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What would your gift to humanity be?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Illegalsmile
  • Date de début Date de début
A gas that is abundant like air all over the atmosphere that works like dna memory(remember events of your ancestors lives) and gives people perfect memory the ability to reference anything intaken to the mind flawlessly. This includes the experience of dreams and forgettable drugs(details of hard core trips, extremely drunk, delirium to the max).

Really allot of the stuff you guys are mentioning sounds like you want some soma for society and its kinda disturbing me.
It's not disturbing, as long as its something natural and that you get direct experience from in a very progressive manner, with ample knowledge of alchemy and endocrinology and more to support it. This soma is known and in effect is essential to any quintessential experience, even if you do not consume it.

For me it's a kind of in depth experience where you stop and you realise again that knowledge is not power, because if you do the experience you can not only know what you are doing, but also that its scientifically sound and safe to proceed, the body having seen much more foreign influence in any case.


Here is a drink that is always pleasant like alcohol in the lower dosage, inebriating the body while fluidificating saliva and enhancing mineral ion movement in the body as it cleanses inbalance in the relaxation of the body. And it becomes euphoric at higher dosages, then psychedelic, then maybe its just too much and you should stop ; because you are not a god, you are more like an ant compared to a god. And whats a god but a figment of our imagination that makes a whole lot of sense in one mental dimention.

I'm sure you see what I mean. Thats why its often called the son of man, because it gives itself to humanity who is free to choose. People of ill will feel disgusted when taking this substance (mushroom juice ewww), its not for sale because without interaction with it in millions of levels, you have no chance of progressing. The way is too small that leads to great bliss, we cannot afford to reject this possibility in the explanation of why we are here, so following logic is that we are explorers that deserve remuneration.

Crazy huh. But not the kind that makes people feel diminished or even personally aimed at.

I am feeling distress, but we have been doing this for so long, it's about time we really leave space into our written worldviews, because there will be people to read it in decades to come, right ?

Don't applaud all at once !
Forkbender a dit:
I think you would remove an essential part of the psychedelic experience. What would a trip be without fear? Besides, the psychedelic doesn't give you fear, you create it yourself and only you can do something about it. Psychedelics can help you find out the deepest of your fears and this may seem 'bad', but it is a big step in your personal development to acknowledge the fear within you, I'd even go so far as to say you can't evolve without it.
Though I mostly agree with this, I disagree with "you create [fear] yourself". Perhaps I would agree with the statement in certain contexts (behaviorist psychology, neurolinguistic programming, martial arts philosophy), but I believe the most significant fears that sometimes come up in our lives, especially in trips, were not created by ourselves out of thin air, but are the result of very scary experiences in real life, especially the ones we could never express or resolve. Yes, the trauma of birth.

Though fear is a bit of an obstacle to 'enjoying' psychedelics initially, it is in fact a very important part of the process. Those who have gone through the process end up with significantly less fear in their every day life, even if they have terminal cancer.
Caduceus Mercurius a dit:
I disagree with "you create [fear] yourself".

I see your point. I would add that something like birth trauma continues to live on because you are afraid of dealing with it. I.e. you hold on to the drama, because it is part of your identity-construct.

Every fear has an origin in the outside world, but it only becomes fear if it is interpreted as hostile to yourself. This doesn't mean that you consciously create fear, it may very well be remnants from a preconscious trauma, but I do know that only bringing it to consciousness (actively go into the feeling) can help resolve it.
mrvitorsky a dit:
A note that says tough shit
isnt that what the current god has given us?? :lol:

I'd make a drug that makes you completely blank for half an hour with zero thought process and zero memory retrieval

