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why cant i reflect on things anymore :(

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Matrice Périnatale
I've been smoking cannabis for about 2 years now but lately I haven't been reflecting or going deep into thought about anything when stoned. I have tried to force these things but it never works and it usually just tires me out. I was just wondering if any of you know why this could be. is it maybe I'm just not smoking enough because it takes me more to get stoned than I used to??

if this has happened to any of you and you have some tips on how they trigger themselves into a state where reflection comes easy then that would be grate :)
lower your tolerance. quit smoking as much. that's really the only way. smoking more is wasteful because it will only make you more tired. i have come across this problem myself on several occasions throughout the years. it's because you do it so often. the magic has faded a bit, so to speak. time heals. i get absolutely ripped off of one medium puff now, but i've pretty much stopped smoking due to irritation of my throat/tonsils, and also how much it blocks my normal neurotransmitters (like serotonin) by binding to the receptor sites where my normal serotonin would go...

hope you figure it out. good luck :)
I agree completely with Allusion. I've recently stopped my daily habit and having a cone after 2-3 weeks of not smoking absolutely blew me away. I had forgotten just how powerful weed is because with daily smoking your tolerance gets so high that you are really just giving yourself a rather light buzz, not the entheogenic experience that it should be.
cheers for the reply.

i tried it out stopped for abit ore than three weeks i bought a quater and smoked it in two days, the cannabis i got was abit stonger than your usual standard according to my dealer but i got so high.

after smoking throughout the day i went out to a feild to watch the sunset with a few joints however as i climbed over the fence i noticed i was right next to all of the sheep in the feilds lambs. the sheep begun to surround be and bleat at me this made me so paranoyed so i left the feild and sat by a river instead which was very nice. after this i went back home and began sairing at myself in the mirror. for some reason i strted making faces in the mirror which then gean to trip me out slightly. it was strange because i had never experienced such a vivid trip on cannbis it was like i had taken some acid and it was just beginning to kick in.

the next day i had collage and i missed the first bus in the morning so had a joint beffore the next one arrived. It was very strange though after the affect of the THC for those joints wore off it felt like i was in a dream and nothing was really hapenning. i remeber this happeneing to me the first few times i was stoned but i hadedent felt it for so long i had forgotten about it. it was very nice and i really enjoyed it.

the only downside was i diddnt end up on reflecting on things but i geauss if i was with frends and had been discussing things i probably would have ended up dooing so
it blocks my normal neurotransmitters (like serotonin) by binding to the receptor sites where my normal serotonin would go...

hey allusion, I know that THC and something like 800 other chemicals found in cannibis trigger a cascade of events in your body when smoked, but ive always been under the impression that THC, and CBD mainly work on your dopaminageric system. Do you have an explanation or link to a document proving this?(that it effectively blocks serotonin transmitters). I am interested to know and I am also wondering because I feel depressed after smoking sometimes. I know serotonin plays a big part in your mood and may also help explain the "why i cant relect on things anymore" problem.
forgive me, i am no specialist in chemistry, however, i know what you mean in regards to your mood being altered because of it. i should have left it at:

"but i've pretty much stopped smoking due to irritation of my throat/tonsils, and also how much it blocks my normal neurotransmitters by binding to the receptor sites where my normal neurotransmitters would go..."

you are correct, dopamine is the main neurotransmitter that is focused on in relation to the chemical thc, but there are a wide range of neurotransmitters affected when talking about cannabis as a whole. that said, i believe it is normal dopamine release that is commonly referred to with the "reward system" or at least with pain relief in the brain, which would definitely still relate to what you mention.

but truely, there are so many interdependent chemical reactions that are going on, that it is near impossible to narrow it down to one or two neurotransmitters accurately. hope that helps a little bit :)
here is the best informational doco on cannabis ive seen to date, DONT JUDGE IT BY THE DOCO'S NAME, IT IS REALLY PRO CANNABIS.

It has some good info on the receptors and relations with cannabis and its chemicals.

13.00mins in it has some info on some effects upon receptors.

http://documentaryheaven.com/cannabis-t ... qus_thread