well i can donate my coding skills.
i can pretty much hook you up with anything you need.
html, css, php, sql, ajax?
Customized open source, fully curstom software?
Give me a heads up, and tell me what you need.
Yeah and those expenses...if you REALLY have these,
just leave this host?
I can get you hosting for 160 DOLLAR per YEAR!
Moderators, are moderators becaue they WANT TO,
there is never money involved. You like to do it, or don't and leave.
There are always others who are willing to moderate.
So me thinks a re orginization would pretty much do tha trick.
A small low traffic site like this can NEVER cost that much.
You guys should get your shit together.
look at these:
They have medium to high traffic?
Thery NEED a dedicated server.
Their mod's, don't need money because they WANT todo what they do
because they like it!
You dont need a dedicated server for these few hits you get on psychonaut.
Sorry to say do, but there are no few 100 - 1000 hits a minute here

A dedi is a waste of precious money for this place.
At least for the time being. When more users get here, and traffic grows,
revenue will grow with it and then you could consider upgrading
to a dedi.