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Who doesn't get any effects from DMT?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion joevortex
  • Date de début Date de début

were you born naturally or by cesarian?

  • I was born naturally and have full effects from DMT

    Votes: 2 100.0%
  • I was born naturally and have no effect from DMT

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I was born by cesarian and have full effects from DMT

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I was born by cesarian and have no effects from DMT

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Nombre total d'électeurs


Hi everybody,didn't really post that much but have been lurking for a while now.I have a theory in regards to some people being immune to DMT no matter how much they take and the method of ingestion as well smoked,sniffed, injected,nothing to do they are just immune.I think it's about 5 or 10 % of the population. Please be honest with your answers in this poll.
I can't say about "full" effects yet, but I can say I definitely felt substantial effects from lower doses, so I guess I'm gonna feel the full effects from higher doses.
It would be interesting to research if people born with ceasarian thing (sorry sp), do have dmt in their bodies.

I can imagine that when you miss the birthtrauma, it will be harder to get a dead/rebirth experience since you have nothing to relate it to (being born is basically a struggle between life and death)
We need a bigger sample.

I don't know about birth trauma though, I'd imagine that a cesarean is a pretty shocking thing for a baby too. There's also that I've so far heard no other source for the claim that we are born and die in a psychedelic state except for DMT - The Spirit Molecule (at least I think it is from that one).

As for why DMT doesn't effect some people, I have no idea, since this is the first time I've heard of this. Maybe there are neurological reasons, such as abnormal brain structure, or possibly mild FAS or ARND effects include this but it hasn't ever been noticed.

Too bad I'm not in the field of medical science (except for self-medication, hee-hee), so the only thing I can offer is conjecture. Anybody got a source on the 5-10% statistic?
The only thing I know is that everybody in Rick Strassmans group of volunteers felt a definite effect.
There was this one chick, as far as I can remember the book, who was really tight and couldn't let go and she said she was immune to psychedelics. She was obviously able to "think away" the effects of low to medium doses of shrooms, LSD and even DMT. But then she got the high dose of DMT i.v. and almost went mad because now she couldn't do that trick anymore and it overwhelmed her massively.
tryptonaut a dit:
There was this one chick, as far as I can remember the book, who was really tight and couldn't let go and she said she was immune to psychedelics. She was obviously able to "think away" the effects of low to medium doses of shrooms, LSD and even DMT. But then she got the high dose of DMT i.v. and almost went mad because now she couldn't do that trick anymore and it overwhelmed her massively.

This is probably the most common reason, along with not using whatever it is you are trying to use right, for a "does not work" scenario. After all, a mild trip is something that a person can disregard if he or she concentrates enough.

The concentration can be conscious as in "oh shit, mom's calling, better not let it out that I'm tripping" or unconscious as in a deep personal or philosophical objection to the drug's effects like "I can't let this terrible drug do evil things to me" or "look man, this stuff just doesn't effect me". In these scenarios the person bypasses or thinks away the effects because the belief in his or her viewpoint overpowers the substance's action.

Upping the dose on people who have unconscious objections can either be seen as helpful or irresponsible, depending on the viewpoint. Irresponsibility figures in when you tag a person who complains about getting near-to-nothing from mushrooms with a 7 gram hit, because the moment when the drug simply breaks all the barriers before it is bound to be frightening. I guess DMT is one of the safer compounds for this kind of experiments because a smoked, IM'd or IV'd dose does not last very long so permanent psychological damage is not likely to occur.

I guess all this shows that research on psychedelics is at a baby stage, learning to walk. Shulgin has done some invaluable work on the field, both in laboratory and clinical experiments, but there would definitely need to be a lift on the ban on psychedelic compound research. Until that time, we are all just fishermen in the lake where fish become octopuses and discuss the finer points of using the period correctly when we're not looking.
I was born cesarian. Which means I was removed through an insision instead of being born naturally. If any of you have read "DMT: The Spirit Molecule", you will have read that every single living being has DMT in their brains at all times. The pineal gland is what produces this. This is used usually only twice in a humans lifetime. 1) +- 49 days after conception inside the womb (it is beleive this is when you first become "conscious") and 2) death. or just before it. It is believed this "eases" the person into death. Kinda like a final euphoric drug trip, to take your mind off the fact your busy dying.

Being born naturally, or being manually removed from the womb makes no biological difference to you. Without DMT in our brains, we couldnt even be alive (as it is the medium which initially sparks our consciousness into existance).

Dont believe me?

The body is a fascinating thing, it is brilliantly designed. We have ribs to protect our heart. We have a skull to protect our brain... And we have a brain to protect our pineal gland, which is located directly in the centre of the brain, fairly conclusive evidence that it is the most important part of the human body.

cool huh?
I have to agree with Overdose on an argumentative level. I think that everybody is susceptible to DMT, albeit that some people resist it more than others. Everybody has DMT in his or her own brain, so it is probable that it works for them. Some people may need a higher dose when they tend to cling too much to the structures of their life.
Yeah that's a good point fork.
Nobody is imune for DMT, otherwise you won't be able to grow a personallity (at least I think DMT helps create or integrate a "soul" in a body)

And DMT is also good for other things so if it wouldn't work you wouldn't be able to live (propperly)
In one book I heve read that when you are dying that dull and calm face is cause brain start to produce high concetraction of DMT and after that yours spirit leaves the body and brain is dead.What do you think :?: I have In war in Croatia seen lots of people and theirs last minutes And now when I am lurking back see faces calm not afraid like on greatest spiritual expiriance.From that Death is my shadow and I have consume it.This will Forest understand.
Goran.Hrsak a dit:
In one book I heve read that when you are dying that dull and calm face is cause brain start to produce high concetraction of DMT and after that yours spirit leaves the body and brain is dead.What do you think :?:

