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What does cannabis actually DO?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion st.bot.32
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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
3 886
There's been a few threads here lately where people are talking about their more intense and visual experiences with cannabis.

Myself I find that what a high cannabis dose ultimately does is allow me to fall into some kind of deep trance. In many ways it is almost like threshold sleep/wakeness but with my eyes open. At certain levels the real world actually starts to blank out.. overrided by my internal dialogue, visuals and imagination. this is where the magic happens.

Memories become rich, it is easy to dive into early and distant memories and almost feel like you are reliving them, the emotion, feeling of being alive at that time comes back to you.

Several times I felt like I have left my body or moved into another body. or another reality entirely. twice i have gone through the sensation of "dying", the first was frightening, the second was blissful and I had a feeling of converging with this massive flow of waves of life energy

Thought patterns diverge, when thinking about a problem it is easy and almost natural to see it from all angles. However you still have to use some critical thinking.. as it would be almost too easy to jump to a wrong conclusion if you aren't thinking critically. I find high cannabis doses amazing for gaining little insights about myself, and for self-programming. Almost like gaining access to my internal O.S.

My internal dialogue is amplified so greatly I can almost hear it aloud. Along with that are greatly amplified senses.. intertwining senses.. changing colors and time distortion, sound gaining a physical presence also.

These are just my experiences and thoughts on using higher amounts of cannabis to actually "trip". I would love to hear others experiences in the matter.

The majority of pot users i know never really experiment with this side of cannabis, and associate it with their initial introduction to cannabis. which in my opinion is because of their purely recreational intent, focus, set and setting, and pattern of usage. i've been smoking for 3 years now, which isn't as long as some, but i can definitely say while the initial "wow" factor is gone, my experiences are no less profound as when i first started. in fact in some ways i still feel like the experiences are just getting deeper over time as i go farther with them
I share your experiences completely Bot.
I totally agree with the things you said there. All very true. Cannabis removes the human boundaries (like most psychedelic drugs I guess), which makes it able to look at things from alot of different natural, universal persectives. Memories, even the vague and distant ones can be recalled very vividly.

Like you I prefer exploring this side of cannabis; exploring everything inside and outside myself, rather than using it in a recreational manner, which can be fun at times too though, don't misunderstand me :)
To reach those deeper parts with higher doses I prefer to take cannabis orally (spacecake, hash brownies or hash milk) since the effects last much longer while they're also alot more "trippier".

Since you asked for experiences, I'll give you one.
My strongest experience was on two slices of a spacecake. And up untill this day, it remains to be the best experience ever. Although I would'nt have agreed to that at the time I was experiencing it... :roll:

My spirit was floating in my body, lose from my body. The only thing I really had control over were my eyes. My body had taken over everything else and was doing everything for me like auto-pilot was turned on.

Senses of time and space were switching position. Time became space while space became time. When moving around it felt like walking on a chess board, with each step being a change of position on the chessboard, feeling completely different from the last position. Like one step were in fact a thousend steps.

I didn't achieve any deep insights, but it did teach me alot about the psychedelic side of cannabis.

It was also the only time I had slight open eyed visuals. Colored bars across my vision, the walls breathing, the floor looking like it consisted of tiles, while it's actually one big piece of carpet...

Cannabis is something really interesting on high doses, sometimes getting close to a light shroom trip, specially the oral way.
st.bot.32 you described my Cannabis high perfectly! That exactly what I experience during my high. Emphasis on the internal dialogue.

I personally think cannabis slows down time in mind, and because we don't notice it, the time contraction results in amplified thoughts and emotions.
For example, 10 second of joy is in fact perceived as 5 seconds of joy, and because we don't deal with that issue, it feels like joy is twice stronger.
Weird theory, I agree, but I like it.
Cannabis is has been until now, my primary psychonautic fuel, in matter of substances.
Horrigan a dit:
I personally think cannabis slows down time in mind, and because we don't notice it, the time contraction results in amplified thoughts and emotions.
For example, 10 second of joy is in fact perceived as 5 seconds of joy, and because we don't deal with that issue, it feels like joy is twice stronger.
Weird theory, I agree, but I like it.

