Elfe Mécanique
- Inscrit
- 7/3/08
- Messages
- 392
GOD a dit:The chemicals you are talking about are not natural they are synthetic pharmaceuticals and they have not been properly tested
I never said they are natural.. Yes they are synthetic, and yes I even said it myself I preffer products that have thousands of years of human testing
GOD a dit:You didnt answer my question - why should anyone take untested things if they can take Ayahuasca or P.Harmala ?
I dont think anybody ´should´ anything.. The original poster asked for a prescription MAOI.. This is what the thread is about.. I do not recommend people, I give out information.. I preffer the thread starter to know about moclobemide and not die of food interaction than blindly get some other pharm and die because he never heard of the difference between reversible or non-reversible maois
GOD a dit:I started with vegetarianism in 1958 , the last time i ate meat was a single bite , that i spat out , from a hotdog 34 years ago . The only animal product i eat since then is about a liter of milk a day because i dont know any other adequate source of vitamin B 12 . I have two cups of tea a day , one earl grey and one green tea . I eat 4 teaspoon fulls of sugar a day in warm drinks , sometimes less . I do not drink coffee . I take no pharmacutical medicins unless i have no choice . At the moment i have to take interferon and ribavirin . I have also been prescribed ritalin and valium , all because i have hepatitis C 1a from a blood transfusion i had to have or die . ( and i definately would not do that again , i`d rather die ) . I dont eat any cakes or sweets . I dont take drugs . I dont smoke anything . I dont drink alcohol . I eat 400 gramms of vegetables every day and a bowl of musli = about 400 gramms . I eat 25 gramms of tomato paste a day . I dont eat any fryed foods . I do watch TV but only sensible documentarys and i have never eaten a television . I do not read newspapers . I am normaly the perfect weight for my size and my doctors say my health is very good for my age . = i have the body and normaly the fitness of some one 20 years younger than me . When i`m not ill i do weight training most days , especialy when i read shit like you write . I dont go on busses or trains or airoplanes i ride my bycycle or walk . The only time i go in cars is if i go to vuuv or something with a friend . Compaire that to what you have projected on me and your life style and get on your knees .
congratulations for you... I pretty much do what you said, but im not gonna turn this into a dick measuring context.. You know, when I read your posts, I wonder: "why this attitude?!" .. Whats up with this superiority feeling.. ´get down on your knees´.. would you enjoy people to? Sounds pretty far from the equality and humbleness that spirituality normally teaches..
so what has all your experience got for you? You say you try your best, you are on a psychonaut forum, you are old, you have taken psychedelics, but you are still posing as superior and judging others (thinking I am worse than you, thinking I wont be as ´natural´ as you... ) .. So please get off your high horse and lets talk friendly, yes?
GOD a dit:What a hipocritical statement , whos 100% perfect , do you expect me to be jesus ? I try to do my best . Are you perfect ?
nope, im also trying.. also vegetarian, no chemicals, no drugs, no cigarretes, no alcohol, no tv, plenty exercise, working with poor children from slums, love my wife, planting trees, trying to be as good as possible to family and all, no car only public transport or walking, etc etc... but am not perfect, still need more patience sometimes, or sometimes less time in the computer and few other things

but man.. all this vegetarian deal... its complex.. let me quote from an experience I had:
This time I mixed with milk, and when I took a sip of it, I was totally disgusted! Milk felt completely wrong, and I don’t mean just in that situation, but in general. This realization came in many different levels. First it was a ´moral´ level, imagining us humans ´stealing´ the milk of another animal to drink (AFAIK we are the only animals that do that). The milk I drink was organic, but still it didn’t feel right. Also I imagined the secretion of this milk in the cow, as if I could imagine the glands producing it, and I can tell you it wasn´t very pleasant to ´taste´ cow glands haha. Also, it just felt wrong in general to the human body, as if it´s tolerated and somehow digested, but it´s not meant to be, the body doesnt want it.
This also made me start questioning my whole position as a vegetarian, trying to respect nature, how hard it starts becoming. I thought about it´s not enough to just not eat meat, but how agrotoxic-filled vegetables, milk-stealing, etc are also nasty. I thought of vegetarians, how usually they define themselves as such, as if it morally excuses them in life. But in fact, it´s so much more complex than that, as the milk example I mentioned, or for example how even if one doesn’t eat meat, still so many of the products we use are involved in animal testing (for example, procter and gamble, a big corporation, owner of Duracell batteries, Gillette, Oral B, Pampers, a dozen of shampoo brands, etc, is known to do very nasty animal testing). So this showed me how it´s a very complex and deep issue, and how I definitely don’t have clear-cut answers to it. I know I will always have some sort of cost to the planet, one can´t be ´footprint-free´, but I realized once again it´s my duty to try to diminish that and be aware of things I buy/use as much as possible, respecting all different levels of life. It´s all these dynamic decisions we have to make..
On one hand, a person can choose to live the ´back to the land´ lifestyle, have a sustainable land, be an example of non-aggression to nature.. I find that a very nice iniciative.. But then again, what good does a person do to the world by being isolated? To how many people will this be an example? Will it really change anything, appart from being ´one less problem´? Maybe it´s better to closer to society, try to make an active change to the world thinking of long term consequences, even if that will mean being temporarily harsh to nature.. It´s a fine line, there is no single answer, it depends on each person in each moment.. These ethical questions are very complex, dynamic, contextual. I think it´s necessary to try to be as conscious as possible, and not give up on the search for a better world.
so yeah, its not that simple and I am aware of it, or try to be...
GOD a dit:"I dont want to give money to the pharmaceutical industry."
Where do you get your pills from then ? Steal them ?
nope, I dont get pills at all... Im young and healthy and dont need to take them, for many years, and dont plan on unless its an emergency.. so yes, we agree, no need to get angry
GOD a dit:Then why are you advertising them and recomending people to take them ? Could it be hipocracy ? Or ignorance ? Or stupidity ? Or have you got a sick ego ? Or is it just that you are talking crap ?
Im not advertising, and I am sorry if it sounded like that.. Im advising somebody that asked about prescription MAOIS, and saying the one that is health-wise most safe, but if possible I definitely recommend natural ones
GOD a dit:Please tell me who can take a pill to oraly activate DMT and say wich MAOIs it contains ?
Heh? what do you mean? if you take moclobemide, you would know its moclobemide
GOD a dit:If a person respects themselves and knows what they are doing they dont eat for 4 hours before an ayahuasca experience so what you have said is irelevant .
but some people are not so informed, so its good to give information on the different interactions and so on... not to mention the fact that in the case of irreversible maois, the interaction would be for longer than 4 hours, so it would be dangerous even with this ´respect´ you say that I agree with