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What is the Matrix? reborn thread

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion zezt
  • Date de début Date de début
Matrix is "Rock the Casbah" written in bombs thrown in Iraq by U.S.A.

[Joe Strummer cried when saw it]
zezt a dit:
the very term "conspiracy theory" is intended to be a thought-stopper.
Conspiracy theorist is certainly a derogatory term, just as "Truth Movement" is an euphemism.

Not everyone who is interested in conspiracies is a conspiracy theorist. Many conspiracies are well documented. Declassified and leaked documents can all reveal genuine conspiracies going on. That the CIA employed LSD in its MK-Ultra program is not a conspiracy theory. The Iran-Contra affair is not a conspiracy theory. The Watergate scandal is not a conspiracy theory. The NSA spying on ordinary citizens, as revealed by Edward Snowden, is not a conspiracy theory.

A conspiracy theorist is a person who doesn't limit himself to actual facts, but focuses on the most outlandish and improbable scenarios. Enter chemtrails, which are supposedly being sprayed by every commercial airliner in the world. We're made to believe dozens of commercial airliners leaving Schiphol Airport are equipped to deliberately and secretly spray us with toxic chemicals. No evidence is given for these claims excepts pictures of contrails, which are supposedly "clearly chemtrails!" The chemtrail conspiracy theory is one of the most retarded and unfounded paranoid fantasies ever, yet it is immensely popular.

The 9/11 conspiracy theory (the Thermite / controlled demolition scenario) is equally unscientific, regardless of its support by a few hundred "architects and engineers".
Finarfin a dit:
Who are you trying to fool. You are fooling yourself.
Let me clarify then:

I do not discuss the DETAILS of conspiracy theories. I will not enter point by point discussions about building 7, HAARP, chemtrails and all the rest.

You may also be confused about my statement because I DO talk about the rich conspiring against the poor. I also say that major players in this conspiracy are White Ango-Saxon Protestants and Zionists, who meet up at Masonic Lodges. But this is not a theory, this is well known, and I have even encountered several such Freemasons myself (from the Florida area). There's nothing unusual about powerful families conspiring against other (poorer) families. The mafia was basically a conspiracy of Italian families. Even people with a certain ideology can be said to conspire, like the jihadists conspiring to spread Islam all over the world (through terrorism and stealth jihad).

These kinds of conspiracies are very important to discuss, as they are real. Hence I do appreciate documentaries like The Four Horsemen (2012) and Inside Job (2010), as they stick to verifyable facts.

Now, regarding the Venus Project, I do appreciate Jacques Fresco's ideas and do wish him and his supporters the best, but I just don't see his cities being built anytime soon. Therefore I'm not really a Venus Project advocate, although I do repost their materials sometimes.

I don't think you were questioning my lack of interest in Descartes. I appreciate some of his ideas, but he's a man from a very different era. An interesting historical figure, but not one of my personal heroes.

And as far as the forum is concerned, the main reason I'm here is that visiting this place a couple of months ago, I noticed that the English section had completely stagnated. When I tried to register a new account (with permission), I discovered that the registration page didn't work, and who knows how long that was the case? In several places I stumbled upon large quantities of spam. Although the French and Italian sections were doing well, the English and Dutch sections were certainly being neglected.
It does not surprise my that you appreciate Fresco,s idea.
Only dumb numbskulls can trully appreciate Fresco,s Venus project fantasy.
The venus project is Fresco,s fantasy. It has nothing to do with reality.

What do you want to tell me CM, that you are simpleminded. I already know you are.

The rich conspiring against the poor? what is this for simplistic bullshit?
I can not understand why someone who seems intelligent can make such simplistic statements. Who do you think to impress?
If Fresco wanted to really build this city he could. I think he is never going to do this. Why, because it all a bunch of blown out of proportion nonsense.
They are planning to build a colony on mars. I think there is a bigger change for people living on mars then there is for the venus project ever coming into existence.