Interesting idea. I seem to have an experience of energy flowing out of my head, extremely overwhelming and joyous let me tell you! It brings a big smile to my face to even think about it. I also experience a state of detachment, I feel like I am trapped in an alien body/machine (my limbs freak me out quite a bit, I mean think about it..) Also, when I am laying down in the dark during intense highs I feel as though the barrier that blocks us from realizing the speed at which we are moving is removed. At first this was fucking terrifying and it would not go away. Eventually I embraced it and could "spin" for hours! It was as if I was feeling the earths gravitational spin! I can still achieve these effects, thankfully. I believe you have to train your mind to be more receptive to these type of experiences, strongly. As far as what it does, the THC simply coats your neocortex, and increases endo-cannabinoids in your endocannabinoid regulatory system binding to CB1 receptors. The loss of short term memory is due to heavy coating of THC over the neocortex and slightly slows down the transmission of some neurotransmitters (WHICH HAS HEALTH BENEFITS MIND YOU!). :weedman:

EDIT: I almost forgot.. I smoked cannabis for 3 years straight every night, caught some gruff was forced to stop for 1 year. The day that I was released I went off to find my long lost friend! I went over to a friends party, took ONE hit off of a fair sized bong. I think the best description I could give was this: Imagine a freight-train made out of marijuana, with thousands of screaming hippies blown out of their minds singing a Bob Dylan song, traveling at near light speed. Now imagine stepping out infront of it. My gaping CB1 receptor sites were SHITFUCKED with the re induction. I experienced something I had never experienced, and only experienced that one time. I was standing in the living room with my friends, who were at the time plastered, out of nowhere.. EVERYTHING sprang upwards, my vision, my hearing witnessed some mad tinnitus, and I remained awestruck for about an hour on the brink of fainting. Terrifying, yet in retrospective it was truly amazing. As my brain began getting back to how it was a year prior my hearing was extremely acute, and amplified the shit out of minuscule sounds like a cigarette hitting a puddle while still lit.
= Smoke less = get high .
Cannabis also expands bloodvessels i read somewhere, so theres better bloodflow through every part of you body, making everything more sensitive\more alive.
Cannabis does a lot of things, with many different effects.
I'd guess there is only one effect responsible for all those effects, but I don't know what it is. I theorized about time contraction but I have no clue about it, just an idea.

But I often noticed the time was distorted on cannabis, maybe not really, but imaginary at least.
Yesterday I was playing a music album, and at some point I thought I was being listening to the same repeated track for an hour, but only a few minutes has passed !
When I smoke a joint, it feels to me it's a multiple days experience concentrated in two hours, but maybe I think that because I'm stoned too...
slows down angiogenesis, or the new formation of blood vessels had can halt tumor growth.
Cannabis also expands bloodvessels i read somewhere, so theres better bloodflow through every part of you body, making everything more sensitive\more alive.

Really? Strange, when on Canna I often have to stretch my limbs because when I don´t, they feel numb. But that´s probably because of the nerves... (?? Or just stupid placebo)

I also feel the time distortion very much. It was most strong when I hit a bong but I also feel it while vaporizing.
my post is not actually about cannabis.
this is a warning about additives cannabis might have, and we don't know what.
hashish in southern europe suffer from these problems:
- addition of brown sugar;
- addition of cooked flour;
- the worst plants are used on hashish, and this means diseased, weak and all the shitty leaves;
- material consistency, smell, smoke and hardness is, with few exceptions, complete shit.

