You are not insane, rather finding the truth that is hidden in the mushrooms. Our culture brainwashes us that these substances are drugs, when really, if you had first hand experience you know this is not the case. For me, this mushrooms is a source of wisdom and knowledge to what is actually going on. It totally blows away the cultural barrier that has been implanted in us, and shows us what is actually going on. It is beautiful, yet somewhat frightening. Most people cannot face the fact that we do not know who we are, where we are going, or what is going on. This scares a lot of people, which why it is better for some people to stay in the 'virtual reality' culture has created.
People are telling me to lay off the shrooms. Maybe I should. But I feel that if I do I will loose contact with, what I believe, is the most important ability a human has: to trip.
I don't believe in over using this sacred substance, rather I like to use high doses, something over 5 grams usually, and voyage into the realm about once a month. Sometimes more often, depending on my intention for the voyage. I don't use these substances to trip out, rather set an intention before the trip, so I can gain precise knowledge about what ever it is I want to know. I believe you tap into some Universe Consciousness when in the realm of higher doses.
Follow your heart. Learn to distinguish between right and wrong in your heart. Don't let culture, friends, or family influence your decisions, because what is right for you, may not be right for them. Once you let external influences influence your decisions then you will be led down the wrong path. To me, it sounds like you are doing just fine,
peace & love