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Weed in the mail???

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Anyone know if it would be a good idea to get maybe like a bowl of bud in the mail??
If it was broke up pretty well, flattened out in a bag the same size as the envelope, and covered with perfume so my friend could disguise it as a love letter or something?
Dogs can smell weed through anything.
What about pepperspray and one of those smelly proof bags?
Do they even for sure sniff for drugs in the mail always?
I don't think dogs are used at the post office to sniff the mail :wink:, but it's still risky as you don't have any control over it.
Dogs are used to sniff suspicious post .

There are people who send grass in smell proof bags sucessfuly through the post and get away with it , but i wouldnt take the risk .
I think it depends on where you live, I used to work in a post office and I have never seen a dog sniffing through the mail.
I guess it mostly happens with international mail. But I wouldn't risk it.

Smell Proof bags are just Human Smell Proof. Dogs can smell cannabis through three layers of hardened steel if it has been in there for a few days. They can smell it if it is covered with perfume.
Depends where its going?

Internal or National should be ok with plenty of wrapping and disguising. Spraying with perfume or putting pot puri in jiffy bags is just asking for some one to open it.

International... Its up to you but its alot more risky.

Id suggest plenty of cling film round the bud, washing your hands and repeating. Put in the smell proof bag, Then in a small box sealed with plenty of tape, sealing all edges so no gaps are visible. Id do this a few times, if I was gonna do it.

Try make it look as least inconspicuos as possible.

Who ever said dogs can smell thru three layers of steel has been misinformed, I watched a documentary on a bloke that cut a womans head off in his bathroom, Hacked the rest up and wrapped her body parts in cling film. He then put the parts in his loft and cleaned his bathroom. When the police did forensics on his house, he had wrapped the body and cleaned the bathroom so well they couldnt find No Trace... The only reason they got him was cus he had wrote a poem about it that was under his sink and then he confessed to it, telling them where the bits were.
Im not saying your wrong but I doubt it can sniff thru a solid object, The smell must of been lingering round. Carried on the air or something?
What I remember from this DVD is that smell can go through anything given enough time. Every object has got small openings through which a smell can creep eventually. If you put weed in a few plastic bags you can smell it after a week or two, a dog after a few hours or a day. The way to go around this is to have a distractor present. On a car this is easy: put a cat in it for a few hours (keep the window open), the dog will concentrate on the smell of the cat and look for it without paying attention to the cannabis. In the mail this is different, as there is no way you can put another piece of mail close to the cannabis mail. Maybe you could send a cat by special delivery with cannabis hidden in the cage? I agree that hiding it under pepperspray, perfume or something else artificial is stupid, as it will just draw attention.
An old dealer of mine who I used to drive 2.5 hours to the city to pick up used to get a minimum of 5 pounds in the mail shipped to his friends house. The package was always sealed up real tight in 3 layers of material and vacuum sealed. He's been doing that for years and still does til this day. I've gotten a new contact since then.
never tried it but ive heard that carving out a hole in a jar of peanut butter and sticking the well wrapped weed inside and covering up with pb then the lid then the box works. especially if you make it look like a care package with some other food stuff and small gifts. Also a big candle carved out from the bottom and then resealed by melting the wax back over the hole once the goods are inside.

Just hearsay but interesting ideas i think.

what does everyone know about substances through the airport? seems pretty easy as ive never seen dogs at any airport. Just put it in your pants.... maybe taped to the inside of your undies, they will never grab your balls
...once i almost strapped a roll of joints around my dick to bypass airport security like a belt of dynamite...i wish i would've had the balls to do it because from what I observed last time I went it'd be easy as hell. I would've gotten away with it too.
The dogs are in a seperate section . You and / or your lugage have to be picked out before they use a dog allthough there are random checks to . Body checks are rare but i`ve had them and xrays .

Puting it in a hollow candle or a peanut butter jar is OK if they dont xray it . If they do they will see it straight away .
Well, firstly I'd love to get a bundle of weed in my mail. It's impossible though. The dogs will smell it and you'll get caught.

Better to make the deal in person.
some one i know got a 25er in a cd sent from a local artist that he didnt know
funny shit, i was wondering if they did that for all of them
hell i would have bought their cd lol
A friend of mine buys his weed from the internet . It gets posted to him in smell proof bags . He hasnt had any problems . I dont know the amounts he buys or from what country .
that'd be so convenient
weed delivered to your door :lol:
about he x-ray's, would something with a metallic wrapper stop that?