I'm thinking "read thread before posting." The Strassman DMT theories have already been mentioned above, and it has already also been mentioned that he is the only current source for those theories, which doesn't really make them sustainable until irrefutably proven.
What do you think that everybody know everything and your teories.I sad that in three maybe four centences conection for laics on this forum, not some kind of doctoral description, of neurogical death and conection with DMT.Try to find yourself something-do not recitate books.Scientist read books but make teories on there one,and I have seen death many times in this world and look on last breath-TRIP :retard:
Goran.Hrsak a dit:
What do you think that everybody know everything and your teories.I sad that in three maybe four centences conection for laics on this forum, not some kind of doctoral description, of neurogical death and conection with DMT.Try to find yourself something-do not recitate books.Scientist read books but make teories on there one,and I have seen death many times in this world and look on last breath-TRIP :retard:

I'm gonna... no, wait. You broke my brain.

When not talking about subjective experiences, it's always better to quote somebody who actually tried finding out a thing or two about the subject than just pull "facts" out of your arse. We can philosophically think of death as anything from the classical "you go to hell now" christian bit to reincarnation and back, but if it is spoken of in conjunction with an actual physical reaction, such as the release of DMT by the pineal gland, research needs to be called in. Philosophy and science are not the same, and usually trying to tie the latter into the former makes a terrible mess.

As you mentioned a specific compound and action, the theory becomes rooted in science, and appropriate measures are to be taken to prove or disprove it. Too bad none of us can.
Scinet a dit:
Goran.Hrsak a dit:
What do you think that everybody know everything and your teories.I sad that in three maybe four centences conection for laics on this forum, not some kind of doctoral description, of neurogical death and conection with DMT.Try to find yourself something-do not recitate books.Scientist read books but make teories on there one,and I have seen death many times in this world and look on last breath-TRIP :retard:

I'm gonna... no, wait. You broke my brain.

When not talking about subjective experiences, it's always better to quote somebody who actually tried finding out a thing or two about the subject than just pull "facts" out of your arse. We can philosophically think of death as anything from the classical "you go to hell now" christian bit to reincarnation and back, but if it is spoken of in conjunction with an actual physical reaction, such as the release of DMT by the pineal gland, research needs to be called in. Philosophy and science are not the same, and usually trying to tie the latter into the former makes a terrible mess.

As you mentioned a specific compound and action, the theory becomes rooted in science, and appropriate measures are to be taken to prove or disprove it. Too bad none of us can.

Yes we finally find the same language.If I write something that you know better do not need to have triumf over my lack of couple details that are maybe incorect.Say what you whant to say but peacfuly.I do not write post to compite with someone in knowledge or maybe how many post I made.I put my XP and everything that I have learned.Peace 8)
I'm just glad it works for me :mrgreen:

It's a really really heavy experience but well worth it.
Space-is-the-Place a dit:
I'm just glad it works for me :mrgreen:

It's a really really heavy experience but well worth it.

Yeah it must really be a drag being one of the ones that doesn't get to hyperspace.I think every human being should go there at least once in thier life.I go once a week usually,somtimes skipping a week or two.
joevortex a dit:
Hi everybody,didn't really post that much but have been lurking for a while now.I have a theory in regards to some people being immune to DMT no matter how much they take and the method of ingestion as well smoked,sniffed, injected,nothing to do they are just immune.I think it's about 5 or 10 % of the population. Please be honest with your answers in this poll.

Hello group, rather than bore you all with the details of my friend of a friends divine events, I will get straight to the point..
my friend of a friend is 40 years old, and has been through allot, as the dark force has been persistent in destroying him, mostly though drug addiction and allot of them, yet he has always preserveered. Recently DMT came into my friend of a friends life and he was then able to see through new eyes, and quickly begin a new life, one that provides a genuine happiness and great insite.. his method of use is injection, his freebase is white and very pure. he has had about 7 experiences consisting of 50-80 mg.. by his 7th experience he believed he had obtained most of what he needed in order to face his demons. Now for the concern, dmt no longer works for him, he is suddenly immune from DMT, he gets no feeling at all, {sometimes he barely hears the energies in a great distant). The freebase does still work on others.
any thoughts on this???
UPDATE!! When written above, my friend of a friend had attempted more than just a few times and for a period of 2 weeks to revisit the powers with DMT, but with zero success, (a few times he could hear the powers in a far distance, other times nothing at all). As of the writting above it had been a couple weeks with no success measurable success. As of today, my friend of a friend was permitted reentry, with as low as 45 mg. He was very happy with reentry and during reentry, because knew that he was entering and was very greatful versus his usual uncomfort of the once unknown during breakthrough... He learned with out doubt that the powers show ONLY what is needed and in some cases that is nothing.. It has become very emotional for my friend in his additional respect he has for the powers and understanding they are showing exactly what is needed to know and on a need to know basis... My friends life continues to change in the most positive ways, where his surroundings and his extensions are also thriving from the positive energies.. WOW, INCREDIBLE!!
what is your view regarding the so-called subatomic world' as discovered by physics and the DMT dimensions? How do you see this?

For example, as you know some physicists--and is maybe the prevailing view--still see reality as physicalist. So how do you thus see the added EXPERIENCE of DMT changing that objectivist worldview?
zezt a dit:
what is your view regarding the so-called subatomic world' as discovered by physics and the DMT dimensions? How do you see this?

For example, as you know some physicists--and is maybe the prevailing view--still see reality as physicalist. So how do you thus see the added EXPERIENCE of DMT changing that objectivist worldview?

I am certain that "some physicists--and is maybe the prevailing view" are the sum of those who have NOT visited the DMT realm..