If it's indoor, I got to say that even my first grow was hydro, and it's really way easier in my opinion. Soil is kind of a bitch to grow in because you have to soak it over and over again to get the right nutrient/ppm/acidity level. It gets very annoying. With hydro, just drain the water and restart. Plus you have less chance of insects invading, and more control over the plant itself. A simple bubble bucket should cost you very little to construct, and if you use a plastic storage chest, you can grow 4-5 plants on in same 10-gallon jug. As for the CO2, I've experimented with both the CO2 canisters and the dry ice.
Iwillgetthere is right, don't put it in the roots, but instead put a bowl of warm water into your grow closet and add a few chips of dry ice periodically. I can't say that I noticed huge growth boosts, but I'm sure the little guys appreciated it.
Good luck, and happy growing.