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Glandeuse Pinéale
ok, this may sound stupid but i have to learn some how, yes i smoke week occassionaly, andwhere i have got it from they just call it weed/maryjane whatever, but is there a difference between cannabis and weed? and hash? ive read a couple links provided in the forum but it didnt say much though.
Honestly all i know are high mids, low mids(street rags) or whatever, hydro, christmas tree, purple weed, weed with angel dust on it, that all i know for now, and this 62 yr old puertorican(excuse my spelling) i worked with down in florida who dropped out of of smuggleing drugs from there to miami, and some other places i forget, said also he came across some like brown weed or hash? from some eastern country or whichever.

but i would appreciate it if someone would update me on terms/differences
Weed and marijuana are from cannabis plants. It's the same thing. Hash is cannabis too but from the resin of the plant.

how old are you?
ya i read they were from the same plant, and someone said cannabis is a little stronger, or something, i guess if its extracted from another part of the plant :roll: .

how old am i?......y?
Cannabis is the whole plant , both the men and the women women . The leaves and buds are the grass . Usualy the men arent as strong as the women but a strong man from one strain can be stronger than a woman from another strain . The female buds are the strongest part , then the small leaves that grow out of / near to the buids are the second strongest part , then the smaller leaves not from the buds , then the bigger leaves . You can get big leaves from some plants that are stronger than the buds on others .

Hash is a sort of powder that the plants have on them , women usualy much more than the men . The hash is either sieved off after the plants / plant parts have been dryed or very , very gentley removed by just tenderly touching the plants . Makeing good sieved hash is hard and makeing hand made hash is EXTEMELY hard , most westerners cant do it as they rub the plants instead of strokeing them so they get a mixture oh hash , plant juice , dirt , skin cells and broken leaves . The hash from the buds is the best , then the bud leaf hash then the leaf hash .

The pollen from the flowers of the men doesnt do very much and usualy tastes like burnt cardboard .

The stems dont get smoked , nor the roots .

If you want to know more or dont understand me please ask .
im understanding, and i would like to know more, also terms for higher grades/lower grades of cannabi, b/c ive seen some weird nick names for them on this forum :P
In some areas, it can be referred to as:


Skunk, BC,
Heds, heddies,
Mids, middies
Shwag, Shake


Others not necessarily referring to quality:
Herb, grass, green, bud, nug
also there are different strains of the same plant with different strengths etc. although the way you grow it also affects the potency
now is it possible to trip so far on cannabis to to have lucid/visual experiences sortove like mushrooms? ive read it in some places that people have, so im wandeirng if it has to do with the way it is grown/prepared and probly best quality, b/c i havent experienced such strong lucid imagedry.
i've been smoking since i was 13 years old and i've never had anything visual nor has anyone i know, i've heard about this but i wont believe it until it happens to me, i dont think its possible really because from what i know of THC it doesnt affect brain chemistry in that way

and if there were affects like that it wouldnt come close to the intensity of lsd or shrooms or anything like that

if you're wanting that sort of thing go with a visual kind of psychadelic but if you want it with THC you're going to need to go really hard like eating strong brownies/cookies and smoking alot of strong hash
i think you'd fall asleep before it got that intense, especially since you seem sort of inexperienced
Cannabis = Plant Strain

Weed = Female Plant, Flower (Check a seed supplier to see the selection, Your different grades you get are down to the Strain, Grow Method, If its been flushed before harvest and how it was dried.)

Hash = Processed Female Flower/Trim, Dry sieve, Water Extraction or Hand Rolled from the plant with a suede glove. (Hash's are mainly found in the Middle East, Marroco and Asia. Also Amsterdam known as Nederhash - Its more like pressed Skunk scuff.)

Oil / Resins / Honey Oil / BHO = Processed Female plant (Buds and Trim), Butane gas / Solvent extraction (First done in London, I just read.).

Hope this explains a little better :)
"also there are different strains of the same plant with different strengths etc. although the way you grow it also affects the potency"

The potency comes from its genes . If plants are pure there shouldnt be much difference in the strength if one doesnt totaly cock up growing them . I read about an experiment in Switzerland where clones of the same plant were grown at 3 different hights above sea level . The higher they were grown the better they were .

"is it possible to trip so far on cannabis to to have lucid/visual experiences sortove like mushrooms?"

Not from smoking it but if one eats it yes . Then it can be hallucinogenic but one has to eat a lot of good quality hash or oil .

Suede gloves !!!!! Where did you get that from ?
GOD a dit:
"is it possible to trip so far on cannabis to to have lucid/visual experiences sortove like mushrooms?"

Not from smoking it but if one eats it yes . Then it can be hallucinogenic but one has to eat a lot of good quality hash or oil .

Generally true. I had mild visuals once from smoking a LOT. It could've been my imagination overlapping the world, but it was pretty intense. People were telling stories and I saw them unfold before my eyes, around the person telling them.

It never happened before or since, although it did happen frequently with oral intake.
I sometimes get mild CEVs from vaporizing, if the weed is good...And even if they are not hallucinogenic, weed can be very psychedelic when vaporizing.

The potency comes from its genes . If plants are pure there shouldnt be much difference in the strength if one doesnt totaly cock up growing them . I read about an experiment in Switzerland where clones of the same plant were grown at 3 different hights above sea level . The higher they were grown the better they were .
Isn't this a contradiction? :?
The effects that are being talked about are not on the same level as a mushroom trip .

No its not a contradiction . It comes from the different conditions that its grown in . The light is different , so are the temperatures .

Did i say fuck today ? If not ....fuck .
GOD a dit:
The effects that are being talked about are not on the same level as a mushroom trip .

completely true.
restin- It may seem a contradiction at first glance, but it pertains to the whole 'genetics-environment' situation.

The plant has a certain potential, which is built into its genes.Whether or not the plant ATTAINS its potential depends on the environment.

Plants grown at higher altitudess come closer to achieving their maximum potency potential.
OK, that makes perfectly sense.

PS: I am aware that the effects of shrooms and weed are from the strength not to be compared but I wanted to outline that (smoked) weed is a psychedelic as well. E.g. I remember FluidDruid (?) who posted an interesting report from smoked weed.
Oh, it's absolutely psychedelic, just not on the epic scale of the 'big guns';



Cannabis is the 'everyman psychedelic'; strong enough to cause you to re-conceptualize, but weak enough not to disrupt the ego, just weaken it slightly.

It's a 'daily psychedelic'.......and no matter how hard they try, or how much they complain, it's not going anywhere. It's here to stay.
ya, honestly i have not tried any harder drug, ive been tryin to work around my wife about getting salvia, which i have done some research on and should probly either give me a good expierience or totaly freak me out lmao, either way i hope soon i will experience it, she doesnt have anything agaisnt them, just afraid ile get addicted which i hope to prove her wrong. but the replys cleared up alot ive bee wanting to know.

so BIG THANKS to all! :D