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What does cannabis actually DO?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion st.bot.32
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daytripper a dit:
my post is not actually about cannabis.
this is a warning about additives cannabis might have, and we don't know !

It`s a shame... To many, Ganja is just another thing to "push" like heroine or whatever. in it for the big bucks\power
Is there a correlation between expanded/contracted blood vessels and more/less blood reaching through?
Doesn't the heart complex adapt pressure and beat velocity accordingly?
i suppose everyone has a different body, hence different reactions to ganja. perhaps some people would be more prone to this effect than others.

also thc is used to treat pain, a feeling of numbness very well could be just a normal side effect for some people and really nothing to do with blood flow at all. but i am not a doctor (and i've honestly never felt this numbness. my foot might fall asleep after smoking weed because i sat in an awkward position for 15 mins half-tripping :P ).

guess the rule of thumb here really is know your body and treat it well...
When I'm really high siting on the ground tripping and get up suddenly I can feel very dizzy and need to get back to the floor. This can happen at any one time but I feel it pronounced when on weed.
when I read the title I thought the question was what does cannabis actually do, as in, what's it's function in the context of the plant? So... what is it?
Regarding the numbness, I've never felt it. I do sometimes have a very, very slight feeling that sort of reminds me of a headache, the day after, but it's never persistent, I feel it, I think 'hope everything's alright' and forget it.

Very interesting to read everyone's experiences.
Read about the actions of ginko , ginseng , tea and green tea .

Dont believe that LSD and mushrooms are bad thats bollocks .

Standing up and getting dizzy is because of lack of sugar .

Feeling numb can come through sitting to still , or relaxing so much so that you put more weight on your blood vessels . Try weight training , go swimming .