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Who on here actually likes Cocaine?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Brugmansia
  • Date de début Date de début
The first time I used coke was when I was used to getting high on X almost every weekend. I didn't know much about how to use coke, I just got some really good quality coke from an acquaintance, snorted it like I would have taken X - I took 1/3 of the gram in one big line.

15 minutes later I was walking to a friends' house and the experience became kind of psychedelic - I couldn't feel my feet anymore, felt like I was floating on clouds. I became a little scared but then this feeling of being stronger came over me. I carefully moved my feet left-right-left-right, even though I couldn't feel them and reached my friends house. I had a great night after that, talked too much, gave a bad impression on everybody who wasn't on drugs and I was having more than a great time (minus the time when I came down and went to the toilet to snort more)

End of story was when I was on the dancefloor of a club at 4 in the morning and suddenly felt like killing myself, no coke left. I have had bad downs from X before but that kind of down was something completely new to me. If I had had a gun at that moment I would have shot myself for sure, I'm serious. The feeling passed and I got a little better, but the down was incredibly low... This first experience has made me weary about high doses of cocaine.

I have only done it in lower doses since and I had the best experiences with chewing coca leaves with lime, like everyone in Peru or Columbia does. The effect is nice, well suited for everyday use, and there is no bad down.
spice a dit:
The way I broke all of my major addictions was with LSD, and it's been about 15 years since I altered my entire existence with this wondrous substance.

The person that sits here and types is 40-something years old, but the ideas and attitudes that make up what I am is less than half of that...

I am near 50 too, and still interested in experiences that break the everyday fatal repetition... Such as,for example and as far as possible preferably, all possible artistic expression (music,, painting, aso).

I would be afraid, taking LSD now, some 20 years after the last trip, to revive the awfull visions I just had on coke high (IV), since, as I stated somewhere in the forum, I almost felt as if I was going to die or something.

Still today, I need sometimes some light to sleep (like a baby !), being afraid of those crazy visions / noises to come again frightening me... So I hardly guess what LSD would do in this condition... and am anyway too scared to try !

I realize how fast and how deep the way coke rocked me has changed from a really pure aeshetic delight ro an unmanageble permanent nightmare...Probably my own psychism vulnerability...

For sure, I am not ready to match the challenge, for what !
Just to explain, the last time I took a coke shoot, I felt as suddendly pushed in the back by a violent push, projecting me happily on my bed, where I swore I would never did it again, which I respected till now...

As for MDMA, is it likely to remind those awfull feelings coken made me suffering ? Is it hallucinogenic or not ? Speed (family) or not ?

Tx, peace and love.

* sorry my English may sometimes make it difficult to understand my stories...
I did it a couple of times and frankly it aint my kinda high. Makes me talk super fast, nervous, i do think straight but mostly paranoid, never pleasant and kinda feels like anxiety attack but... I still do it sometimes with weed to snap out of a high if it's too much. I instantly wake up from it. Also I mix it with weed and smoke what we call here in the island a "periblun" those are awsome, last time I smoked one of those was for my birthday, best gift ever.

Anyway there are people who like and those who don't. I don't
Personally I think God or nature provides everything I need (I except drying or cooking no other processes). I don't know if this is always true but all people I know thought they could handle it but after a long period of years they use more and more and always getting addiction problems. I don't need to boost my ego or stay awake longer. I use marihuana, mushrooms and DMT(ayahuasca or yopo) to meditate and learn and in the morning one cup of coffee. I am happy that tried xtc, amfetamine and coke just one or twice and never do it again so as alcohol and tabacco cause it helps with nothing.
coke is not my thing, if a person was to drink some good strong espresso and squeeze a tube of oral gel up their nose they would have the same effect and spend around $10 as apposed to several hundred.
selling coke on the other hand is good money, but makes you the lowest form of life on earth, well, lowest next to smack dealers.
Jahvisions a dit:
Personally I think God
...blah blh blh ...
I don't need to boost my ego or stay awake longer. I use
blzh blzh blzh
. I am happy that tried xtc, amfetamine and coke just one or twice and never do it again so as alcohol and tabacco cause it helps with nothing.
You guy have no problem with your ego, of course, he is so well developped that it completely oblitarate anything you would not have "personnally" assumed as valid... Good luck !
toadlicker a dit:
did it a couple of times and frankly it aint my kinda high. Makes me talk super fast, nervous, i do think straight but mostly paranoid, never pleasant and kinda feels like anxiety attack but... I still do it sometimes with weed to snap out of a high if it's too much. I instantly wake up from it. Also I mix it with weed and smoke what we call here in the island a "periblun" those are awsome, last time I smoked one of those was for my birthday, best gift ever.
Well welll well....
I really dont think you are involved in coke but just occasionally, so few that I am not sure you even really got some at the end, or at microscale levels ! Other ex. : coke, in its powder form you generally get on the street, has NO effect if smocked, all actives being burnt at low temperature. You need to basify it before, which requires - to be known ! - a minimum chemical operations.

