BananaPancake a dit:
different religions, same source
All religions are a failed state.
A basic definition of 'religion' is (hu)man's attempt to understand reality. Whether it includes the existence of a 'higher power' or even more then one and who or whatever they are is inconsequential. Even Atheism is a religion as it worships the One True Not-God. (I was die hard atheist once and I failed at it because I realized the only true way to reach pure Atheism is to totally eradicate the concept of God from all of your surroundings and as such is an impossibility. As soon as someone mentions 'god' to you you immediately form an opinion and have begun to develop a belief system based around some definition of 'god' and am hence no longer an atheist.)
Religions are often definitions of lists of rules and regulations that someone else has devised that tell you how to live and operate. Anything can be a religion if it A) comes from someone else or is based on someone else's list B) tells you the absolute way you must act in any particular situation.
Since it tends to get the biggest flack when I bring up the name "Jesus" I will use my own ex-religion as an example:
"Christianity" as a 'Religion" is about the rules and regulations of holiness. About what you can and cant do in what situations and why. Different "Christians" to greater or lesser degrees take these lists more and less literally dependent on personal choice and with more or less stringency also dependent on personal choice but all of them that take these lists and even remotely once say: "I cannot do this because "the bible" says so." is operating out of a religion and is failing in the very goal that the bible was designed to carry them to.
For example the bible has the scripture: "All things are permitted but not all things are good for you." yet 'Religious Christians" continuously make long lists in their mind of all the things that are not permitted. They violate one part of scripture by using another when the true purpose of scripture is to have it all be taken in simultaneously. As such if you see one place where the bible says "dont do this" and you see this "all things are permitted but not all things are good for you" then the REAL solution is to ask GOD whether or your "permitted" and whether or not its "good for you".
Lets take the usual hot case of homosexuality.
Debates about whether the bible actual does or doesnt say anything against homosexuality lets assume that most people who bitch about the bible think that it does say that and since there are so many people who are Christians who think it does we'll assume for the moment that it does.
There are only a couple of scenarios that involve homosexuality when it comes to a 'Christian walk'.
1) Your a homosexual and you get saved. Solution? Ask God "Is this permitted?" "Is this good for me?" Its between you and God and no one else what you do with those answers. Some may get an answer saying its time to change your direction. Others may not. God may not even answer them and they have to decide on their own what they are going to do about their situation.
2) Your friend is a homosexual and gets saved. Solution: Help them to figure out #1 but leave it in their hands finally and respect their final solution.
3) Your talking to complete and total strangers on the internet and have an overwhelming urge to beat them over the head with bible incorrectly quoting 20 or 30 different scriptures that 'clearly' show that homosexuality is a sin when in fact your just misinterpreting them. Solution? Beat yourself over the head with your own damn bible you twit. Your doing more harm then good.
I'm sure there are others but you get the idea.
Religion is a failed state and as such you are going to get an infinite number of interpretation and effectively an infinite number of religions. The only WIN state is a true relationship with "God" the actual PERSON and allowing him to control your life and direct your decisions and pray like mad you hear him correctly all the time.
I could go on for days and this will probably all end up in my book at some point but think thats enough for now. I'll piddle in public at a future date sometime.