Fresco could easily build a city and fill it up with numbskulls. It could be like a 60,s science fiction with numbskulls all wearing the same outfit.
He could build it, but he,s never going to do it.
Finarfin a dit:
What do you want to tell me CM, that you are simpleminded. I already know you are.
If that is your preconceived notion of me (based on the past rather than the present), communication becomes a meaningless waste of time.

Matrix present: what kind of a TVshow do you want see?! :weed:
Caduceus Mercurius a dit:
Conspiracy theorist is certainly a derogatory term, just as "Truth Movement" is an euphemism.

Not everyone who is interested in conspiracies is a conspiracy theorist. Many conspiracies are well documented. Declassified and leaked documents can all reveal genuine conspiracies going on. That the CIA employed LSD in its MK-Ultra program is not a conspiracy theory. The Iran-Contra affair is not a conspiracy theory. The Watergate scandal is not a conspiracy theory. The NSA spying on ordinary citizens, as revealed by Edward Snowden, is not a conspiracy theory.

A conspiracy theorist is a person who doesn't limit himself to actual facts, but focuses on the most outlandish and improbable scenarios. Enter chemtrails, which are supposedly being sprayed by every commercial airliner in the world. We're made to believe dozens of commercial airliners leaving Schiphol Airport are equipped to deliberately and secretly spray us with toxic chemicals. No evidence is given for these claims excepts pictures of contrails, which are supposedly "clearly chemtrails!" The chemtrail conspiracy theory is one of the most retarded and unfounded paranoid fantasies ever, yet it is immensely popular.

The 9/11 conspiracy theory (the Thermite / controlled demolition scenario) is equally unscientific, regardless of its support by a few hundred "architects and engineers".

Your first sentence I agree with. It is meant to be derogatory and a thought stopper...to shame...cause fear, because people who use it look up to authority figures like W Bush etc who use it in that way. So....

Now your second sentence is a bit dodgy.
Not everyone who is interested in conspiracies is a conspiracy theorist
errrm, as said, EVERYONE who IS interested in investigating conspiracies, which also means questioning official narratives is called a conspiracy theorist by officialdom AND their supporters. I cannot remember if I posted an article to this thread, but it was article about the real expose of officials planning a false flag in (forgot the country at the moment), and all the big mainstream news reports ignored that it was a false flag. they would NOT say that term!! Why? because of pressure and self-censorship to not be part of........? 'conspiracy theory'!! Understand? Do you see how it works that term?

I have not looked into the chemtrail issue as much as some, but I do know I have not read people saying all commercial planes di it. Co, they talk about special planes doing it. Where you getting your info for that?
The chemtrail conspiracy theory is one of the most retarded and unfounded paranoid fantasies ever, yet it is immensely popular.

How come then the BBC finally admits to geoengineering?
[h=1]Geoengineering plan could have 'unintended' side effect[/h]First I heard of this was from a woman who uploaded this info to Youtube:
The 9/11 conspiracy theory (the Thermite / controlled demolition scenario) is equally unscientific, regardless of its support by a few hundred "architects and engineers".

LOL, oh I see they are all wrong, but the official version is right...? You have not done the research man!
Caduceus Mercurius a dit:
If that is your preconceived notion of me (based on the past rather than the present), communication becomes a meaningless waste of time.


My preconceived notion of you always was that of a intelligent and friendly person.
My perception of you changed when you started to post a lot of (illuminati) garbage and simpleminded statements.

I do not understand why someone who seems to be intelligent can post such garbage.

As for communication. You never wanted to really communicate with me. In the past you where so full of your own stupid ideology that communication based on reason was not possible. Communication with you in the past was like talking to a brick wall.
As for zezt he is also completely emerged in his own reality.
Finarfin a dit:
My preconceived notion of you always was that of a intelligent and friendly person.
My perception of you changed when you started to post a lot of (illuminati) garbage and simpleminded statements.

