Will Switzerland legalize cannabis?

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I hope Switzerland legalize MJ and that the rest of the world follows suit very soon.

Good luck to all our Swiss members 8)
restin a dit:
I´m stuck here in Norway, so I´ll inform myself when I´m back in Switzerland.

Please tell me you're stuck hanging out with Darkthrone.

Seriously though, I think only good things can come from this. The fact that such a proposition is even being presented makes me hopeful.

Also, if I ever get deported or something, I'm heading straight for Switzerland. :wink:
Hello fellow psychonauts :-)

Here a little information for people wanting to know more about the hanfinitiative.
Sorry all in German only, if you like some explanation, just pm me.



Majority of Swiss for hemp legalization:
An inquiry of the SRG resulted in yes-majorities

Pre-Poll Voting: 45% YES, 42% NO, 13 dont know yet.


Weed smoking should be legal:
The Zürich town councillor says YES the hemp initiative.


Radio show about the hanfinitiative (MP3):


Tell every swiss person you know to go vote! And make Switzerland a special place again :-)

Seriously though, I think only good things can come from this. The fact that such a proposition is even being presented makes me hopeful.
such propositions are very often here. It is not the first legali-proposition. But there are now a lot of official votes that are for the legalization: the medical associations are only a small part. There are even votes from the conservative party that want a legalization. The government only profits from it: It is a fact that a substance can be controlled much better, so you can make certain statistics, help the ill, make research, it can profit from taxes, the police doesn't need to hunt small and harmless dealers and can concentrate on criminals. The weed itself can be controlled so there is no fear of lead-cut or bad weed.
The Zürich town councillor says YES the hemp initiative.
I wouldn't worry about Zurich, rather the conservative cantons like Appenzell or the Romandie, where the liberals were against legalization.

Maybe the government here can learn something from this.

[add] On second thought, maybe I should just move to Switzerland.
Not sure if this has been posted but it's past Nov 30th so any legalization would have made headline news, even here in the US.

According to Wikipedia, regarding the "Legalisation of the personal consumption and production of cannabis" as part of the Swiss Referendum, November 30th, 2008.

The final vote was:
No - 63.19%
Yes - 36.81%


The article goes on to note that, "Among the political parties in Switzerland, only the liberal and left-wing parties and the youth wing of the Free Democratic Party of Switzerland supported the initiative."


Doesn't look like the referendum passed...
There is another thread in the News Section.

most officials supported the conservative, all parties except the christian and conservative did so,it was therefore a decision of the population.