- Inscrit
- 21/7/07
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- 5 922
yo.. so since it's been a while that i opened a topic i thought why not... :unibrow: :grin:
dunno whether there has been such a topic, but well even if... i think the topic is
always fresh lol... :retard:

well a relatively common understanding seems to be that the subconscious mind or so is like a tape recorder or maybe operating system and program at the same time.
maybe something like that... so that possibly means it can "sort of" record something and then play it. i don't like the term program in connection with the concept or idea of emotions very much, but well let's just say some people are so shallow in their own ways that at least in my opinion in some way they sort of reduce themselves to programs or allow themselves to be reduced. to be honest i would have to admit that i have had some shallow phases or so as well... i just don't like when others harass me for stupid shit all the time when it isn't funny anymore and they only use it as attempts to boost their own puny egos... sort of like energy vampires...
however i would also say that to a great extent this depends on the kind of perspective
you could take etc etc... right??? :Oo:
anyway i guess that shouldn't be the main point here... hmm well so i thought maybe some people think of dreams like programs or so. my theory is it could be because their own life has become more like a program than not a program and maybe in a bad way. and often the notion of programs regarding living beings is relatively obviously i guess felt to be rather negative i guess. i dunno lol... just some ideas...
hmm another idea could probably be the idea of limitation. i guess one of the most common perceptions and misconceptions seems to be that dreams can be unlimited and reality not or something like that. but maybe that's not the best way of looking at it.
a better way of looking at it could be to explore the rigidness/fluidity/etc etc of the (perceived?) limitation or boundary between the dream world and the real world.
once i could look thru my eyelids when i woke up.. that was amazing lol...
reminds me a bit of dreaming of waking up... i can't remember whether i had that tho...
of course i can only speak from my own experience, but i noticed that in a certain state of mind or consciousness the boundaries dissolve more and more and the idea or ideas like that and why there can seem to be a difference between the dreamer and the dream can become more and more clear. for example like the illusion of separation between you and the other or between you and the world and that we supposedly need an ego to survive etc...:-o:retard:

well i don't know it has been a lot of technical information... that's only because i thought a lot about it with the intellectual mind and understanding. however basically i consider dreams to possibly be something deeper not necessarily complicated or simple and beyond intellectual intelligence if that's the right way to say it, but more something like adventure... like how life can be an adventure in a natural way if i may put it like that. surely the idea or even concept of for example a mirror is very interesting in context with dreams. also supposedly there is collective and individual consciousness and they are on some level or in some way isolated and intertwined.
i guess the point is to see yourself and to really recognize yourself. so in that sense the dream plain and the mode or state of consciousness could be seen as periods of reflection on some level.
and possibly meditation could be seen conversely to real sleep as conscious dreaming vs unconscious dreaming and maybe in that sense a possibility for stages of purification
between body and mind. because the body-mind is a intricate balance by itself it can probably also be beneficial if the single parts so to say are balanced.
as far as i understand there is at least a subtle difference between a sleeping body and a sleeping mind, because with practice or so you can watch yourself falling asleep on the body level and a short while after that or so the mind falling asleep.
well it's possible to remain conscious and to watch yourself dreaming so to say, but it's also possible to first fall asleep and then while dreaming waking up in the dream so to say commonly referred to as "lucid dreaming".
if you ask me, but that's only my opinion a way to lucid dreaming could be to practice lucid waking or in other words to try to be aware all the time which is basically like practicing mindfulness and mind you to observe yourself like that doesn't necessarily mean that you have to think. in that context i would say it can also be fascinating to explore or ponder about the difference or supposed difference between thoughts and not-thoughts.
because thoughts and not-thoughts can both be experienced. maybe the concept or idea of illusion is interesting to look at in relation because basically probably a lot if not most of the "modern world people" or how you want to call them consider dreams to be illusion and reality to be real. funnily this could be a missunderstanding in some sorts, but also a quite deep and interesting philosophical discussion. maybe that could be a good opportunity to quote morpheus from "the matrix" lol... i think it was something like "if you can't even distinguish a dream from reality how could you distinguish reality from a dream??" :grin:8):yawinkle:
i have had it a lot that i experience my dreams like watching a movie and i guess this tells a lot, because i often felt being hypnotized by tv in a bad way. but i have had positive moments like that, too. but yeah the question is probably "how consciously or unconsciously do you dream?" hmm i guess i would suggest sometimes it can be good to sort of passively dream but sometimes also more actively.
it all depends etc etc .. right??? maybe another idea from the matrix could make more sense now, too... that the matrix is like a computer system and some rules can be bent and other rules can be broken... it's kind of funny, but maybe also sad that we can have a dream system so to say... think about it!! ... but hell lol...if you ask me even the boundaries of logic can be streched with enough imagination. :Oo::-o
everyone can dream. don't believe the lies and disgusting media propaganda from the power people or the money people or whatever you could call them!!!!! a lot of them have already sold their souls... and many of such people can also become like demons or vampires ... it's pitiful really..something like that .. i just hate so many of "the adults" and "the wannabe adults" ... in my experience tho to only hate them is very often more like buying into their stupid game than not buying into it. i would say hate is different from anger, but as i see it both have got to do with fear and suffering, but with a different quality or so... i think yoda got it quite right lol...
well and if you can detach from your emotions or just in general i think demons can be nice, too and can show you something about yourself if you are honest to yourself, but you should still be careful with demons. my interpretation is that a basic description could be that at least in some sense or so they are more like animals than human beings. think about it, because for example in the media or in politics human beings are often referred to as inferior or so... but the truth might just be the other way round that we are noble cosmic beings.
in that sense i would definately say that real animals can be much nobler than people who declare themselves as human beings... right??? well just think for yourself and please form your own opinion and perspective if you can ... lol ... down with retardism and fear-control!!!! :rock::rock::rock:
btw in my opinion at least it shouldn't be a political topic at all... more a philosopical one...:?: :-|:'(
one more thing just got the thought that i mention it again lol... so as dreaming is supposed to be connected a lot with the subconscious... and breathing is supposed to be at least for most people a more subconscious than conscious process it could be rather logical that the connection between the subconscious mind and the breathing "process" is disregarded a lot because a lot of people don't have a "natural body feeling" or so.
so i guess it's no wonder really that so many people "have" split personalities...
so it seems a lot depends on how good the subconscious program or OS is... or something like that... i guess it means how you have grown up etc etc... whether and what concept of experience you have... hmm maybe some food for thought... what you think?!?!?! maybe you want to share some experiences or thoughts???
and hmm lol one more speculative idea... my theory is that life is a dream or at least like a dream in some very deep sense or so... but maybe it's not always so much a wonder that it's a dream but how it's a dream.... :idea::weed:
i hope it's not too much text and not too confused or so....

dunno whether there has been such a topic, but well even if... i think the topic is
always fresh lol... :retard:

well a relatively common understanding seems to be that the subconscious mind or so is like a tape recorder or maybe operating system and program at the same time.
maybe something like that... so that possibly means it can "sort of" record something and then play it. i don't like the term program in connection with the concept or idea of emotions very much, but well let's just say some people are so shallow in their own ways that at least in my opinion in some way they sort of reduce themselves to programs or allow themselves to be reduced. to be honest i would have to admit that i have had some shallow phases or so as well... i just don't like when others harass me for stupid shit all the time when it isn't funny anymore and they only use it as attempts to boost their own puny egos... sort of like energy vampires...
however i would also say that to a great extent this depends on the kind of perspective
you could take etc etc... right??? :Oo:
anyway i guess that shouldn't be the main point here... hmm well so i thought maybe some people think of dreams like programs or so. my theory is it could be because their own life has become more like a program than not a program and maybe in a bad way. and often the notion of programs regarding living beings is relatively obviously i guess felt to be rather negative i guess. i dunno lol... just some ideas...
hmm another idea could probably be the idea of limitation. i guess one of the most common perceptions and misconceptions seems to be that dreams can be unlimited and reality not or something like that. but maybe that's not the best way of looking at it.
a better way of looking at it could be to explore the rigidness/fluidity/etc etc of the (perceived?) limitation or boundary between the dream world and the real world.
once i could look thru my eyelids when i woke up.. that was amazing lol...
reminds me a bit of dreaming of waking up... i can't remember whether i had that tho...
of course i can only speak from my own experience, but i noticed that in a certain state of mind or consciousness the boundaries dissolve more and more and the idea or ideas like that and why there can seem to be a difference between the dreamer and the dream can become more and more clear. for example like the illusion of separation between you and the other or between you and the world and that we supposedly need an ego to survive etc...:-o:retard:

well i don't know it has been a lot of technical information... that's only because i thought a lot about it with the intellectual mind and understanding. however basically i consider dreams to possibly be something deeper not necessarily complicated or simple and beyond intellectual intelligence if that's the right way to say it, but more something like adventure... like how life can be an adventure in a natural way if i may put it like that. surely the idea or even concept of for example a mirror is very interesting in context with dreams. also supposedly there is collective and individual consciousness and they are on some level or in some way isolated and intertwined.
i guess the point is to see yourself and to really recognize yourself. so in that sense the dream plain and the mode or state of consciousness could be seen as periods of reflection on some level.
and possibly meditation could be seen conversely to real sleep as conscious dreaming vs unconscious dreaming and maybe in that sense a possibility for stages of purification
between body and mind. because the body-mind is a intricate balance by itself it can probably also be beneficial if the single parts so to say are balanced.
as far as i understand there is at least a subtle difference between a sleeping body and a sleeping mind, because with practice or so you can watch yourself falling asleep on the body level and a short while after that or so the mind falling asleep.
well it's possible to remain conscious and to watch yourself dreaming so to say, but it's also possible to first fall asleep and then while dreaming waking up in the dream so to say commonly referred to as "lucid dreaming".
if you ask me, but that's only my opinion a way to lucid dreaming could be to practice lucid waking or in other words to try to be aware all the time which is basically like practicing mindfulness and mind you to observe yourself like that doesn't necessarily mean that you have to think. in that context i would say it can also be fascinating to explore or ponder about the difference or supposed difference between thoughts and not-thoughts.
because thoughts and not-thoughts can both be experienced. maybe the concept or idea of illusion is interesting to look at in relation because basically probably a lot if not most of the "modern world people" or how you want to call them consider dreams to be illusion and reality to be real. funnily this could be a missunderstanding in some sorts, but also a quite deep and interesting philosophical discussion. maybe that could be a good opportunity to quote morpheus from "the matrix" lol... i think it was something like "if you can't even distinguish a dream from reality how could you distinguish reality from a dream??" :grin:8):yawinkle:
i have had it a lot that i experience my dreams like watching a movie and i guess this tells a lot, because i often felt being hypnotized by tv in a bad way. but i have had positive moments like that, too. but yeah the question is probably "how consciously or unconsciously do you dream?" hmm i guess i would suggest sometimes it can be good to sort of passively dream but sometimes also more actively.
it all depends etc etc .. right??? maybe another idea from the matrix could make more sense now, too... that the matrix is like a computer system and some rules can be bent and other rules can be broken... it's kind of funny, but maybe also sad that we can have a dream system so to say... think about it!! ... but hell lol...if you ask me even the boundaries of logic can be streched with enough imagination. :Oo::-o
everyone can dream. don't believe the lies and disgusting media propaganda from the power people or the money people or whatever you could call them!!!!! a lot of them have already sold their souls... and many of such people can also become like demons or vampires ... it's pitiful really..something like that .. i just hate so many of "the adults" and "the wannabe adults" ... in my experience tho to only hate them is very often more like buying into their stupid game than not buying into it. i would say hate is different from anger, but as i see it both have got to do with fear and suffering, but with a different quality or so... i think yoda got it quite right lol...

well and if you can detach from your emotions or just in general i think demons can be nice, too and can show you something about yourself if you are honest to yourself, but you should still be careful with demons. my interpretation is that a basic description could be that at least in some sense or so they are more like animals than human beings. think about it, because for example in the media or in politics human beings are often referred to as inferior or so... but the truth might just be the other way round that we are noble cosmic beings.
in that sense i would definately say that real animals can be much nobler than people who declare themselves as human beings... right??? well just think for yourself and please form your own opinion and perspective if you can ... lol ... down with retardism and fear-control!!!! :rock::rock::rock:
btw in my opinion at least it shouldn't be a political topic at all... more a philosopical one...:?: :-|:'(
one more thing just got the thought that i mention it again lol... so as dreaming is supposed to be connected a lot with the subconscious... and breathing is supposed to be at least for most people a more subconscious than conscious process it could be rather logical that the connection between the subconscious mind and the breathing "process" is disregarded a lot because a lot of people don't have a "natural body feeling" or so.
so i guess it's no wonder really that so many people "have" split personalities...
so it seems a lot depends on how good the subconscious program or OS is... or something like that... i guess it means how you have grown up etc etc... whether and what concept of experience you have... hmm maybe some food for thought... what you think?!?!?! maybe you want to share some experiences or thoughts???

and hmm lol one more speculative idea... my theory is that life is a dream or at least like a dream in some very deep sense or so... but maybe it's not always so much a wonder that it's a dream but how it's a dream.... :idea::weed:

i hope it's not too much text and not too confused or so....