I do not understand why someone who seems to be intelligent can post such garbage.

As for communication. You never wanted to really communicate with me. In the past you where so full of your own stupid ideology that communication based on reason was not possible. Communication with you in the past was like talking to a brick wall.
As for zezt he is also completely emerged in his own reality.

in what way, please summarize what you mean, about how you read me?
zezt a dit:
because people who use it look up to authority figures like W Bush etc who use it in that way. So....
That's not true. I also use the term "conspiracy theorist" in a derogatory way, but I don't look up to Bush or ANY authority figure. Nor do I reject EVERYTHING people like David Icke, Alex Jones, Benjamin Fulford or Mike Adams say. The British monarchy IS evil, but they're not shapeshifting lizards. America IS turning into a brutal police state, but its government is not behind every mass shooting or terrorist attack.

So what I'm suggesting here (and this is the only reason why I'm participating in this discussion) is that there are more alternatives to either the "official story" or the various conspiracy theories. Especially as psychonauts we should be openminded enough to question ALL narratives.

EVERYONE who IS interested in investigating conspiracies, which also means questioning official narratives is called a conspiracy theorist by officialdom AND their supporters.
Well, I can't speak on behalf of the entire world, but I have encountered plenty of people who laugh at conspiracy theorists yet do not support officialdom in any way, but simply have an unbiased approach. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. And the evidence provided by conspiracy theories is always questionable.

I know there are MANY people, myself included, who have been conspiracy theorists in the past, but then changed their minds. They continue to distrust the US government, but not to the extent that conspiracy theorists do. They acknowledge that there HAVE been False Flag operations, but deny that the attacks of 9/11 were staged to the extent of rigging the Twin Towers with explosives and deliberately killing thousands of US citizens.

Where you getting your info for that?
Everywhere on the internet, particularly on social media sites, people are all posting pictures of white trails in the sky, claiming they are chemtrails. Several of my friends here in the Netherlands have done so, indirectly suggesting all commercial airliners are producing chemtrails. Just do an image search for "chemtrails", and you see nothing but pictures of trails in the sky, produced by commercial airliners.

Or a random example:

Voir la pièce jointe 14095

How come then the BBC finally admits to geoengineering?
That's a different topic. Geoengineering is happening, but not over Schiphol Airport. That's the difference between what I call a conspiracy theory (regular airplanes spraying European citizens with toxic chemicals) and something that is not at all disputed (scientists experimenting with geoengineering).


Geoengineering - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Chemtrail conspiracy theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Finarfin a dit:
My perception of you changed when you started to post a lot of (illuminati) garbage and simpleminded statements
I don't think any of the statements I have posted here in the past one or two months have been simpleminded. In fact my views are extremely complex and subtle.

I do not understand why someone who seems to be intelligent can post such garbage.
Well, either I'm not intelligent at all, or the things I say aren't garbage.

But whatever your conclusion may be, don't base it on things I said in 2011 (around the time of the Occupy protests). I'm certainly not judging you on the basis of things you said a long time ago. I assume you have been refining your worldview since then.

