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What happened to Ketamine?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Kay
  • Date de début Date de début


It seems like it was only a few years ago that Ketamine was a widely used psychoactive. Now its hard to find anyone who even knows what it is, and what it does. Let alone where to find medical, high quality stuff.

What happened?

I suspect its a mixture of cracking down on medical sources, and the large influx of low grade Indian Ket that started flowing to the western countries is to blame.

K is already not-so-easy on the nose, when you throw large amounts of it into a street market, the quality is likely to decrease even more due to greedy resellers, resulting in the end products dose being much too high to consider worth the nasal discomfort.

Atleast thats the best I can can think of.

Personally I would love to see it make a comeback. I understand that its slightly harder to source now. And with all of the RCs out these day(MXE ect..), its hard to trust any products available locally. But I know its out there. It takes some hunting, but Ive found pure around the Florida rave scene occasionally at a moderately acceptable price. But its been few and far over the past year or two atleast.

What are your oppinions about the change in market lately? How has the price/quality ratio been for you guys locally?
ket is still well known in scotland but there was a drought thats just ended a few months ago. i actually have a gram of the new stuff thats about here but i am keeping it for a special occasion, hopefully soon.
Price discution is not allowed.

Here in belgium ketamine is not so hard to find. Harder than a few year ago, but still.
Not to boast but it's pretty consistant here in the us northeast, but I def agree that it in general doesn't seem to be talked about anymore. Everytime I have an experience on it, I'm blown away asking why its effects aren't more talked about and looked into than say the norms (shrooms,lsd,dmt). And to add, I've actually never had a bad batch that was cut or anything, compared to others things >.>
I'm blown away asking why its effects aren't more talked about and looked into

I must agree with you , ketamine is for me something who can be spiritual, in a really more calm way than other psychedelick.

Also the way it's acting on nmda and glutamate who's responsable for the brain plasticity is quite fascinating. I would love to read more scientific paper on the use of ketamine as a psychedelik.
badilo a dit:
ket is still well known in scotland but there was a drought thats just ended a few months ago. i actually have a gram of the new stuff thats about here but i am keeping it for a special occasion, hopefully soon.

What sort of potency do you guys usually see?
For me, a social dose(nasally) would be about 25 - 50mg. Ranging from 50 - 150mg on average alone when the effects can be more closely observed.

And @ Ouroboros - My apologies, I wasnt aware.
Also, could you change the title of this post to "What happened to ketamine?"
Done, please use the "edit post" button to avoid double post. Thanks :)
Kay a dit:
What sort of potency do you guys usually see?
For me, a social dose(nasally) would be about 25 - 50mg. Ranging from 50 - 150mg on average alone when the effects can be more closely observed.

And @ Ouroboros - My apologies, I wasnt aware.

hi the last time i tried it i was taking lines of around 100mg and they were getting me to where i wanted to be and more
I write from Rome, Italy... the quality of K went rapidly down here in Europe because of all the shit K produced in the Netherlands that has overflown the market. It's cheaper to buy for wholesaler but the price for users has remained the same. This horrible K often puts you in a horrible state... vibrations are very low, confusing your mind: just the opposite of the clear view feeling that the indian one gave you. It's a real shame: we used to have long private after hour sessions and we all miss the telepathic and empathic effect that good K had upon us, not to talk about the vibrational frequence which changed so drastically by using the dutch shit. I'm trying to get some good stuff from silk road... P.S.: sorry for my english
I also think the market is invaded by the cheaper MXE... i advise you: don't mix it with mdma like you usually do with K: bad trip ahead.
I've done ketamine only once till now when a doctor psychonaut gave me a fresh bottle of it. I had the most ego crushing experience on ketamine 3 years back when I entered the k-hole. I couldn't move and was taken to a completely different world, it did teach me a lot of secrets about life and opened my mind. The next day I slaw this movie Inception at the cinemas and was blown away. It's a very intense experience and I don't recommend anybody to go back to it again and again without applying what you learn in real life. Also, listen to some dark psy on it, you'll feel you woke up from a robotic world
Here in The Netherlands a lot of people know ketamine, but maybe that's because it's also used in the hospitals here.
Almost everyone I know have at least used it once, but certainly everyone I know knows it.
The only thing about ketamine is that it's so goddamn expensive -_- It got more expensive in the last 2 years, that's for sure. But hard to find? Nah.