I'd make plants that have a large translucent seed pod about 8 feet high that open up for 24 hours to a seed inside, then they close and with some kind of chemical propulsion they launch into outer space
this way the plants would eventually spread though the universe (oh and they can survive any temperature and dont need any nutrients to grow...im god bitchs)
the seeds can also be removed and humans can get inside :wink:
Actually, if I was god, then my gift would be definitive proof that I existed, and I would make myself to be an active part of this world, so people would know the truth and wouldn't kill each other fighting for things that are wrong
So... youd give them peyote or ayahuasca.
I'd put them in the most beautiful garden ever where they could chill out and enjoy their lives. They would be free like angels and they could do everything they want...BUT I wouldn't give them wisdom and insight. They don't need it, it only brings unhappiness. So if they only TRY to take a bite from one of my cute little red apples !!! FFS I'd kick them out, if you want wisdom then go use it and figure it out without me !!!

...oh wait.
How about making everyone on the planet a mind reader? :shock:
I'd give people the ability to cope with love sorrows quite easily + orgasms for everyone on a daily basis, and maybe I'd create a kind of opium that doesn't get you addicted... :D
lol mandatory daily orgasms :P
"So you know, I tell him that.." - "wait wait.....aaaaah....yeah...ok, go on"
Also unlimited peyote gardens/mescaline crystals to dispense mankind the door for an androgynous soul which can rest in peace during it's conscious life time. The now known gender reconnoitring expedition results in a broken shell with a divided multiplication of locomotion. The greatest symbols of ancient nature fail to fuse the one single pocket each of us is.
Crimzen a dit:
I'd make plants that have a large translucent seed pod about 8 feet high that open up for 24 hours to a seed inside, then they close and with some kind of chemical propulsion they launch into outer space
this way the plants would eventually spread though the universe (oh and they can survive any temperature and dont need any nutrients to grow...im god bitchs)
the seeds can also be removed and humans can get inside :wink:

That sounds similar to how McKenna describes mushroom spores. Hmm.

As for what I'd give to humanity...probably something like what St.bot.32 said. Though I'd probably make it a chemical in the brain, so that it was permanent. Every night when we go to sleep, we would live out the results of that days actions. I think we would learn VERY quickly to respect each other. Those that didn't would go mad. Within a generation we could completely reverse the destructive course of humanity.
My sperm .
I'd make a drug that, would make it to where human language never came into existence. People would just communicate telepathically, seeing as much more understanding can be had if thoughts travel directly into the other person's mind. Spoken word gets misunderstood to often. People could still make noises though, beautiful sounds.

I'd make a drug that, would spark everyone's creativity, the purpose to human life would just be: to create. People would just build and build and paint and sculpt and invent etc. Endlessly, everyone would be a Nikola Tesla or Thomas Edison. It would be a world of magic. We'd be teleporting to the other ends of the Universe, moving around galaxies in the universe to paint a picture and having advance enough technology to take a picture of it.

I'd make a drug that, has a little bit of my omniscience in it, since I am a God. People could take it and just... know.
st.bot.32 a dit:
well if i was -the- god i would have done things right in the first place so humanity wouldn't even need drugs.

but say i became god right now and inherited this mess, i'd bitch-slap the earth with the ultimate trip: something that would cause all people to experience lengthy vivid dreams in which they would live out the direct and indirect consequences of all their actions entirely from the physical and emotional perspective of those affected.. every night (for a while). imagine, the hardcore bush supporter experiences becoming a civilian casualty in iraq, or growing up being a muslim believer. at the same time the muslim extremist sees from the perspective of a persecuted atheist. the rapist feeling from the perspective of the raped. the homophobe living the perspective of an oppressed homosexual. the foaming drug warrior experiencing the life of being a weed smoker thrown in jail for years and abused by a bunch of big ugly dudes. the rabid revolutionary dreaming from the perspective of the innocent bystanders. everyone, including myself. if you were a gangster or a warmonger, you might become afraid of sleep. if your life was about helping others or giving others joy, every night would be nirvana. it would be one crazy trip.. would it make things better, maybe for a little while, I dunno..

I seriously hope you become god one day....that is a beautiful idea, because the biggest thing this world lacks right now is understanding and empathy....we could all use more of it.