Communication with you in the past was like talking to a brick wall.
Actually, now that you mention it, I remember why I got frustrated talking with you. Back then you were constantly replacing my words with your own (one of your favorite words was "violence", which you inserted into anything I suggested), and then arguing with me on the basis of your OWN interpretations rather than MY words. This got annoying after a while, which is why I unfriended you.
Want to know what the matrix really is? Here's what it is. Since the beginning of time, there were animals, plants, humans, and insects coexisting with each other. Somewhere along the line, the mean bad people among the group wanted to gain control and plunge society into ignorance. They stopped the people from exploring the mind and wanted people to only think of the now. People started becoming careless. Centralizing the food and safety so it becomes a privileged not a right. Ignoring the smart ones and good ones in exchange for hatred, and illusions of a carefree life. Then it began backfiring. The people realized that they were tricked, yet continue to drink the Kool-Aid for some time. Then the psychedelic revolution tried to warn people. It worked for a while, but then it was stopped. The peace(the key point) was stopped too. People were convinced that peace was terrorism talk. How could peace possibly be terrorism? In the meantime, the peace sign got turned upside down and even pictures were photo-shopped to turn the peace sign upside down. It's supposed to look like a tree, not an upside down tree! Not to mention the devious works of Nixon and Rob Portman. Even corporations actively suppressed studies that show that natural and semi-synthetic psychedelics could not only cause hallucinations, but have medical and even nootropic effects at low doses. The media went from being run by people to being bought up by special interests. There was also a movement by special interests to end safety, increase the wealth gap, and privatize jails, schools, police training, and even some courts. Hence, nearly no one prosecutes gangs, but they're very eager to prosecute common citizens and dare to label them the terrorists. There's also deforestation and pollution happening at unprecedented levels. It's a war for your minds. They fear us more than we fear them. That's why they kill the smart ones among us. We are more than our surroundings. There's glitches in the matrix, and they're trying to patch it all up. There's also the fact that people tend to be edgy nowadays, where as before, they were relaxed and only casually anxious sometimes. It's like most people are either taking denial or MinusIQ.
Don't take the blue pill or the red pill. Take the purple pill! 8)
. For example:

Fidel Castro and Khrushchev decided to put nuclear missiles into Cuba
but didn't tell Kennedy. That is a conspiracy. If two people agree in silence that is a conspiracy.

Or when the CIA over thrower Salvador Allende on September 11 1973, that was a conspiracy. They didn't call Salvador Allende first. Later you had Pinochet installed in Chile.

When the French SECRET service sank the Rainbow Warrior in 1985. They bombed the ship because Greenpeace was protesting the French atomic tests in the Pacific and Greenpeace were going there in their ships to prevent the testing. So they sank the ship with a bomb. That is terrorism, but it is State terrorism. It is the SECRET service which carried out and killed Fernando Pereira. He wasn't informed of it, so it's a conspiracy.

Or the Iran Contra Affair in 1986. You had Oliver North who was involved and others who sent money to the Contras which they had earnt from selling arms to Iran, and at the time Congress had said that the US could not sell arms to Iran, and then the Whitehouse ran away and secretly did it and used the money to fund the Contras in Nicaragua. That was a conspiracy.

Or if you take the Watergate break-in; this is a very interesting conspiracy [34:14] Daniele Ganser (Switzerland) - 10 Years After 9/11 The Official Account Does Not Add Up

Everywhere on the internet, particularly on social media sites, people are all posting pictures of white trails in the sky, claiming they are chemtrails. Several of my friends here in the Netherlands have done so, indirectly suggesting all commercial airliners are producing chemtrails. Just do an image search for "chemtrails", and you see nothing but pictures of trails in the sky, produced by commercial airliners.

Or a random example:

Voir la pièce jointe 14095

That's a different topic. Geoengineering is happening, but not over Schiphol Airport. That's the difference between what I call a conspiracy theory (regular airplanes spraying European citizens with toxic chemicals) and something that is not at all disputed (scientists experimenting with geoengineering).


Geoengineering - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Chemtrail conspiracy theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I think you are creating a strawman with your commercial airplanes spraying chemtrails trip. You were first person I have heard say that. As far as I was aware the people into investigating this did not mention commercial airliners but special planes equipped differently than commercial planes. So you are focusing on some fringe group saying that and using it to question the possibility that chemtrails is a reality.

I overheard recently that the UK prime minster denies the use of chemtrails and geoengineering
Sync Alert: David Cameron Denies Spraying “You” The People With Toxins *Proof*
April 11, 2014 at 5:19 pm

Now as I told you, I have not focused my research that much into the subject of chemtrails, so am not sure of any distinction between that term and 'geoengineering'. I have found this site but have not time to read it yet:

Documentary, Media Articles Question Chemtrails, Geoengineering

It is very telling Cameron denies 'both'!!
SWIMchem5 a dit:
Want to know what the matrix really is? Here's what it is. Since the beginning of time, there were animals, plants, humans, and insects coexisting with each other. Somewhere along the line, the mean bad people among the group wanted to gain control and plunge society into ignorance. They stopped the people from exploring the mind and wanted people to only think of the now. People started becoming careless. Centralizing the food and safety so it becomes a privileged not a right. Ignoring the smart ones and good ones in exchange for hatred, and illusions of a carefree life. Then it began backfiring. The people realized that they were tricked, yet continue to drink the Kool-Aid for some time. Then the psychedelic revolution tried to warn people. It worked for a while, but then it was stopped. The peace(the key point) was stopped too. People were convinced that peace was terrorism talk. How could peace possibly be terrorism? In the meantime, the peace sign got turned upside down and even pictures were photo-shopped to turn the peace sign upside down. It's supposed to look like a tree, not an upside down tree!

That's interesting. have you got a source for that?
yes, what also has interested me was the cause of why groups went to mean and bad, and against others, other species, and the natural world. I think many radical women explain this the best, because they have been major victims of it. it is the patriarchy, and along with this is the using of animals as the first slaves. We see this again and again. How animals are captured, and even bred in captivity, and then 'tested' on, which really means tortured, and then this research is used on humans. In fact the philosophy supporting this evil is manufactured so for example there was Rene Descartes who becomes the 'heroic thinker' who claims animals are robots who do not feel pain, which is conveninet for their evil so-called 'animal vivisection' industry. But then arrives on the scene Willhelm Wundt who says similar things about humans, and that we are reduced to skin bags of chemical and electrical interactions, and are made to think of ourselves as soft robots. Who does THIS serve? A mean bad culture which treats people like robots who have no feelings, no soul. So you can see how their disrespect for other species includes humans they consider like animals, and less evolved from what they think of themselves.

Not to mention the devious works of Nixon and Rob Portman. Even corporations actively suppressed studies that show that natural and semi-synthetic psychedelics could not only cause hallucinations, but have medical and even nootropic effects at low doses. The media went from being run by people to being bought up by special interests. There was also a movement by special interests to end safety, increase the wealth gap, and privatize jails, schools, police training, and even some courts. Hence, nearly no one prosecutes gangs, but they're very eager to prosecute common citizens and dare to label them the terrorists. There's also deforestation and pollution happening at unprecedented levels. It's a war for your minds. They fear us more than we fear them. That's why they kill the smart ones among us. We are more than our surroundings. There's glitches in the matrix, and they're trying to patch it all up. There's also the fact that people tend to be edgy nowadays, where as before, they were relaxed and only casually anxious sometimes. It's like most people are either taking denial or MinusIQ.
Don't take the blue pill or the red pill. Take the purple pill! 8)

Yes earlier I was communicating with a person in another forum who was asking whether to take psychedelics to heal his depression and anxiety. When I asked him what made him anxious and depressed he said he didn't know. This is how the culture gets many people. Via mind controls many people are not even aware why they feel so bad, sad, anxious, which is just a term for FEAR. To me it is fukin obvious. This culture is utterly barbaric and of course there are the personal problems.
As said above it drills into people they are just robots and that the surrounding natural world is dead, without consciousness. This is unimaginably horrible if you really think about it. it is the ultimate in divide and control!

Have you ever tried to talk with the debunking mindset, militant materialists? These are people who trust officialdom, be it about 9/11, WACO, Sandy Hook etc etc etc you name it. I have also found that many of these people also totally trust scientism, and thus will try and argue you into the ground if you mention paranormal events, OBEs, NDEs, any experience that is extraordinary (and this is even at forums to do with psychedelic experience!). They will tell you to go and take the James Randi challenge, because if it were true you'd win a million, so the story goes. That 'challenge' is supposed to shut you the fuck up.
Now listen, this is the main point--if you say that you experienced it yourself they try and divide you from your own experience and claim that official science knows better than you what your experience is! They will say stuff like 'you cannot trust memory, or experience', bla bla. But the bottom line is they are trying to divide you from your own unique personal experience! So again we have this divide and control strategy in action coming from the supporters of this culture.

So this is barbarically insidious isn't it??? And yet many people do not even realize why they are fearful and sad. They seem to have no idea the mind controlling assault being done to their person, to their body and soul! And this is why I want to explore this subject so that people willing to explore this become AWARE. because when we become aware of these mind controls we undermine them.
Invisible vibrational waves that can influence our emotions? WIFI, GPS, background music, television?
Fear is not uncommon when we look at our todays world. But in despite of this all, I think it is our own human brain that's still evolving into "humaness". Our ego dominant side has a dark side and in our great abilities these dark sides come out really bad. There's a mass disception going on and people are casted away from the garden of Eden. This Eden we left made us think and survive in a whole other spectrum. A bicameral mind? A constant struggle and dominating of 2 forces good vs evil where our humaness does not have yet fully distinguished what's right and wrong.
It is all these subconsiouss impulses coming at you all at once making you act spontaneous without knowing what you're actually doing. What is it we are doing?
And isn't that what control is about?
Someone who knows what you are doing....

So we all need to wake up and see what we are doing and getting involved into our own. Not into politics, but into our own psyche and see what it reveals.

This people who maintain control are in the same matrix as you, limited to the same rules; you have your tools on the other hand though ;)

But aren't we giving away our freedom by simply voting? We are so blinded today we do not see how much in control we actualy are. But we give away our freedom everyday and we take it away from others as well.

So get to know what you are doing and get the rest involved...
These people in control, they have faces today, why is it they maintain control?
What is it you are doing that keeps them in control?
Demahdi a dit:
So we all need to wake up and see what we are doing and getting involved into our own. Not into politics, but into our own psyche and see what it reveals

we control ourself... facebook...
That's not what I meant :) Your facebook is UNDER control and you have LIMITED control ;)
See my point? What I meant is we should think of our own. Politics usually create problems to offer the solution. So basicly, politics and economics are ruining our Gaian world. But why is that? Because we let them to. We choose in our free will to suck out our world. You may not always make your choices fully aware, but all we see is the cause of all our choices in this material world.
So to change the world, we have to change our choices?
It involves a lot of supply and demand where they--the control freaks--will use MIND CONTROL to manufacture demand. This means: your thinking is not your own thinking, and even dreams are instilled too. THAT is mind control isn't it?

Have you heard of Edward Bernays? He was known as the Father of Propaganda/Spin. In early 20th century he used his uncle Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytical techniques and subliminal advertizing techniques to get 'the masses' to buy things they didn't need, and he did this by attaching desire to the products using images etc, sex and so on.

He also was commissioned by the Tobacco Industry to get more women to smoke cigarettes. He did this by arranging this massive propaganda stunt in New York city. He hired these fashionable models to be part of the suffragette movement march and when prompted to reach into their garters and light up a Lucky Strike cigarette. This SUBLIMINALLY was associating the cigarettes with mini penises, and torches of liberation. Millions of women saw this all across America!

IE he was instilling the IMAGE into women's minds that smoking made them free independent women (when in reality is just makes them become addicted to nicotine and the chemicals they add to the baccy, all of which causes them (and all people who smoke) to age prematurely and get diseases and die from such diseases!).
And of course this myth of the free idependent strong ciggy-smoking woman was pushed by propaganda-central, Hollywood where films created these 'strong female characters' who were seen lighting up cigarettes on screen etc etc. So dya see what I mean? When thinking is not your own, and has been deviously manipulated by these control freaks is when we need to really become aware what they do because doing so undermines their mind control.