Don't drink any alcohol with them or shortly after your trip.
Besides it pretty much completely ruining the new teachings and enlightenment that you may have found on your yourney it gives you a nasty headache that can't be good.
Shrooms are a very potent psychedelic and the experience can and should be very intense.
You may want to prepare a trip seriously and take several days to get the most psychological growth out of your experience.
It's not that much of an issue though and I've seen a lot of people using them in reckless as hell circumstances doing perfectly fine going to party after having tripped during the day, going to work next morning etc.
But that will never be the way I go about.
Shrooms are not like a few beers to me.
I guess the worst things that can happen when consuming shrooms would be either:
- having it trigger a latent psychologic disorder, wich would have come out on a later age anyway.
You could even see this as a positive thing as it it can actually be viewed as a speeding up of developement.
This can happen by a lot of psychedelics by the way, though it's very rare.
Example: I have a friend who had tripped on shrooms before and who smoked weed on a regular basis.
He had done mdma a few times as well.
Then one day when taking (pure, tested) mdma a switch was just turned inside his head.
He had a psychotic episode and was taken to a mental institute for treatment.
I visited him a few times back then, he'd talk about really weird stuff he was totally paranoid and convinced that aliens had taken over and that very weird things were happening, he talked a lot more of this kind of stuff.
He would never be able to take care of himself in society in that state.
After a few weeks of medication and treatment he had fully recovered, was off medication and up until now he never had a psychotic episode again.
NOTE: this did'nt happen to him by use of shrooms!!
He later told me that his mom was schizophrenic and had more frequently experienced psychotic episodes.
I asked him why then he experimented with psychedelics.
He then totally denied all risk saying there was no way this could ever happen to him again.
After this he has used only salvia, cannabis (a lot) and shrooms to my knowing, wich I think is incredibly stupid.
But he has never had a psychotic episode again up until now.
Scary story eh
Drugs are dangerous!!
- Having a bad trip
This basically just sucks ass but can totally be prevented by taking shrooms under the right circumstances, wich is in a controlled environment in wich you feel comfortable, in a comfortable state of mind (not when you are dealing with problems), alone or with people that you feel comfortable with.
I had one myself once, it sucked ass
but it just went away after a while, and everything became great again.
A few friends of mine have had some bad trips, some of wich were in my company.
Lucky for them I was around so I could put them at ease and assure them everything was going to be allright and tell them wichever I felt they needed to hear.
The best advice I can give you when you have a bad trip (wich is quite rare, especially when not being attacked by wild animals totally unprovoked wich I experienced once, without bad trip by the way it was cool) is to realize a trip is temporary, it's scientifically impossible to last!
Also try to quiet your mind and let the tripflow cary you, don't try to fight it.
You'll be doing just fine again in no-time.
Some people never have bad trips and mostly when a bad trip occurs it is due to violent circumstances and you can make it go away by applying the above technique.
Worst case scenario is you'll feel bad and paranoid until the psilo has worn out wich in the worst case will be a few hours.
Imo this is quite impossible but I know two people who have had to go through this once.
Imo these people totally had big issues they needed to work out though and should not have been using shrooms though
- HPPD Hallucinogen persisting perception disorder ... n_disorder
I have it! Dunno what caused it, shrooms might have.
I've had em.. eight times now I think.
It is extremely rare and it is something that you must be sensitive for.
I've never heard anyone else who had it.
Most of the time it's not or hardy noticable, I guess I've gotten used to it. Sometimes it's a little irritating. Sometimes it kicks ass sober spacing! does'nt get boring 8) It does'nt impair any fuctioning.
It does'nt throw you off balance or impair vision.
Stuff just moves around a bit and spaces and stuff.. it's hard to describe!
But generally I think it kicks ass 8)
Another scare story of an extremely rare phenomena but since I have it myself I just had to mention it
That is it! I don't think a lot of very experienced and knowledgable people would ever mention these kind of farfetched dangers behind psilo, but hey I like to show off and try to sound interesting and smart and experienced and stuff