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We are unknowingly experiencing alien influences. yes or no?

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Personally, I don't believe that we are being influenced by aliens in the manner that most people would claim. While it might be the case that we are being observed by aliens, I doubt that they are going to allow us to see them, or even more amazingly, to strip one of their ships down and conduct research on it for years. Personally, I'd love for there to be alien life forms, waiting to engage with us, it would be so exciting. But I find it highly doubtful that there are any such beings.

For many people that I have spoken to on the topic, aliens seem to fill the same role in their belief system as god and satan. They are either the source of ultimate hope, or the ultimate evil, or perhaps engaged in an ongoing conflict, and thereby filling both roles. The first see them as working behind the scenes to make us a better species and perhaps even going to reveal themselves, in order to usher us into a new golden age of permanent happiness and prosperity. The second lot see the aliens as being our evil overlords, controlling the government, corperations and wielding the powers of some secret world government.

In both cases, like many religionists, it seems that the person is simply wanting to believe that there is a simple explaination for everything and that there can therefore be a simple fix that will inevitably lead us to utopia. In reality, the world is much more complex than this and there are no simple answers just waiting to be plucked from the low hanging branch of destiny.
(edited this post into a pm)

basically, pound for pound one of the most valuable posters to this forum. has was banned based on some personal drama with a few of the "top tier" members of this forum. i can't speculate whether or not this decision was professional, as much of it went on behind closed curtains.

Thank you this was all very useful. But anyway, onto the point of this original post. I do not believe that aliens are influencing us at all because it is almost physically impossible, mainly I think that we all know about the almost infinite habitable planets out there (if you really put the universe into perspective, theoretically there should be tons upon tons of habitable planets in the universe) And I think that if there is that many, that raises the question of why here? Why should the aliens even waste their time here? There is a book on this whole idea here it is called, "Inner paths to outer space" I personally have never read it, but if this is all an issue to you guys I would highly suggest it. And if you do or have, please use some of its arguments in here.. Anyways, I am also have read a book called "Still Life with woodpecker" it is very strange, and you will probably have to purchase it online, anyway it is about this extremely 'out there' red head, and he goes onto explain how 'red heads' were actually an inbred alien race here on earth, they dominated in intelligence and helped the Egyptians build the pyrimades, and so on... They were like an superior race and did better at everything than everyone. But anyways, the woodpecker book is just amazing if you like reading, probably the best book I have ever read.. So I HIGHLY Suggest it. Anyways, I am not very educated on this topic, you guys should persuade me from not believing it because I wanna study more about this whole problem lol...
perhaps not,, if aliens did have the tech to influence from 100's of light years away, it makes sense that they would do more than just subliminaly influence us and make us wonder if we are.
Haha, but that begs the question. Maybe we were all brain washed, and then the aliens tricked us into thinking that we were actually humans, when in fact we are aliens. And they do this just too find out who can figure out this question first.. And this is all some intergalactic game-show. It is a little far fetched.. But you never know.. Oh and also I saw a picture and it was an alien smoking a doobie, and above it, it said "I know why they are here" It was awesome!! Haha but I don't think this is a subject you guys should be too stressed over it just doesn't seem like it fits in the list of questions.. However, maybe I'm just stupid and I am over-looking the giant mystery of life.. Who knows? I just think that this matter should be over-looked. It is highly illogical.. But I'm gonna buy this one book this week, and I will read up on it all and share with you all :D
i love it when people use their own brains to think in a original way, especially when they try to be themselves and not others, while doing so...
Nanosage a dit:
Haha, but that begs the question. Maybe we were all brain washed, and then the aliens tricked us into thinking that we were actually humans, when in fact we are aliens.

most people ARE fucking brainwashed. people surrounded by media, technology and money see themselves as a separate entity ffrom the rest of the universe, above the rest of the universe. this is the problem our generations now and to come will be faced with, we will have to find some way to harmonize these feelings with nature. there will be balance, one way or another.

better make sure that one way is the one that still involves humans... you gotta play to win
most people ARE fucking brainwashed
Yup.. I don't even understand that.. Like my sister is too which I try to rid her from it.. But I just think that most people don't wanna put forth the effort, or even risk their health trying to think.. Its ridiculous, but I guess it is just life, eh?
i guess it is what it is. isn't it? :) you can either laugh or cry. :P
It almost comes down to, if you have the self confidence of a solipsist, that is the only way you will be happy... Honestly.. I would be more ashamed too believe in something like that, and feel egotistical.. But if you really believe something like that... More like a "I think, therefor, I am" kind of way.. You will be happier, and be amused all the time.. But WHO really thinks like that??
think about it. mind over matter. thoughts create reality on a very broad spectrum. to a certain extent you really define how and what you choose to experience. the world around you forms you, just like you form the world around you, in turn.
energy is relative to mass and light speed. so the speed and intensity of your thoughts let you create the reality you experience.
this is called general relativity. obviously on the very small and very big scale, reality is bound to more and different rates of fluctuations in terms of continuity and integrity. so what's there to say?
i guess it's about creating more and more "novelty" from the "outside" to increase the rate of change or the "amount of creations". regarding alien influences i mean... :shock: :lol:
Haha, nice dude! Somehow relating this conversation to aliens.. But yea I get what your saying totally.. You only are, what you make yourself out too be.. It can either be bad or good.. Either way you choose it.. You can make it change.. And I try to be happy all the time.. But sometimes it calls for being a little sympathetic, just so you don't look like a psychopath in front of others, which in turn if they are your parents for example. Would make their lives stressed out if they knew their son or daughter was completely ridden of sympathetic feelings..
ask yourself why you care or should care and how that affects the degree of freedom you have. don't forget others want to have freedom, too. i give you one advice: don't try to be happy too much. just be it or don't. what it feels like to me is that if you choose one over the other too intensely, it can sort of shift semi-permanently. so if you feel sadness just try really feeling it. i had and still have a lot of sadness trapped inside myself, waiting to be released. it's like it becomes a feeling of pain you can't consciously relate to and begins influencing your life negatively, know what i'm sayin'?
however an attitude of emotional sustainability, to the subconscious mind it can be a positive and a negative accelerator, regarding the reversed psychological position it may generate, not recognizing itself for what it truely is.

