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Where has my/our thread titled What is the Matrix? gone??!

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion zezt
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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
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I am at a loss to know where the thread I began quite and while ago, and have been very recently participating in has gone. It's title is What is the Matrix? it has totally disappeared!!
I also feel another thread has also, but cannot remember it.

What has happened please?
mmm maybe someone very powerful has removed it because there were written things very uncomfortable.... infact without any explanation...
it was a good thread.
we want it!
Abej^a G. a dit:
mmm maybe someone very powerful has removed it because there were written things very uncomfortable.... infact without any explanation...
it was a good thread.
we want it!

Well I have both sent a post to the Administrator about it, and also opened this thread also, so we will see what answers come...
...as time goes on, what also is really surprising me is the total lack of seeming concern from any other members that this has happened?
maybe they didn't see it... or maybe we can do the thread another time, without anyone who says "thanks for kill this thread". (he can says it too, but not delete the thread, in my opinion...)
what is upsetting me is how noone seems even concerned about this. How come noone cares about this?
mmm infact..
maybe they are closed in their matrix zezt!! :mrgreen:
I am not laughing Abej. I have been with this forum for years and have never known this, NOR such apathy. It is not good enough to joke about this. The way I approach online forums is serious. I like to think that mine and others efforts are valued, and I personally have learned stuff from finding others' threads. So I am not happy that a thread exploring 'what is the matrix' just goes, and then I ask and noone seems to give a chit, and the ONLY ones who respond make silly jokes about it
I said it to ease the tension...
me too had learn very much with this forum, (all of we learn much), this forum is fantastic...
I ask to moderators, they say to me that I must have patience. sadly some people behaves like a child... who has deleted the post is a moderator, he doesn't has good days in this days... read his last post...
please link me to it?
if I misunderstood, tell me please, which I will edit!

after a search ...just deleted...
it's not a good thing men! (I had not realized. but... we must smile, always, and in any case)
didn't you say
... read his last post...
? So I asked if you would link me to it. I am not sure who you mean, or what post your referring to. Do you mean Braineater?
I dont want accuse anyone, but... Brain, all the time that you are connected into the forum, some thread disappear... isnt more simple cancel what you (and only you) write with an edit??
It seems to be gone completely. This URL should work, but it doesn't:


Since the thread wasn't started by Braineater, it's not possible that he deleted it. Unless he abused his rights as a moderator. He did indicate that he was leaving the forum (without being specific as to why), so I'll remove him from his position as a moderator too.
The first page of the thread can still be seen here:

what is the matrix?

Unfortunately, the second and third pages are gone. I've checked the forum section, but can't find any trace of the thread. So whoever deleted the thread didn't do a 'soft delete', but removed the content completely.

A rather insensitive and violent act if you ask me.
zezt a dit:
what is upsetting me is how noone seems even concerned about this. How come noone cares about this?
I do care, a lot. In the past we have banned members for deleting their posts (making threads unintelligible). Deleting threads is even worse, because fellow forum members have spent valuable time composing their comments. Only a person with total disregard for others would delete a philosophical thread, whether they started it themselves or not.

But I wasn't online for a couple of days (work, kids etc.). Hence my late response.

Brain, all the time that you are connected into the forum, some thread disappear...
If that is what happened, he should have been removed from his position long before. You DON'T delete threads because you disagree with what someone/others wrote. If that's your attitude, stick to facebook, where you can be lord and master of your own page.
Below you can see how BrainEater got started. First of all on March 28 he soft deleted two messages ("i am so disgusted by the world of today...
"), and then he deleted a couple of INDIVIDUAL posts by older forum members.

When he was done with that, ending with a post by GOD, he proceeded to delete entire threads. The first thread was "Bilderberger - Rise of the Machines", posted by a member named mentalsurveillance.

If you look that thread up in google cache, you can see that BrainEater already disapproved of the thread in November 2013:

"i'm totally disgusted!!! stupid faggot bastards... :\\ sad to see such disgusting shit in our beautiful forum..."

One of the other threads (Principia Discordia) that he then removed was mine (Caduceus Mercurius). After deleting it, on March 29, he took a short break and continued his rampage on March 31, starting with a thread titled "Are we living inside a number?" which he had started himself.

Later on he deleted several more threads I had started, like the one on the Eleusinian Mysteries.

So all in all it can be said he was concerned with removing some of his own writings, some posts by the old gang, and my recent contributions.

Check it out for yourself.

This is how it started:

Voir la pièce jointe 13967

And this is how he continued:

Voir la pièce jointe 13968

Voir la pièce jointe 13969
You should seek the help of google to retrieve the content of your loved topics : what is the matrix?

Search the name of the topic on google, and choose "cached" after clicking on the triangle.
Sludge a dit:
You should seek the help of google to retrieve the content of your loved topics : what is the matrix?

Search the name of the topic on google, and choose "cached" after clicking on the triangle.
Yes, that works to some extent. Unfortunately, google only caches the first page of each thread. But I will restore some of the shorter threads that way. The Matrix thread was several pages however.
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