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wrinkly peyote

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion user_1919
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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
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I was wondering if anyone knew anything about a wrinkly peyote. Mine is starting to get wrinkles on the side. I read in a different topic that no one really knew what it was. but that was a little while ago and i was wondering if anyone new knew what casues this. My peyote is around 6 months old and i grew very very close to it and i really dont want to loose it..CAN SOMEONE PLZ HELP ME :cry:
and how long has it been since u gave it water ??
it has been about a week or two, and this time when i watered it i put half the recommonded dose of plant food in the water....will watering affect this? should i refrain from watering for a long time? should i transplant it into new soil asap...and is it safe to do so while it is still so young?thanks...
I have the same thing, since the moment I got it actually
It doesn't look nice, but it still seems to grow and doesn't seem to die, so it's very strange
perhaps there is too much vertilizer in the water, you could try and give it vertilizer free water. if the soil contains too much minerals your cactus get depleted of water and the plant cells dry out. so perhaps if you would wash away some of the minerals in the soil your cactus would get better. does it loos like the cactus in the other post?
1 of mine was a bit wrinkly when I got it .. but watering solved the problem..
I water them once the ground has completely dried out
but a friend of mine has one that is wrinkly also and that one is getting smaller, but he said he gave them enough water.. and he is using the exact same soil as I am .. from the same bag
k thanks guys, but should i transplant it when its young? and the thing is, this is the first time i ever used plant food...and this is occuring. so i think im going to refrain from the plant food for 2-3 months and just use regular water, then swtich back to the plant food and see if the same thing happens. also is distilled water or tap water better? i know tap water has alot of minerals but also has chlorine. thx
I always use tap water, but the chlorine content is prety low here in holland, but u could use rain water. repotting the cactus coud be very stress full for the plant and your plant is already stressed. so I wouldent do that unless there isnt another option.
yeah here in canada i think there is more chlorine than h20 in the water lol...but thanks i wont repot it unless it gets worse, it its seem to have started to recover...
Do not replant it. This will kill it for sure. Cacti need to have good roots to be replaced in another pot especially now. My tip is to water it often and put glass cup over pot like some little greenhouse. This will reduce vaporisation of water and condensation of water will tap on cacti from top of glass and simulate rain. And yours cacti have 60% of survival chance cause it young and not properly watched and sorry for this statement- poorly care ed. Sin loi. :wink:

Try to grow 5 to ten next time cause always you will have failures.
im not taking this personally, but trust me, i take care of my peyote more than anything i do. I'm just new at growing and dont know all stuff about growin them, but i am learning something new everyday. thanks for the help. also should i use the plant food ? casue this is the first time i used it and this happened? so just regular water or inhanced water with plant food? thx
man, you are obcessed with fertilizer!!! just give it water until it asks for something else! then go for natural fertilizers, like bonemeal or manure. i don't like artificial fertilizers, because if you are going to eat it, it's not very good for your health eating something out of a plastic container with green or purple liquid in it.
I'm not using any fertiliser, just water, since the moment I got it, so very strange mine is wrinkled to, it does seem to be growing a lot though.

Weird stuff, I'll try to watch closer when the soil is dried out...
i'm not sure how to describe it, its actually getting much better since i have put a glass shotglass over it. I also watered it and havent for at least 4 days, I dont want to over water it because i dont want the roots to rot, but it seems very very dry already, is it safe to water again? but the "wrinkles" are like horizontal lines across the peyote. almost look like indents...not sure if u can picture that, ill try to get a picture up, but it would be a while, plus it is getting much better, thx
Just do not let to left your cacti dry. Try before watering with toothpick how much moist is in earth. If it is only thin layer of surface dry that is OK. But 3-5mm deeper will require spoon of water. Glass will also reduce needs for water cause condensation is circulating. This saved dozens of my young ones. :)
yah, thanks alot, im pretty sure you save my peyote...thanks again!!! :D