I once played the piano as a little kid, but I stopped pretty early.
with 14 or so I picked up the guitar and played a little bit every now and then, but in the last years and months I hardly played, so my skills at this point don't go further than The House of the rising sun and the first few chords of Black Jesus.
but I'm DJing at (dark-)psytranceparties 3-4 times a year. skillwise, I think I could play at bigger parties already, but I lack the connections for that. it would be nice at some point, just for fun. I never got money for djing so far, always did it for free.
I have this idea of recording sounds from the outside world (particularily places I genuinely enjoy) and making music with them. I don't know which way to go yet, ambient, psytrance whatever. I think I'll just start with no real plan and see what's the outcome.
maybe I'll use for songs only sounds from one place, i.e. one song will be made with the sounds from my favourite place in the mountains, one with the sounds from my hometown etc.