Here's the long and not very psychonautical reason why I am here:
I have chosen to live somewhat on two sides of the playing field, in odd times I will become a psychonaut, and investigate the deepest reaches of my being, but on the other side, I put away my thoughts of what is what, and where is here, and become a part of society:
I have decided to benefit humanity, and prolong it's existance [if it needs it] by becoming a researcher in one of the following two fields (I can't make up my mind yet), neuropharmacology, or photovoltaic renewable energy.
To go into neuropharmacology would be to take my experiences from all that I have learned from the brain, the mind, and coping with mental illness, and share it to the people that can relate to it for their benefit. I want to see the effect of what has burdened me for so long, help another's, and possibly lift that burden for good, as I seem to have done. I want schizophrenia, pyschosis and alzheimers to be abolished - We can all argue whether these are disease, but the fact that negative connotations exist for all of them, and that many people who have these cannot get proper help, and feel positive effects from treatment is why I would choose this field. I want to help those who are lost or fearful of something that does not even truly exist. Of course we can do this psychologically and I would love to do it that way, but there is the benefit of pharmacology in neuro-anatomy as well. The problem however, is that a pill alone is not going to cure you, they have short-term effects that if used properly at the beginning dosages can have extremely beneficial effects - but the problem is people take them as the cure itself, and not a stimulus to push for a cure or treatment. I.E. You take an anti-psychotic or anti-depressant and go to therapy, go to me, speak to me, and this will help. NOT taking the drug alone at your house and sitting and watching TV this will only create your disorder to overlap the effects of neuropharmacology (AND I HATE anti-depressents on the market now - thats why I'm going in this!)
OR! I destroy the foundation of fossil fuels, the burning of plants and animal matter long since dead simply because it's energy to volume ratio is large. That is the same bullshit reason people are taking these pills! One part of the effect of their use is beneficial, but overall, and in the long term, there are side-effects and unwanted outcomes. We must all see this, that all actions on this scale have more than just one reaction. We are (on here) aware of this - but we still do not see the multiple effects of opening your refrigirator door, or taking a minute longer hot shower than usual. This has to be known, but IF we convert all our energy consumption to the sun, to forces powered by the sun - besides the degredation of photosynthesis, we will live as well as be aware of efficiency. Across my street there is a stadium that has a 2 story large TV, and about a quarter mile by 10 feet high long string of TV's that are on constantly. NOBODY can see them, yet they are constanly on. WHY? If I go into renewable energy I want to promote awareness of this retorgrade thinking, and abolish this nonsense of developing biofuels and even fuel cells. Photovoltaics and wind energy are the only clean energies, everything else has such a large effect on the Earth with our numbers in the billions that we cannot sustain our growth with their usage.
Ok end rant. I was practicing for an interview, and I actually just started to ramble... Sometimes its good, sometimes not so good.