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What Are The Advantages & Disadvantages Of Cannabis?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion omaroakeser
  • Date de début Date de début


I know that it makes you more alert but I need some more advantages. The disadvantages really, Isn't a problem, since it's... everywhere. (making a debait).

Cleanse FX

The disadvantages associated with cannabis arise only for the criminal establishment who have made it illegal.

The cannabis plant is the most important plant for human health on this planet. It plays an integral role in the evolution of our species.

Until it is re-introduced as an essential dietary requirement for all human beings....

We shall remain in the dark.
cannabis = enlightenment, understanding, knowledge, perception, sight, health, connection, ability & gifted information.

in life at first glance everything seems complicated but actually it is quite simple..... cannabis = evolution

Unfortunetly certain people prefer things to remain as they are. This is the fundamental reason why cannabis was made Illegal. The power establishment struggling to maintain a grasp on a naturally evolving species know exactly what cannabis is and what it is for. Their job is to ensure cannabis remains illegal for as long as possible so that they may interupt and perfect interfering with the genetics of the plants so that they do not do their job properly.
currently we have hardly any indigenous strains of cannabis being ingested by human beings. only very few places in the world have true cannabis with the true potential intact.

The cannabis plants destiny has always been to change the world for the better.
how would you go about smoking cannabis for spiritual development?
Jammin' Jose a dit:
how would you go about smoking cannabis for spiritual development?
Cannabis itself is relatively neutral in its effects, so smoking cannabis doesn't guarantee spiritual development. It's what you do aside from smoking cannabis that determines whether the smoking is helpful or detrimental to your personal growth.

Cannabis can be a source of inspiration for musicians, but unless a musician learns music theory and regularly practices his instrument, the music he produces will be crap.

Cannabis can be a great aphrodisiac, but unless you're in an honest relationship and have some awareness of tantra, you're going to be a lousy lover anyway.

Cannabis can be helpful for comedians, but unless a comedian reads widely, he's not going to be very funny.

The stereotypical giggling stoner is a person who simply smokes cannabis, but doesn't do anything meaningful in his life. He may become a great gamer or an expert Hula Hoop dancer, but not a person of spiritual accomplishment.

So, to answer your question ("how would you go about smoking cannabis for spiritual development?"), the smoking would have to be balanced out by sufficient reading, studying, meditating, physical exercise, gardening, work, breathing exercises and so on. If you live a rich life, cannabis can enrich it further.
Imo, the biggest disadvantage is that you are tired as fuck. Otherwise, it can lead you to some kind of schizophrenia but it hasn't been already proved.
disadvantages? Other than for some reason everyone looks at cannabis users as useless junkies :/, not many. Makes you spend tons of food too, but that's about it.
Nice thread. Gave me some insight on advantages

Does anyone have disadvantages (or common mistakes that people call disadvantages?)
Hi !
I smoke cannabis since I'm 16 years old. It depends on you , why you want to smoke it.. if it's to solve some of your problems ect ... forget about it.
But if it's to have fun ... then just role one ;)
The main disadvantage is that it can lower your awareness.

Example: Lets say you get stoned every day, suddenly late at night after you got really wasted and passed out, you find out that you need to take your son to the hospital. You are still so foggy from getting baked that you aren't able to think as efficiently as normal.
For people that have a pre disposal for depression, smoking marijuana with a high frequency might be not good, it just makes you think about the problems and all negative shits of your life instead of relaxing and have pleasure with this good drug..
You just keep thinking and reflecting deeper and deeper bout the problems when you get stoned...that happened to me, so I stopped to smoke with a good frequency (more than once per day) and now I just smoke like once per week.
Advantages- creativity, relaxes the individual, sex feels better, food tastes better, brings people closer

Disadvantages- foggy mind
I tend to want to dispute that anything of a clouded mind comes about from cannabis.

All the poisons of the environment shall continue to be there from pollution to odiferous bugs to microbial ooze -- these never go away and can only be worse in certain geographies, disproportionately.

Fresh poisons enter spontaneously: A neighbor places pesticidal traps or sprays pesticide or herbicide somewhere in the yard. A car wheels by (I no say it drives) oozing a recent petroleum spill on the engine. Dust carries portions of and old Uranium leak into the vicinity. Radon comes to life in the warm season. A cat throws up a silent hairball on the carpet.

A clouded mind is not aware that reality keeps cropping up all over the place, but the environment usually has a coal-producing power plant lavishing the community with real sulfuric acid gas nearby -- quite a source of unaware misery, as it may be, if severe.

Sometimes a community has what turns out to be toxic water -- Flint, Michigan just recently, for example.

Does cannabis have a clouding effect on the mind? I think this to be an area of study that needs more research.

Cannabis may often be contaminated if it is not produced from seed by known sources. Smugglers can use Uranium, plutonium, and any substance under the sun to smuggle cannabis. This explains a reason I do not think these plants should be a 'sole existing reason' for laying charges on anyone. Plants resembling cannabis can also be mixed in.
Good question omaroakeser

The disadvantage or advantage some times comes down to who you ask. Mostly governments bans it as they believe there is no advantage to it. 

Some people swear that it helps more with sex, reading, being smart, relaxing and pain.

While you have others that swear that there is no benefit to it except for getting high.

However, some research has shown some benefits medically. This article by Harvard Medical School points out that it can be used to deal with anxiety, pain, and epilepsy in some patients.

Now just because you can use it for pain doesn't mean that you can't be addicted to it just as people get addicted to opiates used for pain.

So I will say that the biggest disadvantage is becoming addicted to it.

Marijuana addiction is real. Even though some people do not believe it but it is real. Some research has shown that those who started smoking marijuana before 18 are 1 to 6 time like to have a marijuana addiction problem.

Whether you are using this drug to get high, manage pain and anxiety, etc just know that just like most things in life there will advantages and disadvantages.

I hope that this helped. Let me know if you have any more followup questions.
