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WHY is cannabis a bad thing???

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion skimandala
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Dantediv86 a dit:
the thing is people in charge don't understand that if properly taxed the government can make millions off the substance. and not only that!!

I don't believe that the people in charge are so stupid that they don't understand this. They probably have reasons to not change anything.
*cough* on the payroll*cough* of mafia and mafialike*cough* organizations*cough* cough*

gee it that skunk potent *cough*
don't forget that the majority of people will claim that (certain) drugs should be banned. So we all have to pay for the justice system and the problems of crime, because a lot of people think that drugs are bad. If they are so bad, you should legalize, because otherwise you loose control. But nobody beliefs this, because it seems counter-intuitive.
I'm not sure if it's been mentioned yet, but in seeing people bring up "The Mafia" and New World Order and things like that I figure I should post. Historically marijuana was criminalized, in the United States at least, during the early 1900's. The Southwest was seeing an influx of Mexican immigrants fleeing the Mexican Revolutution. Now of course these poor immigrants brought with them odd traditions and a cheap labor force, two things the American public has always felt threatened by. The local governments of these states, mainly Texas and New Mexico and the like saught a way to send these immigrants packing, but could not outright imprison them. Instead, they made illegal the plant that the immigrants smoked, marijuana. Marijuana itself is the Mexican term for Cannabis, and the government began calling it "marihuana" in order to give it a more devious and foreign sounding tone. These anti-marijuana laws were actually the first of the drug laws passed in America, and were to set a tone for the rest of the centuries policy toward drug use. (Previous drug laws were made against cocaine in order to arrest "crazed negros" who were accussed of "raping white women", while in reality they were just poor unemployed men who the government wanted nothing to do with).

Marijuana only became illegal nation wide after the drug spread away from the rich, cultured, bourgeoise elites and fell into the hands of the middle-class.

It remained illegal despite numerous scientific studies showing that it didn't cause the "murder, rape, and insanity" that the infamous Aslinger said it did. The Mafia wasn't involved, the Illuminati wasn't involved. It was racism that eventually built up to a public panic, confused parents who blamed the drug for the new rise of teenage rebellion and jazz music, and other social reasons.
Peyote&Syrup a dit:
It remained illegal despite numerous scientific studies showing that it didn't cause the "murder, rape, and insanity" that the infamous Aslinger said it did. The Mafia wasn't involved, the Illuminati wasn't involved. It was racism that eventually built up to a public panic, confused parents who blamed the drug for the new rise of teenage rebellion and jazz music, and other social reasons.

You tell them brother! Hehe... I honestly don´t have much of an idea ´bout the legal issue... but I can tell one thing is for sure... ganja is illegal just because someplace, someday, somehow... a group of powerful people decided that it was "evil" and it should be banned... whatever reasons they had... thats just about what matters... well, also the fact that I can bet it also had something to do with the times when younglings started claiming for freedom and so on...
i know i know, i've known for years SHAME on thos who don't!

you guys are not thinking about who has been making money out of the prohibition.....Al Capone ring a bell? he was real, not a movie character....and he was VERY politically involved. do you think he was the only one?
picture that the mafia (or any mafialike organization) LOVES to give off some of their "big" fishes to show the world that, in the end, the Big Bad Guys go to jail, and people still believe in fairytales and everybody is kinda happy, just enough not to mess with their project of controlling the whole world so that they can finally manage and mind their own "bisinisse"(al capone and the lot). so you can imagine after alcohol brohibition was over the mafia bosses were kinda disappointed, because their power didn't extend up high in politics as is today. you can imagine that when marijuana came out and started becoming used more and more due to cultural exchange they figured "Tony, how about having hemp banned, and do something like we did with tha booze?" the consigliori really musta seen it right...cause nowadays they aren't the only ones benefiting from marijuana being illegal...still i'm not excluding what you said before...this is ALL intertwined and i bet my left but chick that there is more to it than meets the mind's eye
Dantediv86 a dit:
this is ALL intertwined and i bet my left but chick that there is more to it than meets the mind's eye

There´s no need bettin your butt in this subject, haha... but rest assured that, as some of us say down here... of anything we might say or imagin ´bout those in power can do... anything of it is, by far, very little compared to what they ARE actually doin...

