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Weird Acid trip and religion pusher

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Razor29
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Elfe Mécanique
So i met up with a friend a havent seen in years since we were both 18ish

during this time i have managed to become an religion hater and on the other side of the coin he became super religious and he is now learning in a yeshiva in Jerusalem on becoming a rabbi

so i told him lets do something funny you come to my place we wont catch up or anything we will take a hit of acid and go Crazy and have fun and catch up through that somehow(it was his first time)

anyway i didn't want us to get into religion but it couldn't be helped

he started the first 2 hours great laughing his ass off and having a great time

hour 3 got messy and trippy, i was trying to figure out if hes having fun if hes tripping and if he has nice visuals and the only answer i got was that because he has certain feeling about god his trip is different and unexplainable

i got a little annoying beggaring him, and trying to get him explain anyway

so it became a marathon of him trying to convert me on acid!!!!!

it was the trippiest thing ever

its not fair to try and convert someone when their tripping hard
That would be an interesting experience. How did you deal with it?
you have to understand i was so high i kept going along with it

i let him go on and explain

he talk about things that seems profound but he wouldent explain them

he kept suggesting that because he believes so much, all his visuals and body high are connceted to his feelings twards god

he kept asking why time is now! and that drove me nuts!
like why are all people on a certain rail of time going forward together twards something
acid just reinforced his beliefs, which is pretty common. Too bad you had to be near that for 10 hours. Anyway, if his personal religion passes the acid-test, it might actually be beneficial for him. He shouldn't have tried to convert you, though, that's just awkward. (Did you try to stop him?)
i didint want to try and stop him because i thought i would seem mean and hateful

so i let him go on

it was like a rape because i was tripping

he managed to semi convince me all the time

just because as religious person his believes are 100% no doubt nothing!

so he was passionate and driven like he was trying to save me and it felt nice... at least the thought behind it was

i as a person that evolves his believe system all the time and i am never certain of anything, so that caused his speech to semi convince me

but in the end i don't believe and that was clear
really so does my best friend

i can never understand that

granted some people arent good trip buddies but if you have someone that can groove the same way you do it just makes everything twice as good
druglessdouglas a dit:
you should try to convert your friend to a sensible and logical belief system
have you let The Flying Spaghetti Monster into your life?

Hahahahha you're a champion
i could say something to shatter his believe system but i wouldn't do that to someone especially not during an acid trip

i have seen people snap the moment they realize what BS they thought was true
It's already a long time ago, that i have tripped with somebody else. I really prefer solo-trips. I really don't feel comfortable when i am tripping with others. I can't have conversations, even on a low dose of mushrooms.
^Maybe a solo trip is the easy way out for you. I guess tripping with others (at least a bit like minded) can really be a learning experience for you.
Forkbender a dit:
^Maybe a solo trip is the easy way out for you. I guess tripping with others (at least a bit like minded) can really be a learning experience for you.

I have thought about that, and i think your completely right about that. Maybe soon, i am gonna try to trip with a good friend of me.
Good stuff. I'd be interested to hear about your experience.
many moons ago i always tripped with others but now i prefer to trip on my own and preferably outside in nature.
my last trip however was with my friend (the guy in the "post your picture" thread) but weve been tripping together for 20 years and hes the most amusing person ive ever met. ive always enjoyed tripping with him.

outside at night on my own is my preference though, deer barking, foxes screeching and owls hooting, maybe by a fire. no distractions. no social pressures. no police. its the only time i feel truely free and absolutely human.

i understand God when im tripping balls in the woods or on a hill. as Jesu said "split a log and you will find me, turn a stone and I am there"
outside at night on my own is my preference though, deer barking, foxes screeching and owls hooting, maybe by a fire. no distractions. no social pressures. no police. its the only time i feel truely free and absolutely human.

I wish we had enough nature in Holland for such trips.. Else i definably would have done it ;)
i have taken super large doses with my friend we have such a similer groove and thought pattern that even when we dont talk we know what the other is saying

so even in our most incommunicable point we still enjoy each others company during the trip

and since i am one mind and i bring to the table my own thought it keeps me limited during a trip to my self and my world no matter how far i go

but during strong trips with other people that fit me right i feel like i fee l my trip my thought and theirs too

so it makes everything twice as good then when i am alone
I myself have experienced something like your friend has I think, But I was talking Creation, The Beginning, The misconseption, Mans Greed, The Lies, The End, Jesus, God.

God as an infinite power (The spark of electric to kick start life), the earth a giant ball of organic matter just screaming for intervention. I completely 100% denied ressurection and also read parts from the bible (Revelation) talking of global warming and economic collapse ;) :lol:

I must admit it must not of been comfortable for those in my presence but they came to my house and I was pushing nothing on them, I was merely thinking out loud 90% of the time. I did however become obsessed after for a while about what I had theorized, I used to have JW's comming to the door for hour long chats, I still entertain mormans and have a great story to tell the next lot about how its very possible Joseph Smith the prophet was possibly consuming psilocibin :D (For any one interested - http://www.mormonelixirs.org/ )

But in my trips I make my own connections, Interpret religion as an individual and make as many clear connections as possible finding as much info to research what I thought about on my trips :)

The way some people interpret religion scares me sometimes, But I have a strong mind and will not be brainwashed. I have my own connection to God 8)
First....razor, you are correct, evangelizing is a form of assault.

Your friend assaulted you while you were tripping.

druglessdougless- Excellent....I bookmarked the Church of the FSM.....

It is important when doing psychedelics that you be sure to NOT have people like that around you, unless you just enjoy conflict as a matter of form in your daily life.

The closest I came to that was the last time I tripped, when this biker/redneck/tatoo artist that was a FOAF just happened to be where we were, and he started talking a bunch of pro-Bush jabber.....for once, I was at a loss for words, if you can imagine.

( I don't hang out with the guy that knew this guy anymore.....one time we were all at my house doing a lot of mdma, and his little group started trying to play gangster rap music.......THEY ARE CLUELESS and a waste of good psychedelic time. set and setting are the main determinants of your experience and enjoyment. Ruthlessly screen the people that will be part of your set and setting.....if these are the only types available, then going it alone is far preferable).

Doing strong hallucinogens alone is for learning about yourself......it is 'advanced' psychedelics.