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Weird dealers?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Synith
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Alright, we've all encountered some pretty weird dealers, I'm sure.

What are some of the weirdest ones you've bought from like?
this bikey dude whos told us about when he killed people and stuff like that
just this morning he came around 2 my mates place and hes got stitches and a big cast on his arm, some one busted into his place and machette'd him
he then proceeded to tell us that hes 'in a hole'
the other dealers i know are either in a gang or quite normal
Thank God I don't have to put up with shit like that. Most people selling here are respectable citizens.
same guy mentioned above told us a story about when some fiend owed him a few grand and hadn't paid up in a long time
so they gave him some rock mixed with the shit from inside a florescent lightbulb
aparently he shot up heeaaps of it and got fucked right up
heard similar stories about powdered glass being put in rock
if u smoke if i dont think it'll do anything to you but if you bang it the shards cut up your blood system
People who do that should be shot dead .

No one fixes broken glass , it wont go through the filter or the needle .
i know of a couple people that dont use anything to filter, i find it retarded
and i agree people who do ANYTHING to drugs other than make them, sell them or take them should be punished
"heard similar stories about powdered glass being put in rock"

Thank God I have reliable sources. Just makes ya realize though you never know what you're getting sometimes.
"heard similar stories about powdered glass being put in rock"

Yeah, I heard about something similar in my area. This is why I always take a look at the bud before saying 'Okay, take the cash.'

Even if it was low-grade stuff, I wanna make sure that I'm not about to inhale glass chemicals, or worse.

You really gatta be careful these days when buying bud from someone who haven't known your whole life. You never know what's laced with other stuff, like glass.
i've dealt with some super shady and freakishly paranoid people..mainly the coke dealers tho, others were just like you or me
'i've dealt with some super shady and freakishly paranoid people..mainly the coke dealers tho, others were just like you or me'

Yeah, same here, man. I had one guy who also delt shrooms. Overall he was pretty funny and normal, but he said he'd just killed someone the day before for not paying him his dues. I was like-- okay I have 20, and you can see it's 20 and please don't hurt me!

Haha. I'm thankful most of my contacts are normal, or are just friendly around me. I'd hate to have someone who just totally freaks me out.
Just a big fat man full of hair and tattoos. Strange pearcing and few scars. nothing exceptional
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Synith a dit:
"heard similar stories about powdered glass being put in rock"

Yeah, I heard about something similar in my area. This is why I always take a look at the bud before saying 'Okay, take the cash.'

Even if it was low-grade stuff, I wanna make sure that I'm not about to inhale glass chemicals, or worse.

You really gatta be careful these days when buying bud from someone who haven't known your whole life. You never know what's laced with other stuff, like glass.

I thought the dude was talking about lacing ice with powdered glass. I've never heard of anyone lacing mj with glass! Ice is the worst drug in the world and should be avoided at all costs - IT WILL RUIN YOUR LIFE
Ohh i have known some shady dealers in my time but the weirdest was this guy called Dave,

One day this guy i knew asked me to get some ketamine for his m8, so i agreed and met him near to my dealers flat, so he gave me the cash to get it, i returned and sorted him out,

Next thing i knew he pulled out this huge bag white powder (wasa little confused?) he then gave me a fat rock ''and said, there you go that should sort you out'' i think i cried inside as i knew it was speed after seeing him much his face off when i spoke to him (but i kept it cool and said ''yerr nice one m8''

We kept doing these little transactions, but whenever i met him he talked the biggest bullshit ever stuff on how he has delt in kilos of ketamine in india and how he knows people on isle of wright who make meth and coke ect (bullshit basically)

i always seen him as the wirdest dealer thruogh as he would be constanrtly sweating and looknig very delerious, someone you would;nt really want ot walk down the street to much with lol
one of my dealers was addicted to Ritalin, and one night hed been up a couple days and heard something in the bush outside so he got dressed in all black even a black cloth around his face and Grabbed his genuine samurai sword and was crawling hiding in the bushes till the sun came up. lol
wouldnt wanna sneak up on him
wouldnt wana make a noise within 100 metres of his house let alone sneak up on him haha

theres this guy, always knew of his hardcore paranoia (though he had good reason for it, nuff said) one day i hear he was getting a lift from someone but before he would get in the car he had to rip off the console inside and check for police bugs, same guy when he walks into a place takes everyones mobiles and puts them under a pillow in a bedroom
This post has been edited by me, Jamapricotica, for the simple reason that I am attempting to cleanup and/or improve my presence on this forum.

Sorry for any inconveniences this may cause.
first as in before ALL ELSE

this same guy smokes bulk meth but cant handle a couple of cones
me n a mate got him blazed as all heck one day and at one point he pulled the cone into the bong and left the smoke to settle
my mate called him out on it and hes like "nah im ghostin it man"
like....is that even something people do?
we didnt question him further coz hes too scary hahah