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Your creative work, second edition

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Misery, great pics as always! I really like that last one too.

Here's my latest oil painting:

Nomada a dit:
have you notice this is how everyone talks?

hehe you're right.

misery, is that last one a composite? I ask because of that vertical line.

moldyb, I've been staring your painting for the last 15 mins. do you paint with a concrete idea of what's going to come out, like some emotion you want to portray or something and then try to reproduce it? like hidden meanings, I don't know... I'm amazed by how your paintings, despite being so abstract, always make sense to me. They each have like their distinctive moods... it's hard to describe :)
wow @ moldyb
???????? a dit:
misery, is that last one a composite? I ask because of that vertical line.
what is a composite? whatever it may be, I'm sure it isn't ;) just a scanned negative. used a rather old camera.

moldyb, wow, sick shading going on there :) a lot of depth.
I second philipos question, do you have a special idea in mind when you start painting or do you just start with something and go with the flow?
???????? a dit:
moldyb, I've been staring your painting for the last 15 mins. do you paint with a concrete idea of what's going to come out, like some emotion you want to portray or something and then try to reproduce it? like hidden meanings, I don't know... I'm amazed by how your paintings, despite being so abstract, always make sense to me. They each have like their distinctive moods... it's hard to describe :)

Ah, . . cool, . . and thanks very much. I usually start with a general idea and along the way, I try to figure out ways to hopefully make it a little more interesting. I DO like the idea of painting emotions and creating moods that are subtle and mysterious. I don't believe there's any kind of hidden message or meaning or anything, . . . but if there IS, it's hidden from me too.

Thanks again and take it easy,

Man how cool to just chill out in a tree for a while...
this is a little something i made last night in a rush, ink,pastels and specks of spraypaint ( edited a little in photoshop for the highlights)

not too bad, but i'm not satisfied with the overall result.. too dirty
misery a dit:
A day in a tree.






no seriously, not a day, but one hour at least.

I had tears in my eyes when I saw the last picture.
:heart: analog photography

my favorite joke, and it works with this photo

see that tree? thats yew that is
Oknayd a dit:
this is a little something i made last night in a rush, ink,pastels and specks of spraypaint ( edited a little in photoshop for the highlights)

not too bad, but i'm not satisfied with the overall result.. too dirty

very nice textures and toning. I don't think it's too dirty, often, the dirt makes out the character of something, what would be the world without dirt? :D I like it.

:( I don't get the joke
Carebear,I really like your works!Psychedelic,so much.

Here's a video i've made,almost an year ago.I don't know if you'll call a juggler an artist,but....well,here it is

thanks misery

arimane i enjoyed watching your video, it made me smile :D YES juggling is an expression of art (because i said so)

this is something i made a week ago with a girlfriend who studies Art therapy

free associatives with pastels, fun stuff! i can recommend it to everyone :D
^ cool pastel oknayd.

Here's another face, . . . this one's 2x3 feet.

shit my man, you need to stop making art!
it hurts my eyes!!!! it's that good.. i'm really a big fan of your work lol. you have something where you store all your pics?

haha, thanks a lot man, . . glad you like it! I'm really getting into painting these portraits and figures.

I've got A LOT of canvases stacked in my room and on my walls, . . others are at friends'/neighbors' houses, . . . and I've managed to sell some here and there.

Oknayd a dit:
thanks misery

arimane i enjoyed watching your video, it made me smile :D YES juggling is an expression of art (because i said so)

this is something i made a week ago with a girlfriend who studies Art therapy

free associatives with pastels, fun stuff! i can recommend it to everyone :D

really interesting thing,i've never heard about it

moldyb,your paintings...don't take me bad,but they seem to scare me,they've got a really intense tension.
arimane a dit:
Carebear,I really like your works!Psychedelic,so much.
Here's a video i've made,almost an year ago.

Thanks!, you`re a great juggler man:)
first results of a little series I'm working on.

"take this pill"


"a windy day"

Really nice,misery.Especially take the pill!Nothing more from this project?

I've got something new.
First,I've done another video(i do something like one per year),just upped on youtube here it is

My girlfriend gave me yesterday a painting she've done an year or something ago,here it is

Hope you like,both.

oh moldyb, I had read your answer and forgot to say something. You actually reminded me of myself, when I think about how my drawings are never exactly what I expect them to be, and how it's really like a complex relationship between what you want to do, what you can do (skills) and what you actually finish doing, for various reasons one can't ultimately control. This is sometimes frustrating but when it works, it's what makes drawings take on a bit of life of their own, and these are usually the best, because they somehow transcend their creators!

you definitely put a characteristic mood on your paintings and I can perceive it. It is a bit like you said, mysterious and subtle :)

misery I like your pictures a lot too :wink: