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What instruments do you play?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Brugmansia
  • Date de début Date de début
I play acoustic guitar, but I started playing last year, so I'm not really that good.... YET. I've always wanted to play guitar but I was too shy to even try when I was young. I'm now trying to make this dream come true so I'm wrestling through my lessonbooks as good as I can. My dad teaches me, so when I have questions I immediately have the teacher nearby :)

I really like to play classical and folkmusic.
I'm self teaching myself keyboard. About ~ 45 hours of honest self-teaching over the course of a year doesn't go very far. I can make some pretty sick harmony though.
i dont play anything but i will jam given the right circumstances and chemical augmentation
Some more instruments: the new bass guitar I bought for my kids, and the old semi-acoustic Leda I inherited from my father (which I repaired yesterday evening).
I once played the piano as a little kid, but I stopped pretty early.
with 14 or so I picked up the guitar and played a little bit every now and then, but in the last years and months I hardly played, so my skills at this point don't go further than The House of the rising sun and the first few chords of Black Jesus.

but I'm DJing at (dark-)psytranceparties 3-4 times a year. skillwise, I think I could play at bigger parties already, but I lack the connections for that. it would be nice at some point, just for fun. I never got money for djing so far, always did it for free.

I have this idea of recording sounds from the outside world (particularily places I genuinely enjoy) and making music with them. I don't know which way to go yet, ambient, psytrance whatever. I think I'll just start with no real plan and see what's the outcome.
maybe I'll use for songs only sounds from one place, i.e. one song will be made with the sounds from my favourite place in the mountains, one with the sounds from my hometown etc.
Caduceus Mercurius a dit:
...and the old semi-acoustic Leda I inherited from my father (which I repaired yesterday evening).

Awesome, seems like an old jazz guitar with a single coil pick up
I play piano, guitar and bowed guitar. (:
I do some synthesizer work as well.

<3 music.
I play some piano, guitar and I like to sing now and then, but all of them are more experimenting than really playing in a really experienced way, hehe.

I dont'really think I'm that good, but I like to play now and then.
I play drums, and vocoder/synthesizer for my band. drums for two other bands. and my own solo stuff involves alot of sequencers, samples, drum machines and tons of effects. Music consumes most of my life.
I reeeeallly want to get one of these:

I mean... check out what you can freakin' do with them:

they're almost impossible to get, though.

also, I've been playing piano for about 15 years.
wow amazing stuff!! especially the hang drums!! very nice!! :D

i would love to play an instrument but i am too bad i guess... maybe sometime i will get myself a guitar and teach it to myself :)

and i guess i will start trying to make some cool tunes with fruity loops :)
I play guitar

been learning for 4 years, self taught, getting to get a good feel for the lady, elegant neck, full body, beautiful shape, in my hands she's putty...-lol-

well, that what I like to believe, I'm getting there, sometimes I just like to close my eyes and let my fiingers talk to me.

gunna be another 5-10 years before I can actualy say I PLAY guiter, for now, I play
I play guitar. I am fascinated with improvisation but my approach to guitar is completely intuitively and thus very limited. I don't know any music theory. I just put on some ambient music or such and just see what chords and notes on the neck fit in. As such I know maybe like 20 different 'scales'. Again, very limited, but I can play over most modern western music that doesn't modulate. This 'instant creation' feels wonderful, even though it's a pretty simplistic approach.
I play drums, for the fun of it.

Do your neighbours complaint about the noise that the drums make?

I'm asking because I might get an acoustic drum set, and I live in a apartment.
I use to play drums, we lived in a upstairs appartment me and my friend and we would play anyway. Well long story short we got evicted in a month, the drums made their whole house shake downstairs, we had other noise complaints as well with music and crazy talking and yelling like we were on drugs(we were). You can get some rubber pads for the skins tho and fill the bass drum up with some pillows and/or blankets. Reduces sound some what. I also guess It could depend on how you play, me and my friend were both into old punk rock and had a tendency to play very hard(one snare drum skin a month basically or lots of duct tape).
Keyboard. mostly formyself only.
random a dit:
Do your neighbours complaint about the noise that the drums make?
I live in a shopping street, and I only have neighbours to one side of my apartment. I had put some pillows in the bass and snare drum, which reduced the sound a lot, but last week my friend asked if I could take the pillow out of the snare drum, which I did. It was a warm night, so we also had a window open. Then at midnight, a couple of minutes after I had stopped playing, the police rang the doorbell, because someone further down the street had complained. We didn't get a fine, just a warning (one is supposed to be silent after 22:00).

If it's mainly for yourself, get an electronic drum kit. Much more practical for living room situations. Only buy an acoustic drum kit if you've got a separate garage or something like that.
Im a didgeridoo noob.. been playing for two moths now.. att this point i suck (bigtime)... but what can you expect after 2 months,.. right?

The circular breating consumed the first month,.. and now im practising getting some sort of rithem... but its hard (for me).. but it will improve i guess :)