We might be called Conspiracy theorists... but it is a given fact that the wackos with power all that want... you know it... MORE POWER... as the "philosophical current" I run my life with... they´re the ones who "Serve To Themselves" instead of "Serving To Others"... they only care about power and thats their final goal... a shame indeed.
after reading your post comes to mind that indeed cannabis makes most people go "Oh whatever, fuck this shit, i don't care for power or anything else! Dude! pass that joint around don't be too stingy! my bro here hasn't had as half as i had!" it really makes people realize that nothing's worth to stress over at this point in time. and that is something that makes the powerhungry bastards go mad because they need hard working stressed up people with no time to think!!!
and they despise anything that makes them think! therefore it IS true that the rulers hate cannabis because it makes people slow down and think about what's actually going ON! and that what was happening in the Jazz clubs in the late 20's 30's
It's ALL connected!! tha circle is closed!! i REALLY know now why the vermins keep it illegal i always had the assumption that rulers actually didn't care about slow people and that cannabis was just illegal so that they could make money out of it.
Now i understand that it's illegal because The Rulers realised it makes people stop and think AND they found a way to make money OUT of prohibition!! and it's a vicious CYCLE!!!
some people should never smoke cannabis. for some its instant psychosis, long lasting and persistant. these are the people who get in the news.
Yes yes but of course! Cannabis opens your eyes to totally new ideas and concepts that the Illuminati Mafia do not wish us to think, so they use their thought police to ensure we can't have access to this society-destroying drug! But they actually really DO want us to have it, because they want to profit off it, so they make it illegal for that reason. It all makes sense! The third eye is closed and the crow caws at midnight! Red Rum Red Rum, we're all nothing but 42!
Peyote&Syrup a dit:
Yes yes but of course! Cannabis opens your eyes to totally new ideas and concepts that the Illuminati Mafia do not wish us to think, so they use their thought police to ensure we can't have access to this society-destroying drug! But they actually really DO want us to have it, because they want to profit off it, so they make it illegal for that reason. It all makes sense! The third eye is closed and the crow caws at midnight! Red Rum Red Rum, we're all nothing but 42!

Someone got inspired, I see... anyway... the bottom line is as follows... YES, there´s a whole lot of power thirsty wackos controlling things, and YES mariguana SHOULD be legal, however, there in lies a dilemma... should we fight for freedom? Definitely YES, but, there´s one other side to this deal, we can spend our energies balbbin about this theme, or actually do something about it... I, for instance, have come to decide t hat, as I know people, and sure as hell that (at least in my country), there´s no need for now to put up a hell of a fight for people ain´t ready to open their eyes, so, I´ll just teach those around me about the real deal with ganaja (and other drugs) and let everyone make their own opinion and let the "mafia" think they got power over me when they definitely DON´T...

Hope I made my point clear, hehehe.
Subversion by information osmosis has been a long lasting theme here on the forum.

We have to ask people who are particularly fixated upon denouncing cannabis, or any other beneficial psychedelic for that matter; ‘have you done any research?’ and if so ‘did you look at more than one source; more than one side of the “argument
i never excluded that ;)
i herd smoking canabis leeds you onto hard drugs like heroine and squeek.
and just one smoke makes your eyes change all shiney for ever and the police can tell just by looking at you. i herd you end up adicted for ever. is this true?
i herd smoking canabis leeds you onto hard drugs like heroine and squeek.
and just one smoke makes your eyes change all shiney for ever and the police can tell just by looking at you. i herd you end up adicted for ever. is this true?

HA, smoke a joint, you tell me. Are you addicted? Are you going to go smoke crack? I went to church when I was a child, I could say church has lead me to start using drugs. STOP LISTENING TO THE FUCKING MEDIA, THEY ARE NOT ON YOUR SIDE!

ive tried squeek and cake. but theyre made up drugs. the cake was realy good and i realy wanted to try it again but i run out of money. just as well ive known people get in a real mess with it. they were doing it all day
squeeks not too bad but you should avoid too much cake! it will destroy your teeth realy quickly. and it is mildly addictive though you do have to do a fair bit
underbridge a dit:
i herd smoking canabis leeds you onto hard drugs like heroine and squeek.
and just one smoke makes your eyes change all shiney for ever and the police can tell just by looking at you. i herd you end up adicted for ever. is this true?

Is my sarcasm detector broken or did you just wander into the wrong neck of the woods?