, not something that's easily and secretly used as a substitute. There's a striking difference between acid and the other RC's. Besides, it's easier to over dose on acid than DOB since acid is more potent.

Imagine 1.75 mg of acid, which is 1750 micrograms. I bet you rather have 2000 micrograms of DOB in your system.
Brugmansia a dit:
Oh c'mon people, it's definitely not like you have to fear for every unknown blotter you take. It are still mostly assumptions and IMO's speculation is no valid fact to conclude anything about the acid market.

Only a lab test can tell for sure. The RC's mentioned in this topic are rare and unique, not something that's secretly used as a substitute. There's a striking difference between acid and the other RC's. Besides, it's easier to over dose on acid than DOB since acid is more potent.

Imagine 1.75 mg of acid, which is 1750 micrograms. I bet you rather have 2000 micrograms of DOB in your system.

We are not concluding anything.. but I can assure you, that for say in Lebanon, the "acid market" consists mostly of DOB blotters sold as acid. And this, I know for myself, and through my friends who have alot of connections..and we were never able to find real acid. The only thing we found (from different sources) was this mischievous DOB.

And, yes it is easier to overdose acid, since it's far more potent..but in general, people selling acid are pretty careful because it costs alot to synthesize (at least I think so) and they surely don't want any waste.
Also, with acid you are talking in micrograms, while DOB it's milligrams. Which means you lose a level of precision. And if a clumsy chemist puts 4mg on a blotter instead of 3mg..it might seem very minimal variation, but is actually the difference between strong dose and overdose.
I think the maximum one can put on a blotter is ~1mg. Still I wouldn't compare DOB with acid, because a physical overdose of acid is hard to achieve if you have to eat blotters.
Well maybe tonight i get the test results so we will see. I don't want to pretend that i am an expert, but i really think i am quit experienced when it comes to trying psychedelics and observing the effect and the relation with mindset and setting
But i think just to be shure it would be a wise thing to be carefull to take more when a bitter mettalic tasting blotter doesnt work(onset)

I am not trying to spread fear to anyone for unknown blotters, i fear it because it has the same picture on it(extreme bitter hoffmans) i just wanted to spread my experience in the hope maybe someone is familiar with the story..

And obviously ochho is

I dont think the rc's mentioned here are unique, maybe times are changing and we are in the middle of it.
My DOB blotters had the hoffman bike ride art.. similar to the next picture (but I'm not sure about the year.. if it was or wasn't on it)

Unfortunately, I just looked for them..and it appears I have lost them while moving apartments yesterday. They have been sitting in my drawer for almost a year.. so I don't really regret losing them.. I wasn't gonna take them anyway.

And just for the sake of comparison, here is a picture of a 5-blotter strip (good ol' acid!).
The DOB Blotters were much bigger and thicker..at least 2~2.5 times the size of 1 of those blotters

(5-blotter strip with Canadian Dollar coin right next to it)
I'm pretty sure I've taken reasonable doses of both DOB and Dragonfly at one point or another, and enjoyed them both. Bogus acid (or poorly cut liquid) is far more frequent than the real deal in these parts. Now I always test out a new batch of blotter with a low dose before opting for a higher dose. (Frequent enough relatively speaking, I'm lucky if I can find anything on blotter these days, it's been years since lucy came to town. this part of the world is speed and coke and more speed)

Anyway, dosing people with something other than what they are supposed to be getting is just wrong. There's been several tragic cases of people overdosing on RC's not knowing what they were doing. In the case of Bromo Dragonfly its vasoconstrictive effects can manifest a long time after the overdose--there's a case of some swedish guy who got gangrene weeks after overdosing on it, he's now an amputee. (Which is why it is now banned in Sweden. I found two references to the news articles about this on the wiki page for dragonfly, unfortunately they're in swedish..)


Pics included, warning--not for the feint of heart.
I've had it once, it was sold to a friend as LSD, by someone who usually had reliably good LSD. It definitely wasn't though. It also turned out to be my first experience trying any hallucinogen. That wound up being about 20 hours of hell. My neck hurt for a long time after but that wasn't the real lasting damage. It took almost 2 years for the nightmares to stop.

Since then I've tried actual LSD once, and DMT as well, but it took quite a lot to get myself to ever consider trying anything like that ever again. I get the feeling that whole area of exploration is not really my cup of tea.
Afther a strange phone conversation the test centre told me there was 67ug on the blotter. Afther it sounded they could not find my file.

I dont want to conclude anything but now for me its getting just really strange....

The first time i have had liquid and had the most profound experience of my life, exactly like a mushroom trip where u can play with the lens. My thought had been taken over and the typical find out to the bottem mentality

But this stuff i have gotten on blotter have done nothing but creating lots of bodyload and only visuals. I have read somewhere this can be a result of bad synthesis. Also i have read on other boards that people have the same problem.
and that even some lsd tested as real lsd doesnt provoke that profound touch and a lot of bad side effects.

On shrooms i still have the most profound experiences.
Now i will bring some other to the test centre.

Anyone ideas about this?
Jeniger a dit:
creating lots of bodyload and only visuals

quite possibly.. or it could be an rc.. acid for me has pretty much zero body load. actually the only hallucinogen I have ever had a high body load from would be 2CI at moderate dosage.. and that was all visuals