alright and so that you may understand the relation in the conversation to aliens better... the kind of technology of presumed aliens, of a civilisation maybe millions of years of evolution more advanced than we are, could have, would quite obviously seem more like magic to us than like any kind of technology we know...

and well by that they may come from millions of lightyears away, which equals either a long time ago or a long time into the future.... and.... very very far away. :P

i have been thinking that they could also be ghosts from the past or future, but i'm not yet sure about that... i dunno... lol :D

peace :weedman:
I understand. see and doing drugs honestly does make you over react too every feeling.. Not only sadness, or happiness.. Not as much anger.. I hardly feel that, unless something super frustrating happens.. But I am also more entertained by things that used to anger me...

But yes I guess I understand that too.. I don't know if this is your point of view or not, about what you are trying to say.. But I would guess it it.. If we are being talked to by aliens in our psychedelic experiences, it only makes sense because "How would we know?" I mean seriously.. We don't know the reasoning or anything behind anything.. If aliens are doing something this way, then they have a damned good reason I would presume.. and no-one has figured it out yet.. I mean, that is the question.. my guess off the top of my head, because it correlates with my second DxM trip, when two little aliens just came and studied me and then flew off.. I mean the only reason I would think of right now would be that they are trying to study our subconscious minds, and gather information about our race that way.. I mean maybe our brains release some weird wave.. And aliens learned how to intercept that wave, and drugs only act as an inhibitor for them to hack into our minds or something.. I honestly don't know.. but who does? I mean it is just a theory right? I mean that does kind of make sense.. I mean radio waves travel through the ionosphere, and broadcast better at night. Maybe drugs are the night. and space is the ionosphere.. You know? Its just an analogy, but it was the best I can come up with.. Waves can show better at certain moments, and thats my explanation behind this theory.. And maybe our brain waves that they can intercept are at such a strange and foreign frequency.. We don't even hold anywhere near the technology of finding them.. I mean with all the movies and stuff, aliens have mind control and shit.. and maybe if they got close enough, that also (theoretically) could be possible.. Lol I don't know.. I am just thinking hard tonight..

I'm not too sure about the ghost thing.. But maybe.. Ghosts drive everyone with fear.. Possibly the mind control factor that they are setting in ;) Haha but also maybe time isn't even a factor to them. If they are so magic, then why should it be? They can almost definitely travel through it.. We almost can, if we don't already.. So why can't they? You know?
well there is the "real world" and then there is the "also sort of real" spirit world. after some time studying that i came to the conclusion that i know that i don't know. before that i just didn't know. that's why i was more afraid than i am now. the thing is, the aliens or spirits probably know "our" brains better than we do ourselves. lol :lol:

but well also try to see it like this: if we were a genetic experiment run long time ago from what we would now call a "alien race", then wouldn't it make sense they'd be studying us now?? :idea:
Haha yea I guess that is the answer anyways.. I don't know. That is it.. Honestly.. It's fun to think about.. But in all honesty, you will never truly know until you die.. Well thats my idea... I mean common.. Does anyone really know?

But yea that is true also.. I mean if we make a fish civilization, which many people do.. We only naturally study them until they die out.. If you want to call it studying.. So maybe we are the fish, and they are the hand that feeds.. Lol there is another analogy.. So they will watch us until we die out.. Maybe.. I don't know..
don't give fear a chance, by not knowing. know that you don't know and be at peace! i think there is a difference between thinking and knowing. you can think and not know, but you can also think and know. so yeah... who knows...
well i suppose we're already dead anyway. apart from that if you constantly try to run away from death, it will hunt you down like a rabbit. until you overcame it. or it overcame you.
lol if you make yourself dependant on the idea that you will never know until you die, you have successfuly created fear of death in yourself. if you let it be nourished, it might even grow. and with that your limitation might grow too. not trying to be negative mate, just trying to tell it like i think to know it to be.
take it with a grain of salt. and don't worry, better be happy!

peace :weedman: