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Weird Acid trip and religion pusher

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Razor29
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The closest I came to that was the last time I tripped, when this biker/redneck/tatoo artist that was a FOAF just happened to be where we were, and he started talking a bunch of pro-Bush jabber.....for once, I was at a loss for words, if you can imagine.

I can imagine, i would freak out :twisted:
spice a dit:
First....razor, you are correct, evangelizing is a form of assault.

Every attempt to convince, or a try to spread unwanted information, to him who has open doors within his mind, no matter with what subject, is an assault. If the tripping soul prefers to go through his own journey, his facial expressions are usually a suffienct sign that he wants segregation. If not recognised, he can tell that it's not a matter of not being interested, but a matter of self exploration rather than being influenced through external energy.

The other person should accept this. I even dare to say that if you want to become completely naked with no uncomfortable obstructions, you shouldn't even be confronted with human projections on that day after you woke up. Not even through the TV.

Anyway, I respect you for going through this Razor. Your friend probably didn't do it on purpose, but he has been under external influence of religious sensations earlier. Having to deal with religious people who're trying to bind or bend you, while a part of your filters have been dissoluted, is an experience where you can take lessons from.

Of course, these lessons can be taken out the normal life as well. But with a thin wall around your soul, you're in a more sophisticated way aware of how religion tries to overwrite other individuals and you also directly see to which horror such happening can lead in the future. Humanity hates it.

And you learn how to overcome unwanted incoming projections without others letting it to notice.
I also like to trip alone. Even when I'm around people, when I get into real euphoria, it kind of automatically separates me from the outside world. Maybe I even talk to people, but I don't really hear their answers. So mostly it's better to trip alone in the first place - because you more often have unpleasant experiences with co-trippers than pleasant ones. At least that's my view. Maybe that's because I'm an only-child. I don't know...

I really don't understand how intelligent people manage to force their minds into the barriers of dogmatic religious beliefs. Even as a child, before I knew that Santa Claus didn't exist, I started asking questions about how Santa could manage to deliver presents to children all over the world in one night. After finding out Santa was a fairy tale, I was really relieved, because my logic system was stable again. I was like 6 years old then...
With Santa and the Easter Bunny being exposed as lies, the thought arose that the whole "God" thing I was tought was being a little weird as well. It took me years of experience and learning that I finally accepted, yes, all dogmatic religion is fairy tales for grown ups. I am still a lot more spiritual than most believers, but that spirituality is open feeling. I do not try to force it into some stupid religion that has to be false from the minute I make it up...
Hmm.. Sometimes I get like that on any drug, I have to sort of start in to it. The opposite of course, I try to tell people reality and what they should know, but it usually just makes them mad at me haha. I start talking about psychology, and chemistry, and how god and the bible are so old and unnecessary now...

That would have been really funny to watch a man preach on acid about god, especially a rabbi.

Alot of my friends really like tripping with me but I don't like tripping with the ones that like tripping with me!! Either they are extreme downers (put on music that just puts me off like slipknot or mudvayne) I mean really, listening to slipknot on shrooms? The fuck?

The kids I like tripping with don't do drugs... sigh. So I guess I tend not to do drugs :lol:
tryptonaut a dit:
I also like to trip alone. Even when I'm around people, when I get into real euphoria, it kind of automatically separates me from the outside world. Maybe I even talk to people, but I don't really hear their answers. So mostly it's better to trip alone in the first place - because you more often have unpleasant experiences with co-trippers than pleasant ones. At least that's my view. Maybe that's because I'm an only-child. I don't know...

I really don't understand how intelligent people manage to force their minds into the barriers of dogmatic religious beliefs. Even as a child, before I knew that Santa Claus didn't exist, I started asking questions about how Santa could manage to deliver presents to children all over the world in one night. After finding out Santa was a fairy tale, I was really relieved, because my logic system was stable again. I was like 6 years old then...
With Santa and the Easter Bunny being exposed as lies, the thought arose that the whole "God" thing I was tought was being a little weird as well. It took me years of experience and learning that I finally accepted, yes, all dogmatic religion is fairy tales for grown ups. I am still a lot more spiritual than most believers, but that spirituality is open feeling. I do not try to force it into some stupid religion that has to be false from the minute I make it up...
Isn't spirituality more like being open to things you might not have a good rational explanation for? That's at least what I feel, even though sounds like "miracles exist man!!!".
my trip buddy Steve and i were visiting my ex in Edinburgh when a bunch of her punk friends arrived and started breaking things, falling about and generally being a bunch of c*nts. that was "ok" untill one of them, the size and intelligence of an ox, took a dislike to Steve and spent 1/2 hour trying to start a fight. Steve and i retired to the (huge) kitchen and started practicing kung fu. that shut them up, and they were "our best friends" after that
I don't understand the mentallity of getting in fights. Why?

To me violence = ignorance = instant dislike of a person.
Thats just me. One of my psychadelic friends (kind of brain dead :? ) always gets into fights, always. Drunk, high, or on lsd, he'll pick a fight.

He's taken so much acid now though, his brain seems old, he seems aged almost buthe's only 19... I don't know. He wants to do E with me too now....