this many of you surely know by now. but let me tell the story of how i stopped trusting dealers, and let go of cannabis by trauma.
i am a curious fellow. i always checked everything that was sold to me, smelled it, touched it, and everything that i could remember of. the last batch that i got, was wrapped in plastic. later on, i re-checked the hashish by white light and saw that it had small, almost invisible purple lines. "what is this", i thought. i smelled it. it smelled like toxic, plastic, heavy-duty knock-off crap. i was mentally addicted to it. on my "light" days, i smoked 7 joints. on "normal" days, i smoked 10 joints a day. on "heavy" days, i easily reached 14 joints a day. my record is 21 joints in a 12h. talk about abuse. i did this for almost three years, non-stop. i graduated from university with the best average ever, i was the employee of the year in the first job i got, i saved 6 peoples' lifes in a car accident that never happened, all of this in the quantities that i spoke of. so, good cannabis, good hashish does no harm to one's capabilities.
back again to the purple stuff, i lost myself. what was it, i wondered ? i smoked about 8 grams of it in a week. then, i got a depression that almost ended my life. a general system failure. a complete crash, after i stopped completely (but not abruptely) three days after my last joint.
so, what was it ?
i tell you, and that is my point: when smugglers bring those small bits of good-grade hashish, they swallow them, and they do not throw up. they shit them.
how do they clean them so it doesn't stink of shit ?
with diesel fuel.
i will not be able to smoke cannabis again, simply because of this. i cannot trust it's origin. i was lucky just to get a depression. nevermore, for me.

so...keep your eyes open!
sounds terrible. greedy people ruin everything. i guess thats the problem with hash as opposed to weed.. it is harder to visually tell what you're getting unless you really know what to look for

i've heard that some people boil their hash in water to clean it before smoking it..
not a bad idea.. i guess that wouldn't be hot enough to vaporize the thc

i guess i'm pretty fortunate to have access to good local homegrown...
Carebear a dit:
Cannabis also expands bloodvessels i read somewhere, so theres better bloodflow through every part of you body, making everything more sensitive\more alive.
I've been researching about this matter quite much, because it's very important for me. I only found information that it expands bloodvessels in the eye (hence the red eyes).

the doctor who treated me told me not to take any substances which contract bloodvessels, so, no speed, mdma, nicotine etc. for me. this is because my bloodvessels to the spinal nerves are rather damaged, so, if less blood can go there, the nerves will be damaged. he mentioned cannabis and magic mushrooms too. I'm pretty certain that mushies and lsd don't contract vessels, I'm just not sure about cannabis. but maybe he's just an americanized doctor (he's a german guy who went to boston)...
alcohol is ok, of course.

the days after having used cannabis, I often have the feeling as if my limbs would become numb very fast, if I put my foot on the other for example. this is one of the main point which makes me sceptical.

another thing is, if I get stoned alone, I start shivering heavily. anybody else know this? why is that?
the days after having used cannabis, I often have the feeling as if my limbs would become numb very fast, if I put my foot on the other for example. this is one of the main point which makes me sceptical.

exactly my point :wink: I am also not sure.

Daytripper: very sad story :cry: I really feel sorry for you. I wish you all the best.
i've never felt numbness of limbs. but i do feel my a general change in my overall sensory perception though. the way my body feels is very reminiscent of when i'm tripping. (with similar sensory effects and sensory crossover, but milder)
misery a dit:
the days after having used cannabis, I often have the feeling as if my limbs would become numb very fast, if I put my foot on the other for example. this is one of the main point which makes me sceptical.

another thing is, if I get stoned alone, I start shivering heavily. anybody else know this? why is that?

After use it might be the blood vessels reducing again, that may cause "numbyness" :+ I havent really experienced this up till now.

The shivering could just come from sitting still. you would normally get cold if you sit still for a lng time, but high your body is much more sensitive to temperature,and other influences that could cause shivering.
I think it's not a contradiction...I also feel a much increased sensory awareness. I feel the energy flow in my body and I can control it. When in bed I feel every element of my blanket etc. But I also feel the numbness when crossing them. Would be nice to also hear also other votes about that...