Again, as I regretted above, people finally not involved at all take their pretention for an opinion, with such weak basis that it is nonsense, just a repetition of many simillar useless ones that dont and wont help anybody since the main repeated argument is nothing but condescendence ; so what !

For those involved, nonsense is evident and just waste insterst ; for others, it may just mislead their judgement and THIS could be dammaging, and I therefore ask you to think about it before allowing this cheap bonus your ego seem to find in posting on anything at all cost.

Sorry to be harsh, but I know how difficult is to fall in cocaine's (and so many others) traps, and more over how to escape from it. This is not a subject to be treated as a headache or something, but as a real psychozis crisis, as schocking as LSD experience, whatever the routes and stories may differ.

The subject is : who on thert LIKES to be on coke. Clearly, to be able to answer, one have at least to have had and experience of it, experience, not just vague and possibly falsified epiphenomenon.

Here we may help each other, by sharing difficulties and personnal way of recovering, providing encouragements, analysing behaviours, answers, questions, aso... Always in the due humility state of mind that any of those who once falled downer than down or went over the over, those who know how weak and fragile we ALL are.

Peace and love everybody.
i didn't write the post i was quoted as writing. i have definitely done coke more than a few times, enough to make me avoid anything that provides a buzz anything like it. i only smoked it a few times, shot it a few times, snorted a bucket load. it's just not my thing.
I love cocaine and I hate it... guess why?

I must say cocaine on itself is a waste of money. IF I do it, I drink untill I'm very drunk, and then start with cocaine +/- 1 gram atleast, and it then feels 5 times more intense (and more addictive)(still a waste of money by the way =P)...
I love the high. Nothing more, nothing less, I'm simply loving it.
But I hate the after-effects, the craving, the not being able to stop, the can't sleep and the price. That's why I havent done it for years.
If anyone has a problem with coke just give it to me and i`ll get rid of it for you . Anyway i think it would be better if you all stoped taking cocaine , there is not enough in the world for you and me .

^^ Sorry...if I had any...I'd keep it.

I don't think coke in inherently bad. I think the culture around it (at least what I've experienced) and the baggage that carries makes it bad for some though. I almost feel, to a certain extent, like people initially have that addictive feeling because they know that's what it's supposed to do.

However, I've also seen people get really really messed up because of a coke addiction....throwing away their education, their jobs, their relationships, and worst, losing there sense of control because they can't stop and keep trying. Perhaps damaging their psyche forever. If you are out of control of your own thoughts, desires, and actions...what are you in control of? Stealing from friends and relatives...that's not good.

I helped introduce a group of friends to coke years ago, and actually dealt it for a while...not something I'm proud of at all. I was lucky, as I saw some friends around me go down, I bailed. I think we all thought it was like weed or psychedelics...everyone says it's bad, but it's not....but with the coke, the addiction was real. I think part of the damage done to at least one of my very good friends was my fault for making it easily available when it might not have been otherwise.

Today the coke I see looks different, tastes different, maybe even works different than what I used to get. I used to get almost yellowish, flaky, crystal-like coke that had a slight petroleum smell. This is just before crack was popular, and people freebased with ether rather than baking soda. Everyone I'd met who was freebasing was completely paranoid and fucked up...so I refused to try it.

I also remember a great coke experience when tripping on LSD very heavily with two great friends. ...not having spoken for hours, drifting in and out of the room. We snorted a few lines, still silent...I think we would have had trouble talking and understanding each other at that point. I still remember the exact words from a friend of mine because they rang so true, even years later...the first words in hours....."Totally different trip." And it was. And it was a good thing. We were back down to earth for a little while and able to communicate, but still very much tripping. It was incredible to experience these two different realities so closely together and was amazing to see that we could exist in two totally different states of minds...but still be the same person..."totally different trip"...very enlightening.

So...I'd say it's not evil and can even be a very good experience, but you must be very careful. It can make you think you are evil and do evil things, which could hurt you for a long time.
ive done coke about 3 times, its nothing special, nice little feeling in your throat and face but other than that nothing special, and way over prices, id epersonally rather snort 2c-e for a rush
After a bottle of wine it's actually quite nice.
Gave me real nice confidence and music sounds a lot better as well.
But far too expensive.
I snort Ritalin in place of cocaine. It is good, cheap, not so stressing, and not so likely habit forming-addiction. And of course effect last longer. Little or no damage on heart after years using and little tolerance. Of course you can build it but psychosis will emerge on high doses. I do not chase the dragon, the ultimate ecstasy. I am satisfied with this.